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Computational design tool for graphic designers What we love is developing tools that help others with their work. This article is about the mixture of computation with graphic design and motion design. 436 studio, the creators of visual identity of Biela noc [Nuit Blanche] 2016 approached us with a request to create a computational design tool for them. Brief was simple – text, where characters are made of white dots in several layers, should disassemble over time. RPi.GPIO 0.4.1a A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels This package provides a class to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi. Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications. This is because you can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting.

Duration - OpenFrameworks Timeline for Creative Code / by @obviousjim Created by James George and co-developed by YCAMInterLab during the Guest Research Project v.2, Duration is an open source and completely free timeline application built using openFrameworks which integrates with Processing, Cinder, vvvv, Unity3d, Quartz, and any other OSC enabled environment. A Duration project, available as an example, is a collection of track data and interface configuration settings. It’s all saved to a folder with .xml files and a special .durationproj file containing the track names and settings. The @creativereview Annual 2011 cover by Minivegas (@lucminivegas) and @nexuslondon #c++ #mac #download For this year’s Creative Review Annual cover, together with Nexus Interactive Arts, Minivegas created a custom application to draw a letter ‘A’ using content from the CR’s website and Twitter feed over the past year. We decided to make an “A” from CR’s prolific online output. We felt that its form should be implied, discernable by its physical influence on elements from CR’s blog and twitter content. Some of our early efforts were a little abstract, but we settled for wrapping thousands of strips of tape in the loose shape of the “A”. The strips would contain words and pictures from the blog. Using recent blog activity doesn’t cut it for an annual, so with “a little wget magic”, we slurped every article and image from the last year.

Openframeworks Openframeworks is a c++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image input and output, quicktime for video playing and sequence grabbing. The code is written to be both cross platform (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone) and cross compiler.

PFLAG uses data to keep travelers safe » strategy PFLAG is using big data to power a campaign that helps LGBT-identified tourists stay informed and safe when choosing destinations to visit. Developed by FCB/Six, the Destination Pride project reimagines the Pride flag as a graph. Each colour is repurposed as a bar that represents different factors that contribute to how safe an LGBT-identified person could expect to be while visiting a particular area. Red represents marriage equality progress, orange tracks sexual activity laws and yellow legal protections for gender identity and expression. Green represents anti-discrimination laws while blue represents civil protections in areas like military service, blood donation, adoption and conversion therapy.

RPiconfig As the Raspberry Pi doesn't have a conventional BIOS, the various system configuration parameters that would normally be kept and set using the BIOS are now stored in a text file named "config.txt". The Raspberry Pi config.txt file is read by the GPU before the ARM core is initialized. This file is an optional file on the boot partition. It would normally be accessible as /boot/config.txt from Linux, but from Windows (or OS X) it would be seen as a file in the accessible part of the card. To edit the configuration file, see the instructions at R-Pi_ConfigurationFile. You can get your current active settings with the following commands:

STUDIO for Creative Inquiry » OpenFrameworks Developer Presentation Series The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University is a laboratory for atypical, anti-disciplinary, and inter-institutional research at the intersections of arts, science, technology and culture. // Learn more ... OpenFrameworks Developer Presentation Series More images on Flickr Tuesday through Friday, January 11-14 Carnegie Mellon University, Baker Hall 136A (Adamson Wing) In association with the first international OpenFrameworks World-Wide Developers Meeting, some of the world’s leading computational artist/developers discussed their pioneering work at the intersection of arts and computer science. During the week, the OpenFrameworks core development team was encamped at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry to advance the next version of OpenFrameworks, a toolkit for new media education and creative coding.

Realitme Flowing Isosurface Definition I know I haven’t properly updated the Nudibranch examples on the GH forum, however since I have been getting a lot of requests to display what and how exactly this isosurface snapshot from the previous post about the release of Nudibranch works, i decided to spent a few hours to document this process and also share the definition. Take a look at the following video. This definition uses two Nudibranch components the Satellites and the AttractorValues, combined with the Millipede’s isosurface component. 5 Sitios para Fantastic Creative Commons Recursos de diseño “You wouldn’t download a car” You might recognise this question from the compulsory anti-piracy video on many movies and other digital media. The irony? In 2014, I very well might download a car! 3D printing makes this very achievable — even trivial — if you have the necessary hardware and resources. Yet statements like this make it obvious how unaware big commercial companies can often be of the nature of the internet and how it constantly transforms itself.

Fundamentals of Data Visualization Whenever we visualize data, we take data values and convert them in a systematic and logical way into the visual elements that make up the final graphic. Even though there are many different types of data visualizations, and on first glance a scatter plot, a pie chart, and a heatmap don’t seem to have much in common, all these visualizations can be described with a common language that captures how data values are turned into blobs of ink on paper or colored pixels on screen. The key insight is the following: All data visualizations map data values into quantifiable features of the resulting graphic. We refer to these features as aesthetics.

Wiring Update: 14th May, 2013 wiringPi version 2 has been released and now has its own website ( to look after it. Most of the documentation on the projects site has been copied over to it the new site, but there may still be 1 or 2 pages that are still missing. I’d encourage you to use the new site if possible where there will be a forum and wiki (when I get time to implement them!) WiringPi is an Arduino wiring-like library written in C and released under the GNU LGPLv3 license which is usable from C and C++ and many other languages with suitable wrappers (See below) You may be familiar with the Arduino… Briefly; Arduino is really two things; one is a hardware platform, the other software, and part of the software is a package called Wiring.

Overview · YCAMInterlab/RAMDanceToolkit Wiki The RAMDanceToolkit is a C++ creative coding toolkit for creating environments for dancers. This toolkit contains a GUI and helpful functions for accessing, recognizing, and processing motion data, supporting the creation of various environments called “scenes”. By using code in an easy way, the toolkit allows you to provide realtime feedback for dancers. The toolkit uses openFrameworks, a software development toolkit for artists.

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