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(13346) 【小穎美食】自從知道米飯可以這樣煮,我家大米不夠吃了,挑食的孩子也搶著吃. Untitled. How do I Grow Mushrooms? – North Spore. In the early years of North Spore, when it was still a fledgling mushroom business, countless days were spent standing behind folding plastic tables hawking colonized grain, wooden dowels, and sawdust, collectively known as mushroom spawn.

How do I Grow Mushrooms? – North Spore

Mushroom spawn is the equivalent of seeds for mushroom growers. Where a gardener or farmer might plant a tomato seed to grow a tomato plant, a mushroom gardener or mushroom farmer will use mushroom spawn to grow edible fungi. Famous Recipes. Creamy Chicken and Greens with Roasted Poblano and Caramelized Onion. How-To Make Tonkatsu. How to Marinate Chicken Right, Plus Amazing Marinade Recipes. When you marinate chicken, the meat is your blank canvas; the marinade, your palette with which you paint on the deliciousness.

How to Marinate Chicken Right, Plus Amazing Marinade Recipes

And there are so many options! Here's how to get the best results from your flavor-infusing marinades, plus tons of recipes -- with exciting flavor combinations you'll love. Quick Tips for How to Marinate Chicken The formula for a great marinade is simple: An acid ingredient (i.e., vinegars or lemon and lime juices) combines with a fat ingredient (like vegetable, nut, or chile oils) plus additional seasonings, including spices and herbs, syrups, zests, and any secret ingredients that lend a signature something to the mix.

The possible flavor combinations are practically endless. You can also tenderize with enzymatic ingredients, like yogurt, milk, honey, or pineapple juice. Wild recipes from public lands across the country. We’re cooking up some of our favorite recipes!

Wild recipes from public lands across the country

From pot pies to berry cobblers, all of these dishes include ingredients that you can hunt, fish or forage on public lands. To ensure the safety and well-being of our parks and visitors, please keep in mind the following guidelines as you use public lands as your pantry! Hunting and fishing are outdoor activities with tasty results. Before you go after game or cast your line, check out our hunting and fishing guides so that you can make sure you’re following the rules, have the federal and state licenses you need and are keeping safe. If You Love Sriracha, You Need Sriracha Salt. Talk about perfect: salt and sriracha, together as one.

If You Love Sriracha, You Need Sriracha Salt

While spicy salt is something you can actually buy, I recommend making it yourself: I was shocked at how easy it is. Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Mushrooms and White Wine Cream Sauce. - Half Baked Harvest. Welcome to first full week of December…and happy Monday! Save Just in case you aren’t already completely aware of this fact…it’s the most festive month of the year! The time of year when dinner parties are in full swing, and fancy menus items, like this Roasted Beef Tenderloin are just what everyone needs in their back pocket. Easy recipe ✔️ Delicious recipe ✔️ YES! Garlic Rosemary Beef Tenderloin Roast. Chowhound. If there was a Food Addicts Anonymous, I would most likely need to attend it because of my addiction to tacos.Confession time: I love tacos.


How to Prepare a Successful Beef Wellington Layer by Layer. Beef Wellington is many things to many people: a showstopper centerpiece for special occasion dining, a rite of passage for an aspiring chef, the most epic gourmet expression of a mushroom-topped hamburger, a tribute dish named for a British war hero, and something you’d love to eat but would never dream to attempt…right?

How to Prepare a Successful Beef Wellington Layer by Layer

Well, maybe reconsider that last point, because one thing beef Wellington is not, is actually all that difficult to prepare. Don’t get me wrong—care must be taken, but no special equipment or exacting skill is required beyond the basics of cookery. Only patience is mandatory, and an understanding of the function of each of the many layers, which we’ll unpack here with tips for dealing with them from the inside out. The Heart of the Matter: Beef Tenderloin. Chicken With Avocado and Almonds. How To Hack Béarnaise, A Mother Of A French Sauce. Chef Frederik de Pue in his home.

How To Hack Béarnaise, A Mother Of A French Sauce

De Pue was born and raised in Belgium and trained in French cooking with some of Europe's finest chefs. Emily Jan/NPR hide caption itoggle caption Emily Jan/NPR Chef Frederik de Pue in his home. De Pue was born and raised in Belgium and trained in French cooking with some of Europe's finest chefs. Emily Jan/NPR This summer, NPR is getting crafty in the kitchen.

Ketchup + 17 Clean Ingredients = Every Condiment You’ll Ever Need. Give Your Dishes a Savory Boost with These Homemade Flavored Salts. The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away. [Photographs: J.

