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DOCUMENTARIES. DOCUMENTARIES. “Her”: Love in the Age of Chimeras. “Who are you?

“Her”: Love in the Age of Chimeras

What can you be? Where are you going?” Theodore Twombly stops in his tracks, hooked by an ad for the word’s first artificially intelligent computer. “It’s not just an operating system,” the ad promises. “It’s a consciousness.” So begins Theodore’s foray into a relationship with binary code – and the audience’s one-of-a-kind excursion through a layered but disquieting “love” story. Her, the latest film from music video director turned auteur Spike Jonze, introduces us to a not-too-distant future Los Angeles, where videogames are all 3-D, a Siri-like assistant occupies every ear, and high-speed trains replace the notorious LA traffic. Spike Jonze's Her: The Scariest Movie of 2013. The title of Her, Spike Jonze’s excellent but deceptively dark new film, is less anodyne than it first appears: the antecedent of that pronoun is properly not a her but an it.

Spike Jonze's Her: The Scariest Movie of 2013

“Her” is Samantha, or rather “Samantha”—a computer/smartphone operating system, voiced by Scarlett Johansson in her signature New York contralto, developed some time in the near future and purchased by Theodore (a finely withdrawn Joaquin Phoenix), who soon falls in love with her. Deviously elliptical, Her is easily the best of Jonze’s four feature films, which until now have felt like overextended versions of his superior music videos—achievements such as the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” or Notorious B.I.G.’s posthumous “Sky’s the Limit,” whose invention was thrilling at four minutes but insufficient for two hours.

In Jonze’s near future, computers, smartphones, and other devices are voice-activated, and users wear a small headset in one of their ears as they mumble their way through the streets. 2001: The aliens that almost were. 1.

2001: The aliens that almost were

Early conceptions In a film like 2001, a project that started with the explicit purpose of investigating the possibility of extraterrestrial life, it comes as no surprise that Kubrick decided very soon in the production to tackle the problem of how to actually depict the extraterrestrials themselves. Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke had met for the first time in April 1964: by the last months of that year the director had already set up a team working on hundreds of drawings about possible E.T. shapes - his wife Christiane was on board as well and worked on preparatory drawings - and in late 1965, the young and recently hired collaborator Anthony Frewin joined the team, researching on modern sculptures, paintings of German artist Max Ernst and modern art in general to try different ideas. Author unknown, alien landscape, pre-production drawing for 2001 (source). Another reason for such an early start in the quest for a credible alien came from the script evolution. 3. 4. 5.

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Un tesoro escondido en una lata. Cuando en 2008 Fernando Martín Peña y Paula Félix-Didier descubrieron en el Museo del Cine una copia completa de Metrópolis con escenas que se creían perdidas, insistieron en que nunca hay que quedarse quieto en un archivo; hay que abrir latas todo el tiempo y salir a buscar información para valorizar el material.

Un tesoro escondido en una lata

Y aunque Peña estaba convencido de que nunca más volvería a protagonizar un descubrimiento tan importante, no se quedó quieto y repitió la hazaña. El 30 de mayo, encontró en una lata una versión inédita del corto El herrero (“The Blacksmith”, 1922), de Buster Keaton. Como pasó con Metrópolis , otra vez la noticia dio la vuelta al mundo y llevó a que se hiciera una nueva restauración del film, que Peña va a presentar el sábado 12 en la 32ª edición de Le Giornate del Cinema Muto de Pordedone.

La historia del hallazgo empieza en 2008, cuando Fabio Manes –coleccionista y socio de Peña en la Filmoteca Buenos Aires– compró un lote de películas de Keaton por eBay. All Killer No Filler: My Top 10 Movies Ever. Gravity. All Critics (303) | Top Critics (48) | Fresh (293) | Rotten (10) | DVD (3) Believe the hype: Gravity is as jaw-droppingly spectacular as you've heard - magnificent from a technical perspective but also a marvel of controlled acting and precise tone.


Unfolding as a series of terrifying object lessons in Newtonian physics, the movie lends new meaning to the phrase "spatial geometry. " Gravity is not a film of ideas, like Kubrick's techno-mystical 2001, but it's an overwhelming physical experience -- a challenge to the senses that engages every kind of dread. Nerve-racking, sentimental and thrilling, Gravity honors terra firma even as it reaches for the stars with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.

Cuarón and his cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, keep the audience in weightless suspension right along with the astronauts. Gravity, a weightless ballet and a cold-sweat nightmare, intimates mystery and profundity, with that mixture of beauty and terror that the Romantics called the sublime. Top mind blowing movies you never saw. Film 365.