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Rainfer. Recortable de una Flor. El movimiento de las moléculas. Experimento infantil con agua - 7 experimentos con agua para hacer con niños. Las Mañanitas | Canciones infantiles de TraposoCalla Pequeño - Hush little baby - Nana para bebésLa rana cantaba debajo del agua.

El movimiento de las moléculas. Experimento infantil con agua - 7 experimentos con agua para hacer con niños

Canción del oso TraposoA mi burro - Canción para niños con TraposoSoy una taza y una tetera. Danza, canción infantilArrorró mi niño - Canción infantil de TraposoDebajo un botón había un ratón. Canción infantil, música para niñosEstrellita dónde estas, canción infantil, música para niñosAserrín Aserrán - Canción para niños de TraposoCanciones de cuna - Aprende los números con TraposoDon Gato ‪-‬ Canciones infantiles del Oso TraposoLos pollitos dicen pio pio pio, canción infantilAl corro de la patata. Canción infantil, música para niñosPin Pon el muñeco de cartón. Canción infantil, música para niñosCumpleaños feliz, canción infantil para felicitar el cumpleañosTengo una muñeca vestida de azul. 5 TED-Ed Lessons sobre Ciencia para dejar a tus alumnos con la boca abierta. Recordarás las TED-Ed Lessons, pequeñas píldoras de conocimiento en vídeo, temáticas y con las que descubrir una infinidad de nuevos conocimientos.

5 TED-Ed Lessons sobre Ciencia para dejar a tus alumnos con la boca abierta

5 recursos para aprender Botánica en Secundaria.  Experimentos con plantas. Etiquetas: botánica, experimentos para niños, proyectos con plantas, proyectos para niños.

 Experimentos con plantas

15 Cortos Que Puedes Utilizar Para Enseñar En Valores. La realidad del aula, de la casa a la hora de hacer los deberes, o simplemente una clase particular de lo que fuera, son espacios que necesitan estar con cierta dinámica.

15 Cortos Que Puedes Utilizar Para Enseñar En Valores

15 Cortos Que Puedes Utilizar Para Enseñar En Valores. The Present. Generador QR-Code. Este generador es un servicio gratuito.

Generador QR-Code

Manual para jóvenes naturalistas - DISPONIBLE 20 DICIEMBRE 2015. 10 Amazing Fire Tricks! Jocdetrons2eso. Benvinguts, lords i ladys, dames i cavallers del món de Ponent.


Com sabeu, vivim temps durs i inestables. Cuatro experimentos científicos para hacer en casa con los niños. Planes con niños Planes en casa: manualidades.

Cuatro experimentos científicos para hacer en casa con los niños

+150 herramientas WEB para docentes. Operación salida: Embudos y acordeones: por qué se forman los atascos. Hay dos razones fundamentales que nos pueden llevar a estar parados en una carretera diseñada para circular a más de 100 kilómetros por hora.

Operación salida: Embudos y acordeones: por qué se forman los atascos

Y se identifican con dos objetos conocidos: los embudos y los acordeones. (Por cierto: si estás leyendo esto en el asiento de atrás de un coche metido en un atasco, prueba también a distraerte con estos 7 juegos matemáticos). Embudos ¿Has probado alguna vez a llenar una botella con un embudo? BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. EDpuzzle. 16 preguntas que nunca te atreviste a hacer en voz alta (y sus respuestas) De niños no tenemos ningún problema en hacer toda clase de preguntas. Science Experiments, Projects & Toys for Kids. Primary History - Famous People. Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire.

Engage en Español. Datawrapper. StarQuiz. Documenta. NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive. iPhone text generator. SMS Generator. 10 Free Tools For Creating Your Own Maps. Maps are handy for a lot of reasons.

10 Free Tools For Creating Your Own Maps

Not only do they help us navigate through certain areas, they also enable us to learn more about the world and what it has to offer. What if you’re someone who wants to create a map instead? Sure, there’s Google Map and Google Earth to help you out but there are actually other tools to choose from as well. Quiz Revolution - Most Popular Quiz Maker, Make a Quiz or Survey, Create a Fast Quiz or Survey. QuizBuilder - Make a quiz for your blog or website. Private classroom albums for teachers and parents. Rubrics and Rubric Makers. As we all know grading is the most necessary procedures of our career.

Rubrics and Rubric Makers

It might just be me, but grading is the bane of my existence. Do you feel the same way? Grading large works, especially towards the end of the school year, feels like it is an endless and mindless process. I remember a few years back when I helped grade over 4,000 essays from a neighboring school district. Using Games for Learning: Practical Steps to Get Started. Joan Ganz Cooney Center Part 19 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning By now, you’ve probably read enough to be convinced that it’s worth trying games in your classroom. You understand that games are not meant to be robot teachers, replacing the human-to-human relationship. Games are a tool that teachers can use to do their jobs more effectively and more efficiently.

