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Pita Bread

Pita Bread
Pita bread is a great bread for beginning bakers or for making with kids. The entire process of making them only takes about two hours too, so it is also a great one for people on a tight schedule. Flat breads can be made in dozens of different ways. Anyone who grew up in a household where flat breads are an essential part of every meal knows will attest that they are a hundred times better when baked fresh than when bought from the store wrapped in plastic and already two or three days old. I wasn't brought up in such a house, actually, but a year or two ago I started going to a local Lebanese restaurant solely for the fresh pita bread that they baked. There are only 6 ingredients in this recipe for pita bread, and you even have quite a bit of flexibility in choosing which of those to include. If you are using active dry yeast, follow the instructions on the packet to active it (see the note on yeast above). While the dough is resting, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. That's it. Yum! Related:  Cooking Recipes

Banana Bread Recipe This banana bread has been the most popular recipe on Simply Recipes for over 10 years. Thousands of people make it every day. Why? Because it really is the best banana bread recipe, period. You can mix everything in one bowl, you can vary the amount of sugar or bananas. The beauty of this banana bread recipe is you don't need a fancy mixer! You can toss in a cup of chopped nuts, raisins, or chocolate chips if you want, or put the batter into muffin tins and make banana nut muffins instead. I was given this banana bread recipe years ago from my friend Heidi H, who, many years before, had begged the recipe from a ski buddy’s mother—Mrs. The Best Loaf Pan for This Recipe This recipe calls for an 8- x 4-inch loaf pan, which produces a tall loaf. Adapt This Banana Bread Recipe Swap out all of part of the sugar for light brown sugar.Replace up to half of the flour with white whole wheat flour.Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.Mix in 1/2 cup of chopped nuts or dried fruit.Add 1/2 cup chocolate chips.

60% Rye with Flaxseeds JMonkey A hearty, German-style rye that’s loaded with flaxseedThis recipe was adapted from “Bread” by Jeffrey Hammelman. FormulaWhole rye flour: 60%White flour: 40%Flaxseeds: 10%Water: 80%Salt: 1.8% 40% of the flour (rye) is in the starter at 100% hydration IngredientsWhite flour: 200 grams or about 1.5 cupsWhole rye flour: 100 grams or 1 scant cupRye starter (at 100% hydration): 400 grams or 1.25 cupsWater: 200 grams or ¾ cup + 2 TbsSalt: 9 grams or 1.25 tspFlaxseeds: 50 grams Soaker the night beforeMix the flaxseeds and 150 grams (about 1 cup) of the water together. MixingAdd the remaining water to the flax seed soaker, and then mix with the starter. Dough development and the first riseYou’ll want to do either the stretch and fold or traditional kneading, though traditional will probably serve you better. The first rise will take about 3 hours at room temperature. ShapingRounds and batards are the traditional shapes. Second rise You can let it rise for another 2 hours at room temperature.

Saucissons de chocolat Recettes Référence Ingrédients Préparation Dans un bol au bain-marie, fondre le chocolat avec le beurre. Note Variantes Remplacez les noix de pin par des noisettes, des noix de Grenoble, des pistaches... 12 Great Tasting Green Smoothie Recipes! | Green Diva Mom Have you had a green smoothie yet? Here are a few recipes I have collected and tried through the years to get you started. By experimenting with different combinations, you will be able to come up with something that you and the whole family will love. You’ll even have an easier time getting your children on board to adopting a healthier diet. Morning Smoothie collards spring greens raw cacao nibs frozen blueberries apple maca scoop of hemp protein Kale and Spinach mix I mix Kale or Spinach with blueberries. Spinach-Mango 1 handful of fresh organic spinach 1 stalk celery (Optional) 1 or 2 sweet yellow filipino mangos enough water to blend into a smooth smoothy! Try adding some herbs, too! Smoothie 1 bunch red dandelion 1/2 small small watermelon 6 strawberries 1 cup of grapes Smoothie 1 bunch dino kale 2 oranges 6 strawberries 1 cup of grapes Kale-Strawberry-Peach 1 bunch green kale 1 pint strawberries 3 small peaches 2 cups water I am hooked on green smoothies!

