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NORD SUD TRANSFERT. 02 avril 2013 Lou Baldin est un contacté étrange, énigmatique et discret connu surtout des ufologues américains.


Né en Italie après la guerre dans une famille de militaires américains, il est lui-même retraité de l’US Air Force. Ayant eu des contacts depuis sa plus tendre enfance avec des extraterrestres et ayant vécu plusieurs expériences à bord d’un OVNI, il a écrit deux livres, In League with a UFO (À bord d’un OVNI) et A Day with an Extraterrestrial (Une Journée avec un Extraterrestre). Il est surtout connu aux États-Unis pour avoir rédigé, sous le pseudonyme de Sleeper, de nombreux articles sur le Forum ufologique ATS (Above Top Secret).

Si on mettait bout à bout ces articles, souvent controversés mais tous aussi passionnants les uns que les autres, on pourrait facilement remplir une dizaine de gros livres. Voici l’essentiel de ce qu’il faut retenir de son œuvre. Lou Baldin Si les extraterrestres voulaient une divulgation totale, ce serait facile pour eux de le faire. Philip J. Here, i hope to extract creativity, share thoughts and meet new beings. Ray Of Return. Cosmic fairy. Did we like to be exact ?!… Easily Registering and Blogging in Qualitative Life: Just follow this simple method. If you think you’re shy with computers and WordPress seems too difficult to handle, don’t worry.

Easily Registering and Blogging in Qualitative Life: Just follow this simple method

You are not alone. I am here with you, and possibly a worse case. If your heart sinks each time you are handed a new software, and are ashamed to tell, there are millions of people like you in the world! And if your computer is too old to handle new sophisticated things, that’s just the same. The crisis hits hard. Understanding a little more of the Universe… in a Qualitative Life way.

Winter is a good time to remember the Sun… In my country, Brittany (which is currently a part of France, but has not always been), it is said that November and December are the “dark months”.

Understanding a little more of the Universe… in a Qualitative Life way.

In the old britton language, November is called Miz-du” or “the black month” due to the Samain passage, and December is called “Miz-kerzu”, which means “month of the dark house”. As the light of the Sun wanes, the days are short and cold and we need to remember that it will come again bright and warm. Nordsudtransfert. Australys Connexion. Thank you to the Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA) for the explanations about the Australian Tea Tree Oil and the beneficial effects of this plant.

Australys Connexion

Here is the website of this association : and the email if you want contact them : “The legendary Princess Eelemani of the Bundjalung people was the Johnny Appleseed of tea tree oil. In the legend of Eelemani we learn of a beautiful princess who has to leave her true lover and travel through the bushland of coastal New South Wales. The journey was long and the forest trail was unknown to Eelemani. As Eelemani walked through the forests, the bell birds called reassuringly and willie wagtails followed protectively through their territory. Starlight. In the research of the Israelite origins. Asia Pacific Magic Land. Celestial. Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens est né à Cochabamba, en Bolivie, le 20 janvier 1964.


Il est à la fois archéologue, architecte, artiste et musicien ; mais il est surtout connu pour avoir eu des contacts aussi bien avec des extraterrestres, notamment des Vénusiens, que des intraterrestres, habitant les cités de Lumière de la Terre Creuse. Ces contacts ont débuté lorsqu’il avait treize ans et se sont poursuivis depuis lors de manière quasiment ininterrompue. Il a été préparé pour devenir un instructeur, transmettre les techniques de développement interne, mental et spirituel qui lui ont été enseignées.

AUTOGNOSIA : A journey through Psychotherapy. The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization.

AUTOGNOSIA : A journey through Psychotherapy

It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life. We operate out of a 21.5-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida. When one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is long overdue for us to re-examine our values and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society. CREATORS. Dance of the Soul. There is a world i which every girl is a princess or a fairy or whatever she dreams to be..

Dance of the Soul

FAIRYTALES. Northern lights go south!!


Amazing photos thanks to a solar wind that resulted in a moderate-level geomagnetic storm and much of the United States was treated to an unusual and stunning light show on Monday evening. Presence of other dimensions. Still here in 2013 The other dimensions are always present but discrete.

Presence of other dimensions

Only some human beings can see them. It is like if they care from far, because the human being has to open itself and more of all, to master his own fears and his possibly violent reactions. We react violently on what we fear and we fear what we do not know… The human being has to open itself on the possibility of life forms and conscious beings elsewhere in the universe and also, here, on planet Earth but on another frequency level. Web of relations, finally comming together… Well, it sure seems like it, and if Apple, Microsoft etc. has their will, we will all carry around 4-5 computers, a labtop, tablet, phone, gps-unit and mp3/videoplayer.

Web of relations, finally comming together…

Why? Unitaryscienceinstitute. Here, i hope to extract creativity, share thoughts and meet new beings. Cosmicsphere. ORBS IN ARCIDOSSO – Contact with an Invisible Universe by Francesco I was close to the International Institute of Tibetan Studies in Arcidosso near Grosseto. This place in the ancient topographical papers was called “The Little Tibet “. I was there to attend a course in Tibetan Medicine. Crystal Sky. Cosmic fairy. Did we like to be exact ?!… Free Ebooks. Inner vision. La vision intérieure est activée par la méditation… Et par la reconcentration des courants d’énergie : Ida et Pingala, autour de leur axe central, la Sushumna Nadi.

Lorsque les deux courants, porteurs de la flamme lovée dans l’athanor de notre corps, montent progressivement et de manière canalisée, ils “allument” à chacune de leur intersection, un centre d’énergie appelé “chakra”. Chaque chakra correspond à un univers, à une fréquence vibratoire. Il faut qu’ils soient tous éveillés et en harmonie pour que se réalise… Le chant divin.

Lorsque l’énergie arrive dans les chakras supérieurs, d’autres sens peuvent s’activer : la clairvoyance et la clairaudiance particulièrement. Easily Registering and Blogging in Qualitative Life: Just follow this simple method. So that each breath becomes a prayer. I was 13 years old when it happened to me. I was a very ordinary little girl. Presence of mind. Ray Of Return. School of Sacred Geometry. Spiritual Crossroad for Women. Understanding a little more of the Universe… in a Qualitative Life way.