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Yoann Lemoine

Urban Evolution | Our Warmup is Your Gym's Workout Parkour (“Park-oar”, or maybe “par-core” but never “park hour” and if you try and put “hardcore” in front of it, we’ll punch you) is a training methodology which focuses on movement in both natural and urban environments. The focus is to move over, under, around, and through obstacles elegantly, and with efficiency. So maybe you’ve heard of parkour before, and even seen some pictures or videos labeled as parkour, but what exactly is parkour? This video might help you understand! It’s not strictly defined by any particular workout or conditioning regimen. It’s more about finding the way to keep improving and eventually reach your greatest physical potential. So it does have its philosophical side, but here at Urban Evolution, we’ve come up a variety of ways to challenge you and hone your skills in a safe and fun environment. Urban Evolution offers many other classes as well. To get started, sign up for one of our 2-Hour Intro to Parkour sessions.

15 Best Places for Designers to Get Free Stock Photos Online I’m not sure if you’ve ever had a look at the prices on some non-stock photography sites (pictures of Gummy bears for $769.00 anyone?), but they reach far beyond the budget of the typical designer/developer. However, many places online allow you to obtain high-quality stock photos for free, giving the average starving artist a chance to create wonderful works of art/design without having to use next month’s rent on stock photos. In this article, we review the 15 best places to free stock photos online for designers. Note: Although these sites feature free stock photos, you should read the terms, limitations, and licensing of each work that you use; read the fine print! Dedicated free stock photo sites 1. stock.xchng stock.xchng is all free, all the time. one of the most popular paid stock photo sites – iStockphoto, sponsors them. Aimed at: Web designers and web developers, illustrators, print designers 2. A small team of in-house professional photographers supplies the photos in the site.

Moebius - But does it float Since the world drifts into delirium, we must adopt a delirious point of view Drawings by Moebius (Jean Giraud) Title: Baudrillard Previously on Moebius: one, two Folkert V.O.W N°26 // Melvin the Machine | Yatzer™ photo © HEYHEYHEY V.O.W N°26 (27 June - 3 July 2011) We think of innovation and invention as highly engineered, complex systems that are built by some mad scientist in a remote space. Concept & art direction: HEYHEYHEY | Designteam De Ploeg: HEYHEYHEY, Frank Winnubst, Bas van Hout, Bart Bekker, Jeroen Hezemans, Wouter Corvers, Bram de Vries, Dick Lafeber | Directed & produced by: HEYHEYHEY | Steadicam operator: Joost van Poppel | Focuspuller: Adriaan van de Polder | Boom operator: Andre Philips | Sound mixed by: Bram Meindersma | Editing by: Sander van der Aa | Music: Woody & Paul | Sponsors: MU, The Cre8ion.Lab, De Ploeg, Municipality of Eindhoven. Melvin the Magical Mixed Media Machine is best described as a Rube Goldberg machine with a twist. Created by studio HEYHEYHEY for the 2010 Dutch Design Week, Melvin was featured for 10 days at the MU artspace where 14,000 people came to see it perform. sources: Melvin the Machine

Corsetry by Maya Hansen - La Corsetteria di Maya Hansen ¤ non solo Kawaii © Maya Hansen - Cake-Corsets, Photo Marcelo Aquilio Maya Carbajal Alex-Hansen (1978, Madrid) è una giovane fashion designer specializzata nelle produzione di raffinata corsetteria; non troverete mai nelle sue collezioni dei corsetti semplici, ma la ricchezza è il punto focale delle sue eclettiche creazioni che accontentano tutte e tutti gli amanti dell’intimo, anche se nascondere questi meravigliosi indumenti è un vero peccato, tanto che molte VIP hanno deciso di sfoggiare i corsetti bene in vista. Maya Carbajal Alex-Hansen (1978, Madrid) is a young fashion designer specialized in the production of refined corsetry; you will never find simple corsets in her collections, but the richness is the strong point of her eclectic creations that satisfy all the underwear lovers, even if it’s a pity to hide these wonderful garments, so that many VIPs have decided to show off the corset in full view. © Maya Hansen - Wild Rose Couture Corset © Maya Hansen - Maria Antoniette © Maya Hansen - Pink Queen

Fantasy Art & Illustration by Cynthia Sheppard, Book, RPG Painti DOUBLE EXPOSURE PORTRAITS on the Student Show The Behance Student Show Gallery showcases the world's next generation of creative talent. An exclusive community for current students, Student Show provides students' work with the recognition it deserves. Best of all - membership is free! Behance receives millions of visitors each month, and Student Show is the only program that's exclusively for students. Upload and promote your work, get feedback from a community of peers, gain exposure, and even get hired. As a member, your work may be featured, "appreciated," followed by fellow creatives, and noticed by recruiters. All members of the Behance Student Show must be currently enrolled as a university-level student. Why wait until graduation to get your work out there?

Microsoft’s vision of the mobile future is astounding (video) A new video created by Microsoft shows how the company imagines technology will progress in the future, with mobile devices and interactive touch screens playing an even bigger role in our lives. The 6-minute video, titled “Productivity Future Vision (2011),” is a sequel to a similarly themed video from 2009 with the same title. Each video shows hows technology adds value and real-time information to help us communicate, pursue projects and do business. Not only are the videos insightful but they’re just plain cool. The new video includes several ideas we’ve seen recently, such as small touch-screen phones that relay incredible amount of information two ways, a Siri-like helper that’s activated by voice and touch screens on things like refrigerators and office-focused displays. Many different concepts are on display as the video shifts from person to person, and the scenes connect in one world-spanning story. Watch the amazing full video below:

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