ratatouille’s ratatouille Tell me I’m not alone in this: You saw Ratatouille, fell in love with Remy (though you still jumped a foot in the air when you saw a significantly less-charming rodent scamper across your path on the way home) and found yourself with a pressing craving, not for the heavy and too-often soggy traditional Provençal ratatouille, but that kaleidoscope of spiraled colors they served to the haughty and (spoiler!) soon-humbled restaurant critic. I can’t believe how well this worked out. We’re just getting to the point in the summer where all of the vegetables are readying themselves for their farmers’ market close-up, so the timing couldn’t be better. There are a lot of things not traditional about this version of ratatouille–the lack of herbes de province, that it’s baked and that we ate it with both couscous and a dollop of soft goat cheese–but if you’re like me, and the chunkier authentic stuff has never done it for you, it’s time for this re-creation. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Hokkaido Milk Bread with Tangzhong Every now and then you learn a new technique in the kitchen that really knocks your socks off. Tangzhong is one of them. Tangzhong Tangzhong is the technique of heating a portion of the flour and liquid in your recipe to approximately 65C to make a paste (roux). It is really easy to do a tangzhong. Once it is evenly thickened, remove from heat and allow to cool down some before making your final dough. Reportedly you can cover it and keep it in the fridge for a few days before using it, but I baked with it immediately. Hokkaido Milk Bread We have some great Asian bakeries in Vancouver and they all make some version of a Milk Bread. My recipe is a hybrid of a bunch of different recipes I found online and credit below. 1/3 C all purpose flour 1 C liquids (I used 2/3 C water and 1/3 C milk) Final Dough 800g (around 5 C) all purpose flour 1/2 C sugar 50g (1/2 C) milk powder 1/2 C half and half 3/4 C milk 2 eggs 4 T butter 4 t instant yeast 1 t salt all of the tangzhong Look at that crumb!

Faire ses pâtes fraiches maison, aux oeufs et à la semoule de blé dur J’adore quand je peux cuisiner un maximum de plats 100% maison ! L’idéal pour moi serait de pouvoir manger que ce que j’ai fait avec mes petites mains ou que je fais pousser dans mon jardin. Le soucis c’est que ce n’est pas évident pour tout… (d’autant plus que je n’ai pas de jardin !) Le fromage par exemple, je doute pouvoir faire mon Comté moi-même dans ma cave (avec les bons gaz d’échappement des garages d’à côté, miam !) mais je me débrouille tout de même pas mal je pense. Il faut savoir que cette machine m’a été offerte pour mon anniversaire… Il y a 6 mois ! Je pensais que ce serait long, je pensais que ce serait compliqué, en fait je pensais ne pas m’en sortir. Semoule de blé dur ou farine ? La semoule de blé dur est la plus adaptée pour réaliser des pâtes fraiches, elle assure une meilleure tenue des pâtes à la cuisson. Mais j’ai vu un tas de recettes de pâtes qui utilisent de la farine, je n’ai pas l’impression que les gens se plaignent que leur pâtes « ne tiennent pas ».

Ratatouille recept Doe olijfolie in een wok en maak dit goed heet. Voeg de uien en de knoflook toe en wok een paar minuten tot lichtbruin. Doe dit dan in een grote vuurvaste schaal. Doe ditzelfde met alle ingrediënten (paprika, courgette en aubergine) en voeg onder het roosteren wat peper en grof gemalen zeezout toe. Als alles is geroosterd en in de vuurvaste schaal ligt, doe dan de tomaten erbij en een kwart van de Soffrito. Verwarm de oven tot 160 à 170 graden celsius en plaats de met aluminiumfolie afgedekte schaal in de oven voor 35 à 45 minuten. Strooi er voor het opdienen wat peterselie overheen. Lekker bij gegrilleerde vis (poon, dorade, zeebaars, victoriabaars, roodbaars, tonijn, zwaardvis) of met lamsvlees. Tip!

