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Storage For Dolls, Clothes & Accessories

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Cheap Compact BJD Carrier Tutorial. Barbie Doll Organization. Barbie Doll Organizer. It seems like I have done alot of blogging on getting organized.

Barbie Doll Organizer

I guess that is a good thing. That is my New Years Resolution, get my house, health and family more organized. Homemade Barbie Doll Organizer & Storage. Organizing Friday.. Barbie Mess. Barbie Clothes Storage Box. I made this for my nieces as well.

Barbie Clothes Storage Box

They are just getting into Barbie's, which were my utter obsession as a child and I am so excited they like them too! I wanted to get them some more clothes and then the thought occurred to me (similarly to the hairclips yesterday) that the Barbie clothes situation causes huge storage issues. Store Barbie Clothes In A Toiletry/Makeup Organizer. Storing Barbie Doll Clothing. Our Barbie Dolls have a lot of clothes.

Storing Barbie Doll Clothing

Having all of our doll clothes jumbled up in a messy basket was chaotic and stressful. Sure, cleaning up was easy. Fantastic Barbie Closet. How To Make A Doll Closet Cheaply - Tiny Zippers. This is a finished closet, made for Barbie® clothes.

How To Make A Doll Closet Cheaply - Tiny Zippers

This is made from a carboard, underbed box. I've put the box together, putting the design side inside (rather than outside). I cut off some of the flaps that fold through slots, and glued the sections together with Elmers glue. I covered the outside of this closet with white Contact paper, then glued on copies of Barbie® booklets and graphics to decorate the outside. I got size 8-32 plastic end nut caps at the hardware store. If you want to hinge the door on, just cut a piece of poster board, and secure to the closet and door as in the picture, using brass fasteners.

There are stick on hooks for hats, etc. Customized Storage Trunk. There are many ways to display and also keep compact the space our "toys" use.

Customized Storage Trunk

Dressing little dolls is what I do, but I wanted a cute way to display the little girl and her dresses and toys. What better way than a closet. Though new to paints and wood, I was still able to create this tiny house painted box. Dolled Up Storage. You all impress me all of the time.

Dolled Up Storage

That's why I couldn't wait to share today's idea. It was something I have never seen before and probably something that I never would have thought of myself. It is so creative! And although this specific space is tailored for little ladies, I can imagine it will spark all sorts of creative ways to store crafts and fabrics or toys for boys.

Fiona wrote: Hi Jen, I have an organising solution that your followers maybe interested in. Tucked Away Toys. Anyone with little one's can tell you, that toy's can quickly overtake any space in the house!

Tucked Away Toys

I find that to be especially true, not only with three young little boys of my own, but also with a daycare business to boot! However, too many toys in a space will quickly make it appear to be much smaller than it is, and feel like crazy commotion and clutter! Enter these amazing beauties: I discovered this amazing piece of furniture awhile back when I was looking for an easy yet stylish way to conceal loads of miscellaneous toys that continued to creep into the living space. And at a price of $32.54, I ordered up two! They tuck oh so perfectly under a console table in front of our large picture window! But back to why these are so amazing. Plus, the ottomans are lined inside, making sure the toys get a good night's sleep {or protecting the insides from nicks, wear and tear}! You frequent blog readers know what is next! Smart Storage Solutions: Control the Clutter. Whew!

Smart Storage Solutions: Control the Clutter

Sorry for the late post today. The hubs and I have off today and literally just finished hanging up the last spice rack bookshelf in the boy's bedroom, thanks to the project sponsored by Apartment Guide! That's right, as you may recall, I am partnering up with Apartment Guide as part of their "Control the Clutter" Blogger Challenge, in which they offered up a $150 American Express Gift card to get a space under control. I quickly chose the boy's bedroom, since they were completely lacking in any sort of storage and items were beginning to pile.

Gasp. The kiddos desperately needed smart storage solutions for their itty bitty living space. As with any project, things get switched up and don't always go as originally planned. Things changed instantly when I got to work on the first project, which was the kiddo's art caddy. Seating With Storage Baskets. I have some really exciting playroom news!

Seating With Storage Baskets

I found baskets! Can you hear the birds chirping? The choir singing? The sounds of my super excited squeals? Nice DIY No Sew Fabric Boxes With Handles. Last week I got the itch.

Nice DIY No Sew Fabric Boxes With Handles

Not a rash. An itch to do something. To DIY. To project. Doll & Toy Storage Solution. Every so often I walk in to my girls' room and realize that it resembles a nuclear fallout zone. Lately, their American Girl dolls (and Target knock-off dolls) and toys have been the culprits. Cheap ($9.99) Organizer From Ikea. HELMER Drawer Unit On Casters - Ikea $39.99. Seville Classics 10 Drawer Organizer. Wood Rectangle Boxes.

Wood Box Set with Antique Bronze Hardware. Make A Doll & Clothes Carrying Case. Making doll clothes is often the first thing children learn to sew; it is also a popular craft activity for adults. This is a guide about Barbie doll clothing crafts. Solutions: Barbie Doll Clothing Crafts Read and rate the best solutions below by giving them a "thumbs up". Doll Shoe Holder. Doll Shoe Holder Keep your 18" doll shoes in a cute shoe organizer you can make to match your room. You need: Instructions: Cut a cereal box down to three 2" pieces. Paint the insides. Let dry. Clothes Rack for AG Dolls Using PVC Pipe - Adapt To Other Dolls. I’ve been wanting a rack for hanging the clothes I sew for my daughter’s American Girl Dolls.

However, I find the wardrobe rack being sold online expensive and most of them are short. Turn A Shelf Into A Doll Bed With Clothing Storage. Do you remember how Christmas wasn’t that long ago? Doesn’t it feel like it was months ago? Wow. Hanging Organizer to Store Doll Shoes. Vintage Doll Clothes: Protect & Display. Getting Organized: Doll Clothes. We have an embarrassing amount of doll clothes around here.

We have American Girl Doll-sized and Baby Doll outfits from various places, including several beautifully handmade outfits sewn by my very talented Grandmother. But they were out of control, tangled and jumbled in heaps in two bins in the bottom of cabinets in both of my daughter's rooms.