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BotOrNot by Truthy. 9 herramientas gratuitas para monitorizar las Redes Sociales. Factores clave de medición en Social Media. Hasta que las redes sociales se han asentado como parte fundamental de la estrategia online de las empresas, hemos pasado por varias etapas en cuanto a la analítica en redes sociales o social analytics. En un principio se trataba de calcular el valor económico de una conversación, para progresivamente empezar con la obsesión por acumular fans, para terminar por enfocarlo en el cálculo del ROI, y ahora parece que algunos vuelven a los inicios tratando de enfocar los objetivos en la generación de engagement.

Estos vaivenes son normales cuando una innovación se está asentando y más una como las redes sociales que ha cambiado muchos aspectos de nuestras vidas. Y como suele ocurrir, la respuesta está en un punto intermedio. Ni sólo fans, ni orientación a la conversión directa, ni engagement puro. En mi opinión: El engagement es la base sobre la que se asienta la conversión a ventas, y esta suele tener lugar fuera de las redes sociales 1. ¿Cuál es el objetivo de esta estrategia? 2. 3. 4. 5. Find Your Next Follow - TweetSeeker. 5 Nuevas y flamantes herramientas para Social Media. Publicado el 10 abril, 2013.

5 Nuevas y flamantes herramientas para Social Media

6 herramientas (más) para Social Media - Community Curator. Publicado el 11 abril, 2013.

6 herramientas (más) para Social Media - Community Curator

Com monitoritzar un compte de Twitter? - INITEC. Diàriament es publiquen més de 500 milions de tuits a Twitter, una xifra que demostra la gran impartància que té aquesta xarxa de microblogging dins les converses online.

Com monitoritzar un compte de Twitter? - INITEC

De fet, alguns estudis indiquen que a curt termini podria desbancar Facebook en nombre d’usuaris (actualment en té al voltant de 600 milions). Però, com detectar les converses o temes rellevants en aquesta marea de continguts? Existeixen diverses eines a través de les quals és possible facilitar la cerca d’informació d’interès. Al Màster en Community Manager d’INITEC que comença el mes de gener treballarem les principals eines de monitorització a Twitter (si vols veure el temari del Màster, clica aquí!). Better World Flux - where progress flows. 9 Ways to Drive Conversions with Your “About Us” Page. 9 Ways to Drive Conversions with Your “About Us” Page Posted by Bill Faeth on Mon, Dec 16, 2013 @ 08:28 AM Believe it or not, one of your biggest and best tools for conversion may be woefully underused.

9 Ways to Drive Conversions with Your “About Us” Page

Too many companies throw a simple sentence up on the “About Us” page and call it a day. Worse, the page features a cheesy CEO and a bio, with no real information about the company itself. If your company is guilty of these infractions, you’re sacrificing potential lead conversions every time someone sees this page. Now, your “About Us” page is likely to be one of the most-viewed on your site. Identification. Auditoria Social Media. Social Media Listening and Monitoring tools.

If you’ve been to one of my talks I probably referenced this page as a resource for social media monitoring tools.

Social Media Listening and Monitoring tools

I update the list as I test new applications. Some of these are free and some are paid. Generally the biggest difference is the level of reporting on social media activity and the ability This is just dusting the surface of social media listening tools. But it’s a great place to start! Search and Tracking Google Blog Search BlogsAttensity (SaaS listening and works with their Analysis package)Google Alerts (Free and simple to set up. Real Time Search. How to Use Social Media Listening to Build Brand Loyalty. Acquiring customer feedback and understanding their wants and needs is an integral part of running nearly any business.

How to Use Social Media Listening to Build Brand Loyalty

Not only is it important for delivering the right products and services, but it plays a big role in establishing a loyal customer base and repeat sales. Making Sense of Social Media Listening: 3 Strategies. Look just about anywhere these days and you’ll see articles about how to use social media for business, how Twitter is either incredible or wildly overblown, how social media is the number one CMO mission for 2012, and even how social media can make or break a revolution.

Making Sense of Social Media Listening: 3 Strategies

According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, fully 65% of the adult online population use social networks; clearly the opportunity is too big to ignore, but with all of this noise how do you make sense of your company’s place in this new world order? And more importantly, how do you know what’s worth listening to? Using social media to understand your customers’ needs and goals is far more complex than Googling your company’s name. Companies must learn from the ground up how to effectively learn from and leverage this new playing field of “uncontrolled” communications, learning from and interacting with customers and the influencers of those customers in their own domain and on their own terms. 4 Steps to Create a Social Listening Strategy. Is your business thinking about social analytics? The first step when considering social analytics is to establish a listening strategy. Tweriod - Get to know when your Twitter followers are online the most.

Social Media Monitoring Tools & Sentiment Analysis Software. How to Improve Your Business ROI with Social Media Listening: Don't Just Listen.....Engage! - YouMoz.


Social Media Monitoring Tool - How to use mention. 119 Flares Twitter 69 Facebook 0 Google+ 25 LinkedIn 17 inShare17 Buffer 8 119 Flares × Monitoring what people say about you or your business online is crucial.

Social Media Monitoring Tool - How to use mention

It helps build relationships, generate leads and protect your reputation. The ExactTarget Blog How to Predict Trends with Social Media Monitoring. Social media monitoring enables you to hear conversations in real time in order to engage, measure, track, and learn from brand and industry mentions.

The ExactTarget Blog How to Predict Trends with Social Media Monitoring

But what if you took that a step further and used social media monitoring to share predictions for your community? Sickweather provides predictions of illnesses based on public Tweets and Facebook mentions of sickness or illness. By capturing this data and analyzing the geographic location, they can pinpoint where illnesses are popping up. In fact, Sickweather's predictions based on social data helped declare an early start to last year’s US flu season, six weeks before the CDC. I was inspired by the concept of helping your community by providing predictions and insight based on real social data. Great to meet you, Graham. Since then, flu season calculated a 730% growth in site visits over 2011. Social Media Monitoring Reviews. A Wiki of Social Media Monitoring Solutions. 50 Top Tools for Social Media Monitoring, Analytics, and Management. Use these platforms to manage, measure, and analyze your social media marketing initiatives.

50 Top Tools for Social Media Monitoring, Analytics, and Management

To succeed in today’s connected world, you need to build a community around your company, brand, and products. Over the last decade, social media monitoring has become a primary form of business intelligence, used to identify, predict, and respond to consumer behavior. Listening to what your customers, competitors, critics, and supporters are saying about you is key to getting great results from your social media campaigns. There are countless tools out there, offering many ways to analyze, measure, display, and create reports about your engagement efforts.