The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away

Kenji Lopez-Alt] If you haven't noticed, I 'm a big fan of the cast iron. When I packed up my apartment last spring and had to live for a full month with only two pans in my kitchen, you can bet your butt that the first one I grabbed was my trusty cast iron skillet. I use it for the crispest potato hash and for giving my steaks a crazy-good sear. I use it for baking garlic knots or cornbread or the easiest, best pan pizza you'll ever bake (just kidding, this might be the easiest pizza). Cook's Illustrated Recipe: How to Make Ultimate Charcoal-Grilled Steaks. Science: The Secrets of Cooking Rice — The Cause of Recipe Failure is Not What You Might Think. 24 Delicious DIY Sauces You'll Want To Put On Everything.

7circvL.png (PNG Image, 620 × 2790 pixels) - Scaled (35%) The Complete Guide To Making Pulled Pork Sandwiches At Home. Everyone knows that summer marks the beginning of barbecue season.

The Complete Guide To Making Pulled Pork Sandwiches At Home

But for those without big backyards or free nights to roast whole hogs, ‘cue typically means giving steak and burgers quick turns on the grill. Oddly enough, the best tool for home-cooks looking to polish their smoked-meat game is actually a regular indoor oven—even though the result, blue ribbon-approved pulled pork sandwiches, are still best eaten outdoors with juice and sauce dripping down your forearms onto the concrete pavement. Besides tons of flavor and good bang for your buck, slow-cooked meat offers a very low failure rate. A Sauce Worth Mastering. Photo.

A Sauce Worth Mastering

America's Test Kitchen Laboratory Tour! The Chemistry of Whisky. Click to enlarge Whisky is one of the world’s most popular spirits, and comes in many different classes and types. The character and flavour of these differing types vary widely; this, of course, comes down to their varying chemical composition. Here, we take a look at where some of these different compounds come from, and what they contribute. Instructables. Chef's Cut: The Art of Kaiseki with Niki Nakayama. Steak Cuts Explained. The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away.

10 Fancy Steak Rubs and Marinades That Go Beyond Salt and Pepper. Summer may be over, but that doesn't mean steak season has to be. As we trade our grills in for stove tops, we also re-open ourselves to a whole world of opportunity, courtesy of our fridges and kitchen cabinets. From herbs to citrus fruits to spices, there are countless ingredients we can toss into tasty steak rubs and marinades that go beyond plain salt and pepper (not that good ol' New York style isn't delicious as well).

Once again, we've asked our friend Chef Frank Deloach to help us think of 10 exceptional ways to season steak to add flavor without adding fat. Directions? Combine ingredients, rub all over your gorgeously marbled beef slabs (think Ribeye, Strip and Sirloin) and pop it in the fridge (two hours max) to soak up all those beautiful flavors. 1 cup ancho chile powder 1/3 cup smoked paprika 3 tablespoon dried oregano 3 tablespoon dried mustard 3 tablespoon dried coriander 1 tablespoon cumin 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon black pepper zest of 2 limes.

10 Awesome Ways To Season Steak. Salting Ground Beef. Compose Mail - shanem21 - Gmail. Whole Hog Butchering: Breaking down a Mangalitsa-Red Waddle Heritage Pig. Much of meat’s flavor comes from fat. People are starting to embrace fattier cuts, and cooking with pork lard is making a comeback. With the welcome of full flavored, lard-laden pork, the fat, furry Mangalitsa heritage breed of pig, native to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is gaining in popularity. Known as the “kobe beef” of the pork world, their meat is marbled and fat stores plentiful. Molecular Gastronomy - Reconstructed Tomato Soup - Potage de tomate reconstruit. Molecular Gastronomy - Reconstructed Tomato Soup - Potage de tomate reconstruit. Video. How To Make Pasta Shapes. Tequila Lime Guacamole. Science: Cooking Frozen Steaks. Strawberry Jam. British rocket scientist says he's designed a better saucepan - Los Angeles Times. Cooking isn’t rocket science, but maybe designing cookware is.

A professor of engineering at Oxford University has designed a new saucepan that he says heats up faster and uses 40% less energy than conventional saucepans. Cocktail 101: How to Make Oleo-Saccharum. Here's Everything You Wanted To Know About Steaks. The Art and Science of Muskrat Cooking. Do you have what it takes to win a rodent cooking competition? One man's journey into a most unusual culinary challenge. By Troy Andrews on March 26, 2014. Home Made Taco Seasoning Mix. 30 Amazing Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. April is National Grilled Cheese Month and I have 30 amazing grilled cheese sandwich recipes for you, one for every day of the month! Grilled cheese sandwiches are so easy to make and always good, especially when you add tasty extras to them like bacon, avocados, BBQ pulled pork, etc.

As easy as they are to make there is a huge difference between a poorly made grilled cheese sandwich and a well made one so check out my tips on how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich! The Perfect Pantry Article. 100 Greatest Cooking Tips (of all time!) : Chefs. Ultimate Mayo. Yuzu kosho, the condiment of the moment, at Bourbon Steak, ICHI Sushi and Commonwealth in San Francisco. Top your burgers with a delicious spread from the Mayonnaise Matrix. A Cajun Family's Recipe Collection.