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Register and Get UNLIMITED Searches. Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. population used drugless healers. (NaturalNews) The news blackout and disinformation campaign of natural cures has been so effective since WWII that most people do not ever learn of the "disappeared" therapies until the fateful moment when they or their loved ones are diagnosed with some dreadful disease.

Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. population used drugless healers

Then and only then will they begin "fighting for their lives" and delve into the plethora of alternative medicine, and throw to the wayside all of the supposedly "scientifically supported" mainstream medicine they fear so much. It wasn't always this way. Just 100 years ago, what we call "alternative" medicine was main stream, consisting of herbs, tinctures, roots and medicinal mushrooms which indigenous societies have proven effective for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Doctors making house calls and traveling snake oil salesmen were not called "quacks" because they were not quacks at all. Just 100 years ago in the United States, medicine was not a lucrative business. 32 Makeup Tips That Nobody Told You About (With Pictures) Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse, Part I: Blindsided. We often hear the term narcissist, but what does it mean?

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse, Part I: Blindsided

From my vantage point as a psychotherapist, I work with a lot of individuals who are leaving and healing from relationships, especially romantic ones, with narcissists. When I first heard the term narcissist as a graduate student, I had a hard time labeling someone with such a name. I pride myself on being a strengths-focused therapist, in direct opposition of any of such disempowering diagnostic nomenclature. However, as time progressed, I found in my own psychotherapy practice that, indeed, there exist some individuals on this planet with narcissistic challenges. My clients educated me about the aftermath of what it is to heal from narcissistic abuse.

The following is an attempt at a primer on such individuals. 10 Signs you are Gluten Intolerant. Gluten intolerance, also called gluten sensitivity or Celiac Disease- when it’s in its most severe form- can have symptoms that range from no symptoms to life threatening or debilitating chronic health problems and anywhere in between.

10 Signs you are Gluten Intolerant

Often, these symptoms are not consistent from person to person and this is part of what makes gluten testing or Diagnosing Gluten Sensitivity so difficult for medical professionals. According to Katrina Plyler below are 8 surprising signs you are gluten intolerant: 1. Gastrointestinal effects 2. 3. 4. 5.

Health and well being

20 Healthiest Paleo Approved Foods - Paleo Grubs. When you’re trying to zero in on the top healthiest foods you can eat while following Paleo, you need to sort out the top producers as far as nutrition goes.

20 Healthiest Paleo Approved Foods - Paleo Grubs

We’ve helped sort through all of the Paleo-approved foods you can have to bring you the best foods ounce for ounce you can put in your body. In no specific order, here they are: 1. Spinach Spinach is a superfood and is one of the best foods you can eat, no matter what diet you’re on. It has a special place on the Paleo menu because it’s packed with phytonutrients, fiber, extra minerals, and just plain helps the body. Benefits The main benefits you’re getting from spinach have to to be its anti-cancer benefits, as well as how it contributes to overall heart health so you’re avoiding many types of heart disease. Vitamin Breakdown per Cup Vitamin A – 56% – Helps with vision and overall health. 2. Benefits Perhaps the biggest reason to be eating broccoli is because its fiber content will help keep you regular. 3. Oz's 100 Best Weight-Loss Tips.

Clean Detox Program 30-Day Meal Plan. Clean Eating Diet Plan. The Dr. Oz Show. Take The Test The RealAge® Test is a unique calculation of your body's health age, created by top doctors including Dr.

The Dr. Oz Show

Mike Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz. Powered by the latest medical research, your RealAge Test results create personalized tips and action plans to get healthier and grow younger! See Doctor Oz's test results below. Oz's AgeBorn on 06/11/1960 53Oz's RealAgeTest taken on 11/25/2012 45Life GainedGreat Work! How Does The Test Work? The RealAge Test examines up to 125 factors related to a person's overall health, including health, feelings, diet, and fitness. Your Video is Loading. Health Benefits of Tea. Eat Yourself Skinny! THERE’S SO MUCH GOD DAMN SPINACH in this shit even. THERE’S SO MUCH GOD DAMN SPINACH in this shit even Popeye can’t hate.


Yeah spinach makes you swoll as fuck, we know that. But did you know just one cup of spinach is over 300% of your daily recommended Vitamin A? Sweet fuck. You worried about acne? Wrinkles? IF YOU SMOKE cigarettes (tumblr crew I’m looking at you), DO NOT take any Vitamin A or beta carotene supplements. You want to make this shit at home and tell Jamba Juice they can go fuck themselves by not paying for their high calorie sugary shit?

SPINACH COOLEREctoplasm free and Dr. 2 handfuls of spinach (about 2 cups)2 frozen bananas1 cup chopped and skinned cucumber4 medium chunks of pineapple1 cup coconut water or tap1/4 cup orange juice1 tablespoon flax oil (optional)6-8 mint leaves (optional, but I dig that shit)yields ~20 ounces Toss that shit in a blender and zap it. Seriously though, fuck Jamba Juice.