How to make okonomiyaki at home【RocketKitchen】 Okonomiyaki is one of the most popular foods cooked at home in Japan. One of Japan’s Top 10 Comfort Foods, the dish is fun to make with family or friends and best of all, it’s easy! Okonomiyaki is also popular with foreigners who when visiting Japan can sample the dish at any of the myriad specialty restaurants dedicated to this vegetable-rich meal. So, what exactly is okonomiyaki? And how do you make it? Read on to find out more about this simple dish: watch a how-to video showing you how to make it, check out photos that show you some unusual ingredients, and get inside tips from Kazuko who regularly makes the dish for her seven grandchildren. I recently saw this food defined as “pan-fried batter cake,” but don’t be fooled. Konomi means “your liking” , and is given the polite “o” that we often see placed in front of words like “obento” (boxed lunch) and “ofuro” (bath). What you’ll need Ingredients: Here are the dry ingredients you’ll need. These are the fresh ingredients you’ll need.

Les gourmandises d'Isa Turkse pilaf recept Voorbereiding: Kook de rijst volgens de aanwijzing op de verpakking. Bak het gehakt rul in 2 eetlepels zonnebloemolie en voeg zout en cayennepeper toe. Pel de ui en teentjes knoflook en snipper deze. Schrap de winterwortel en snijd deze in dunne plakjes. Snijd de aubergine in blokjes van 1 cm. Op de volgende pagina vindt u de allergie informatie voor dit turkse pilaf recept. Drying Food University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Circular 1227 Contents Food Drying Basics Equipment and Methods for Drying Drying Fruits Drying Vegetables Drying Herbs How to Add Herbs in Food Drying Meats Storing and Using Dried Foods Selected References Drying is the oldest method of preserving food. Drying will never replace canning and freezing because these methods do a better job of retaining the taste, appearance, and nutritive value of fresh food. Recommended methods for canning and freezing have been determined by research and widespread experience. With the renewed interest in gardening and natural foods and because of the high cost of commercially dried products, drying foods at home is becoming popular again. Although solar drying is a popular and very inexpensive method, Illinois does not have a suitable climate for it. Drying food in the oven of a kitchen range, on the other hand, can be very expensive. Speed Temperature Uniform Drying Air

Mini cupcakes salés - Un Amour de Gourmandise Vendredi 27 avril 2012 5 27 /04 /Avr /2012 21:35 Non non, vous ne rêvez pas, j'ai bien écrit "salé"... une grande première pour Un Amour de Gourmandise! Je fais une exception et boude le sucré juste le temps d'un article car j'ai littéralement craqué pour cette recette de cupcakes salés de Chloé Saada! Ils sont à la fois adorables mais également délicieux. Effet assuré à l'heure de l'apéritif... Ingrédients pour environ 30 mini cupcakes : 125 g de farine 1/2 sachet de levure 60 g de beurre 2 œufs 60 ml de lait sel poivre 250 g de fromage à tartiner {type St Môret} *** 50 g de parmesan 60 g de tomates confites Une dizaine de feuilles de basilic 5 à 6 brins de ciboulette {15 tomates cerises, feuilles de basilic, brins de ciboulette, graines de pavots} ou 120 g de saumon fumé Aneth{saumon fumé, brins d'aneth} Préchauffer le four à 165°C. Pour la version saumon fumé-aneth, détailler le saumon fumé en petits cubes, ciseler l'aneth et incorporer le tout dans la recette de base.

Puréed Carrots recipe - Carrot Recipes Lovers of mashed potatoes will go crazy for this mashed carrots recipe. Just as savory and creamy, carrots offer an extra bit of sweetness and color to the plate. Ingredients List: 12 large carrots, chopped ½ cup sour cream 1 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon mustard 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper Directions: 1) Place carrots in a large saucepan; cover with water. 2) Transfer carrots to a food processor with a slotted spoon. Back to the Carrot Recipes home page. View a free printer-friendly PDF version of this recipe.Email a link to this recipe to a friend.Created your own carrot recipe?
