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This floating black ball is the creepiest thing you'll see all day. Louis C.K. "Comedy, Sex and The Blue Numbers" 15 Unusual and Strange Sculptures Around the World. Horizons Sculpture in New Zealand Statues attract visitors a lot and they love to take pictures with these lovely statues.

15 Unusual and Strange Sculptures Around the World

This delight is often increased when it is to take picture with a strange sculpture. These sculptures are different in many ways than normal and exhibit mysterious visual harmony. This is an amazing collection of Unusual and Strange Sculptures around the world. Sculpture in New Orleans Museum of Art called Karma Gun Sculpture at United Nations Sculpture Garden (NYC) Hilary Berseth. Charles Jencks. Measure. Une immense sculpture configurable. En art, la sculpture offre énormément de libertés.

Une immense sculpture configurable

Que ce soit dans les matériaux, les tailles, les formes, tout est permis. Le “Spun Bench” est une sculpture d’un nouveau genre, très moderne, entièrement configurable... Conçue par Mathias Bengtsson, ce banc ultra-design est fait du même matériau que celui utilisé par la NASA dans les réservoirs de carburant des fusées, la fibre de carbone filé. Ce banc impressionne par bien des aspects. Sa taille tout d’abord, vous pourriez remplir votre salon avec.

Mais il est surtout modulable, chaque section peut prendre n’importe quelle forme le tout en conservant une résistance à toute épreuve, la fibre de carbone filé est un des matériaux les plus résistants. Kinetic Sculptures by Theo Janssen. Paper Sculptor. Coup de projecteur sur les travaux du sculpteur de papier Kris Trappeniers.

Paper Sculptor

Cet artiste belge arrive à créer des compositions d’une complexité étonnante, en découpant du papier avec une très grande précision. Plus de visuels de ses portraits dans la suite de l’article. Mark Dorf’s Axiom & Simulation is not only the. Origami Koi Folding Instructions - How to make an Origami Koi or Origami Carp. This origami koi is quite realistic-looking.

Origami Koi Folding Instructions - How to make an Origami Koi or Origami Carp

TOKYO CITY SYMPHONY. Maxim Zhestkov. Ledibauer Portal to other worlds. Ledibauer Portal to other worlds – is the best associated with this picturesque place.

Ledibauer Portal to other worlds

The funnel reservoir is not a miracle of nature, it’s human technological interaction with nature. The impressive sight like the gateway to hell has become a popular tourist location. Ladybower is a large Y-shaped reservoir, the lowest of three in the Upper Derwent Valley in Derbyshire, England. Spectacular Fabergé Fractals by Tom Beddard. Scotland-based laser physicist-turned-artist and web developer Tom Beddard, aka subBlue, has produced a number of intriguing geometric forms he refers to as Fabergé Fractals.

Spectacular Fabergé Fractals by Tom Beddard

Like an ornate Fabergé egg, Beddard's creations boast brilliant and intricate design patterns. The English artist uses a formulaic method to create his digitally rendered three-dimensional models. Beddard explains: "The 3D fractals are generated by iterative formulas whereby the output of one iteration forms the input for the next. The formulas effectively fold, scale, rotate or flip space. Dynamo: a photo-blog post.

A few weeks ago, I attended an art exhibit called Dynamo, at the Grand Palais in Paris.

Dynamo: a photo-blog post

It was a delightfully mathy exhibit featuring optical and kinetic artists from around the world. I don’t know about you, but I really like finding math in unconventional places. Magnificent Cassette Art by Erika Iris Simmons. Remember those weird things called audio cassette tapes?

Magnificent Cassette Art by Erika Iris Simmons

Technology has changed so much since then. Now you can pay $10 a month and have access to 25+ million songs via Spotify. 4D Self-Assembly: Easy Construction using Smart Geometrics / GARAKAMI. Designers and scientists from the Self-Assembly Lab at MIT are working on ways to reconfigure how we design, assemble and autocorrect structures in our everyday world; from microscopic tools all the way up to towering commercial infrastructures.

4D Self-Assembly: Easy Construction using Smart Geometrics / GARAKAMI

Consider a small, seemingly solid 3-dimensional object: give it a hard shake and it falls apart, exposing the many simple pieces that compose it. Shake it randomly and the pieces quickly reassemble. No instruction manual, no screws and no headache! Self-assembly creates a fourth dimension of construction: the three physical dimensions of space plus an added dimension of movement through time.

Drowning Beautiful. Magnificent Cassette Art by Erika Iris Simmons. Remember those weird things called audio cassette tapes? Sorry to make you feel so old, but the speed of technology keeps impressing us. We went from tapes, to cd’s, to digital, and now heading towards a cloud storage based system.

25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen. Peter Callesen Peter Callesen thrives on creating art from paper, rather on it.

25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Sculpture showing all the boards that are cut from a single log. Quilling - Turning Paper Strips into Intricate Artworks. The Book Surgeon (15 pieces) Using knives, tweezers and surgical tools, Brian Dettmer carves one page at a time. Peter Callesen. TYPOE_CONFETTI-DEATH_1_900px.jpg (Image JPEG, 900x603 pixels) Scraping Away the Skin on Skull Nickels — Atomik – We Find The Awesome For You.

By James on September 28th, 2011 at 3:07 pm Art, Picture Pages Welcome Stumblers! If you think this post is cool, you can find more of our latest and more popular posts in the sidebar to the right. Miniature Art On the Tip of Pencil by Dalton Ghetti.