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4 Ways To Make Your Office Greener [INFOGRAPHIC] It pays to be green, as this infographic from Canon shows.

4 Ways To Make Your Office Greener [INFOGRAPHIC]

The digital imaging company did a massive overhaul of its energy consumption at five of its U.S. offices. On an environmental level, the company reportedly saved 2.7 million kilowatt-hours of energy from 2009 to 2010. And aside from helping the planet and cutting down its carbon footprint, the company saved more than $300,000 during a two-year period since the energy-saving program's inception in 2008. That's a lot of money. Canon sent us the infographic below, explaining its success and showing four key ways the company accomplished its goals.

The company has long supported green causes, following a corporate philosophy of "Kyosei," which is the idea of living and working together in harmony into the future. Have a look through the infographic below and let us know what you think about greening your workspace. Click to enlarge Image courtesy of Flickr, Makenosound.

Improving Fitness in America. With obesity in America steadily on the rise, NordicTrack has published an infographic to visually show this shocking trend and to give tips on how moderate exercise can help.

Improving Fitness in America

Embed the above image on your site: <br /><a href=" src=" alt="improving fitness in America" title="NordicTrack Infographic on Improving Fitness in America" width=550 /></a><br /><a href=" Exercise Equipment</a> –<br /> A Visual Guide to Marathon Running. Taking it to the Streets: a Guide to Marathon Running is a cool infographic from

A Visual Guide to Marathon Running

As you may already be aware, the number one resolution I made for myself for 2012 was to try my hand at running a half marathon! After some research, I decided to partake in the L.A. Marathon in March, and I have been doing quite a bit to prepare. First and foremost, I put together a handy little marathon training schedule that will help me prepare for the run of my lifetime, I also did tons of research regarding super foods that help sustain energy, and lastly I created this infographic so that all of you can learn a little bit more about what it takes to run a half or full marathon! A great tactic for the Marketing, the information infographic is being used to draw attention to all of the coupons available on the site related to Dick’s Sporting Goods.

The design starts off slow, with a lot of text that could have been visualized, but gets much better halfway down. I though it finished weak. How Scooters Are Saving the Planet [INFOGRAPHIC] Need to justify that gratuitous Vespa purchase?

How Scooters Are Saving the Planet [INFOGRAPHIC]

According to research from the Environmental Protection Agency, AAA and other sources, using scooters — even occasionally — can help reduce carbon emissions, save gasoline and increase worker productivity by stunning amounts. For example, if U.S. cities were made more scooter friendly, we could save almost 4 billion gallons of gas annually by 2020 — and that means decreasing our dependence on foreign oil to $21.4 billion per year.

The savings would also include 77.3 billion pounds of CO2 emissions each year. The research was compiled into a friendly graphical presentation by the folks at VespaUSA (who clearly have an interest in promoting the economic and ecological benefits of the scooter) and, Intuit's personal finance app for consumers. Click image to see the larger version. Lead image courtesy of Flickr, lord enfield. What If You Don't Sleep Enough? How many times have you told yourself (especially when you're up at 2 a.m. on a Sunday night): "Eh, it's just sleep.

What If You Don't Sleep Enough?

" Is it just sleep, though? What happens to your health when you're not sleeping enough? This infographic designed by FFunction for Zeo, a company that makes an electronic "sleep coach," is less of a real data visualization than a set of illustrated facts. But the facts are pretty gobsmacking. For example, we, as a nation, seem pretty tired all the time: Only 7% of people get eight hours of sleep a night. Scientists are inching closer to an explanation of how all this might be the case. Everything You Want to Know About Energy in China in One Infographic -...