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Alaska, Alaska State Information. Saudi Arabia's housing predicament. Migrant workers are also a problem for the government – perceived as a threat to both housing supply as well as jobs.

Saudi Arabia's housing predicament

In a crackdown which started last November, the nine million estimated migrant workers were targeted over illegal visa statuses. The government claims that 250,000 foreign migrant workers have since been deported. Culture. Le Gattare: Caretakers of Italy's stray cats » Italy Beyond The Obvious. If you’ve been to Rome, you may have noticed the stray cats hanging out in the Colosseum or the Forum.

Le Gattare: Caretakers of Italy's stray cats » Italy Beyond The Obvious

Maybe you even visited the cat sanctuary located in Largo di Torre Argentina (photo above), where cats have called home since its excavation in 1929. Look for the cats, however, and you may spot a gattara, or volunteer cat caretaker. Historically older women, the gattare have been around as long as the stray cats, and I’ve noticed that recently they seem to be getting more positive attention, and not just in Rome. In the city of Monza, outside of Milan, a new course is being offered starting May 12th, to teach potential new gattare - or “feline colony tutors” – what and when to feed stray cats, how to treat an illness, and who to contact if the cats get sick, among other things. The city of Genoa actually does a cat census, and estimates that there are tens of thousands of stray cats in the city, and 700 volunteer gattare.

Photo of Torre Argentina by Xiquinhosilva. Things You Didn't Know About Belgium. تحفة النظار في غرائب الأمصار وعجائب الأسفار. طاف ابن بطوطة في رحلته هذه بلاد المغرب ومصر والشام والحجاز والعراق وفارس واليمن والبحرين وتركستان وما وراء النهر وبعض الهند والصين والجاوة وبلاد التتر وأواسط افريقية.

تحفة النظار في غرائب الأمصار وعجائب الأسفار

وبعد أن عاد صاحبها إلى المغرب الأقصى، انقطع إلى السلطان أبي عنان (من ملوك بني مرين) فأقام في بلاده. وأملى أخبار رحلته على "محمد ابن جزي" الكلبي بمدينة فاس سنة 756هـ وترجمت هذه الرحلة إلى اللغات البرتغالية والفرنسية والإنكليزية، ونشرت فيها. وترجمت فصول منها إلى الألمانية نشرت أيضاً بألمانيا. واستغرقت رحلته 27 سنة (1325م- 1352م) وبسبب هذه الرحلة لقبت جمعية كامبردج صاحبها بأمير الرحالين المسلمين. تعرف على ما ورد فيها من: الأعلام والشخصيات، الأرض والجغرافيا، العمران والبناء، الشعر والأدب، الأحوال الاجتماعية والسياسية، الجماعات الإنسانية، الحواضر المدنية، الحرف والمهن، الموارد والثروات، المعالم الأثرية.

واستكشف أهم الحواضر المدنية التي ذكرها في رحلته التي جاب خلالها العديد من مدن وبلدان العالم قبل عودته إلى وطنه المغرب، عبر خط سير شمل 21 مساراً تضمن 701 نقطة في مختلف أقاليم قارات آسيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا. Encyclopædia Iranica. Napping the Chinese Way. Foreigners are amazed by how Chinese manage to squeeze naps into their daily schedule, no matter how crammed it is.

Napping the Chinese Way

I’ve always wondered how my Western colleagues manage to never take naps! They admit to feeling drowsy after lunch. Some of them drink coffee; those who don’t do caffeine must maintain their semblance of being awake through immense willpower. “We’re supposed to work during the day!” These respectable hardworking people claim. My non-napping colleagues remind me of a famous quote by Master Huihai, a monk from the Tang Dynasty (618-907). “But isn’t what we all are doing?” “No. Huihai’s point is that we ordinary people are seldom at peace with ourselves. It is widely believed that people are drowsy at noon because blood goes to the stomach after lunch.

TCM perceives the length of a day, as well as the nature of sleep, in terms of yin and yang. The right way to sleep at work is to lean back in your chair. When you fall asleep your body temperature lowers. Travel Blog - The Everywhereist.