Testeando - El trivial educativo para colegios. Resources - Minecraft in Education. What QR Codes Can Do For You! During one of my workshops this afternoon at Carondelet High School some asked for suggestions about using QR codes. Here are some of the uses that I suggested. Coding Across the Curriculum.

"I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think. " - Steve Jobs The above quote is on the homepage of the coding website Tynker. Coding, formerly known as programming (I still remember teaching myself BASIC on my Commodore 64 back in the '80s!) , has once again returned to classrooms nationwide. A range of high-profile individuals, including Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Dr. 20 Ways to Use Augmented Reality in Education. Second Life proved an incredibly valuable tool for educators hoping to reach a broad audience — or offering even more ways to learn for their own bands of students. Augmented Reality Development Lab: Affiliated with Google, Microsoft, and Logitech, the Augmented Reality Development Lab run by Digital Tech Frontier seeks to draw up projects that entertain as well as educate.

The very core goal of the ARDL involves creating interactive, three-dimensional objects for studying purposes. Augmented Reality in Education. String Augmented reality is a 3D learning environment which connects real and virtual world. It provides interactive tools for learning, and fosters informal learning. Besides, augmented reality increases motivation and engages learners. Above all, augmented reality is good for kinesthetic learners; it enables learners participate interactively with computer generated simulations.

Augmented Reality and Applications for Education – Part 2. Guest post by James Roberts. Augmented-reality-apps-and-websites-for-educational-use. Applications of Augmented Reality in Education. Tons of Classroom Examples Using Augmented Reality with @Aurasma - A Complete How-To Guide! How to Use Augmented Reality in Your Classroomthis post is read best via a desktop due to the embedded video content Augmented reality allows someone to add another layer to an existing image. For example, imagine holding your phone over a poster on the wall as if you were going to take a photo of that poster, and then instantly a video starts playing to offer you additional information about that particular poster.

Pretty cool, right? The first time it happens, it seems like magic. After watching the video below, I knew I had to figure this augmented reality thing out. Flashcard Maker. Welcome, Inventors! App Inventor is a free, cloud-based service that allows you to make your own mobile apps using a blocks based programming language.

You access App Inventor using a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). With these beginner-friendly tutorials, you will learn the basics of programming apps for Android devices. You will need: A Mac or Windows computer (see system requirements)An internet connection. Kodable: Programming Curriculum for Kids. 10 Tech Skills Every Educator Should Have. Mind Mapping Software - Create online Mind Maps. Brainstorm and mind map online. Crear diagramas online Colaboración en tiempo real.

Livermore's Centennial Light Bulb. Stop Frame Animator. A poderosa revelação pelo derrame de Jill Bolte Taylor. Edutopia. CodeMonkey. CodeSpells: Express Yourself With Magic by ThoughtSTEM. When we were young, wizards like Gandalf and Dumbledore struck a chord in our minds. We spent hours pretending to be wizards and casting epic imaginary spells. Now, we want to bring that kind of creative freedom to video games. Instead of giving the player pre-packaged spells, CodeSpells allows you to craft your own magical spells.

It's the ultimate spellcrafting sandbox. What makes it all possible is code. Awesome Websites to Get Your Kids Hooked on Programming - TheITBros. The success stories of people who used MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) to pick up new skills and even change careers aren’t exactly rare nowadays. You probably have heard of people learning how to code by signing up for classes on sites like Coursera, eDX, and Udacity, then leveraging the knowledge that they’ve gained to find jobs and/or internships.

But what if your ten-year old kid expresses an interest in becoming a computer programmer? These MOOC sites aren’t exactly kid-friendly, and most of the courses that are hosted there require at least highschool-level knowledege to fully comprehend (plus kids might not be so keen on participating in online class discussions if their classmates are scary grownups). Problem loading page. Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories. Quest lets you make interactive story games.

Text adventure games like Zork and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Gamebooks like the Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy books. You don't need to know how to program. All you need is a story to tell. Your game can be played anywhere. Gamifying Learning. Minecraft and Game Based Learning. Game-Based Learning Units for the Everyday Teacher. Game-based learning (GBL) is getting a lot press. It is an innovative practice that is working to engage kids in learning important 21st century skills and content. Dr. Judy Willis in a previous post wrote about the neurological benefits and rationale around using games for learning. Game based learning & Gamification. Create interactive flash tools / games for education. - El efectivo aprendizaje en grupo. Glogster EDU: A complete educational solution for digital and mobile teaching and learning.

Safe and simple blogs for your students. Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students. Tips for Teachers Who Wish to Use YouTube in Classroom. Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! Education by Numbers. Create. Lesson plans. Video tutoriales sobre GIMP. StoryMap JS - Telling stories with maps. Imagine, program, share.

Code & Conquer. CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game. Room Escape Maker - Create Escape The Room Games For Free. HeavySaurios-Quiero Leche.