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Healthy Food Diet: 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge. Do you feel like your diet needs a fresh start?

Healthy Food Diet: 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge

When life happens and you abandon healthy food in favor of whatever is nearby or comes out of a packet or pouch, it's time for a "clean" break. That's why we're bringing you SHAPE's 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge. While a clean eating diet plan may seem challenging, our plan is manageable and the payoffs include skyrocketing energy, weight loss, better control over your appetite, and even better-looking skin. Just follow these 5 simple rules and try our clean eating meal plan: 1) Eat only whole foods.

RELATED: For a super healthy and delicious snack, watch Heidi Klum make homemade hummus and kale chips, then try the recipe yourself. 2) Keep meals simple. 3) Eat slower. 4) Eat on a regular schedule. RELATED: When you do your food shopping for the week, be sure to avoid these grocery store fat traps that can make you gain weight. 5) Listen to your body. Is It Better To Do Cardio First Or Crunches? Cardiovascular exercises, such as running or biking, and strength-training exercises should be a part of any comprehensive fitness program.

Is It Better To Do Cardio First Or Crunches?

Some prefer to perform the two separately on alternating days, while others incorporate both styles into one workout. There is no definitive right or wrong answer to whether you should perform situps and pushups before your cardio workout, but choosing one approach over the other does have its advantages, depending on your personal goals. To answer whether you should perform situps and pushups before cardiovascular exercise, examine your personal fitness objectives. Cardio Or Weights First? Exercise Order Sometimes Matters. Welcome to Ask Healthy Living -- our new column in which you submit your most burning health questions and we do our best to ask the experts and get back to you.

Cardio Or Weights First? Exercise Order Sometimes Matters

Have a question? Get in touch here and you could appear on Healthy Living! "Ask Healthy Living" is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a qualified health care professional for personalized medical advice. "Is there an order to working out? -- Karen Working out is always good for you. But according to exercise physiologists and personal trainers we spoke with, the order of operation can change depending on a person's goal. "This question is one of the biggest questions on people's minds when they go to the gym," says personal trainer and HuffPost blogger Jeff Halevy. Let's start with the muscle-building scenario. On the other hand, if you're looking to lose fat, Halevy recommends doing interval cardio training before getting started on weights. Dealing With Difficult Employees. All managers will have to deal with difficult employees during their careers.

Dealing With Difficult Employees

First, there will always be difficult employees. Second, it's your job as the manager to deal with them. If you don't deal the problem, it will only get worse. How To Deal With Unreasonable People. 5 Super Foods for Great Skin. To get great skin, few things are more important than having a well-balanced diet that includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables as well as adequate fluid.

5 Super Foods for Great Skin

That being said, some foods do have special skin-enhancing properties. We asked Ang Bixia, Senior Dietitian at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH), a member of the SingHealth group, for recommendations. Here are the top super foods you should consider adding to your diet to get the best skin ever. Cherries and berries Cherries and berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, are amongst the highest antioxidant-containing fruits.

Oily fish Oily fishes such as tuna, salmon and sardines are rich in essential fatty acids. Should you go straight for collagen-rich foods? Avocado Avocado is a fruit rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Benefits of Broccoli. Helps prevent Cancer Contains a powerful antioxidant and anti-carcinogen that hinders the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer.

Benefits of Broccoli

Reduces Cholesterol Broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out of your body. Powerful Antioxidant Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary for vitamin C to recycle effectively. Detoxifies Broccoli contains an unusual combination of three phytonutrients, glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin.

Helps prevent Heart Disease and Stroke Broccoli contains lutein, which helps to fight heart disease by preventing the thickening of arteries. Fights Birth Defects A cup of broccoli has 94 mcg of folic acid, which is a B vitamin essential for proper fetus cellular division. Prevents Colds It contains a high level of Vitamin C, which enhances the absorption of iron and alleviates the common cold. Helps prevent Osteoporosis Regulates Blood Pressure. 30 Habits that Will Change your Life. Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth.

30 Habits that Will Change your Life

Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life. You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. This way you will have the time to fully absorb each of them, while still seeing significant improvements each month. Health habits.