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Media policies (in crisis

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Media Policy Memes 2: The Pips Signaling Public Service Broadcasting to the World. Since the UK Parliament’s Culture Media and Sport Committee about to start another round of oral evidence session in their Future of the BBC Inquiry next week, for this Friday we feature a very old media policy meme that is still with us today.

Media Policy Memes 2: The Pips Signaling Public Service Broadcasting to the World

The BBC Pips The pips first rung out across the airwaves on 5 February 1924. Designed as a collaborative project between Frank Watson Dyson, the astronomer royal and John Reith, then head of the BBC, the pips were originally controlled at The Royal Greenwich Observatory by two mechanical clocks. The pips are a series of six short tones broadcast at one-second intervals and come in at the 5 seconds leading up to the hour.

The last of the six is slightly extended to mark the hour change. These sounds have come to indicate the start of the news for listeners around the globe as they have been used for decades not just on BBC’s domestic stations, but also by the BBC’s World Service. Thanks to Batsheva Lazarus for the research on the Pips. Life After Pi: Hollywood versus los estudios de efectos especiales. Analyzing our headlines to see what mattered in 2013. We at Gigaom write a lot about data and how it’s changing the world.

Analyzing our headlines to see what mattered in 2013

But we don’t always look at a lot of data about ourselves, at least beyond which posts are performing well at any given time. We certainly don’t publish a lot of data about how we operate. However, I thought I would change that and try to figure out — using free web services, of course — which topics we write about the most, and what types of headlines we write, and then visualize them.

I share some thoughts on why some words are popular (and even dug into our coverage of Google a little deeper), but overall I think the results provide a good overview of what companies, technologies and issues mattered in 2013. Here’s the process I used: I worked with the team at (check out our coverage of it here) to build a crawler and grabbed the author, headline and excerpt from about 6,800 posts published in 2013.

Here’s what I found. Internet: Los siete gigantes de Internet pagan en España solo un millón en impuestos. Study: Internet erodes democratic protections. Claims that the internet will "democratize" the global village are not supported by research published in the International Journal of Electronic Governance.

Study: Internet erodes democratic protections

Instead, non-democratic governments simply exploit the networks to spy on and control their citizens more effectively and efficiently than they did before. In a post-Snowden NSA revelation world, many pundits have suggested that the age of true democracy is upon us as social lobbyists, citizen advocates and others claw back the agenda from those who rule them. We have witnessed it seems revolution via Twitter and Facebook in many parts of the world, while information and telecommunications technology has given oppressed individuals and groups the power to gradually loosen their shackles.

Kill the message (Valencia)

Fabra cava la tumba del PP con el cierre de Canal Nou - Blogs de Luna de Papel. Untitled note. L’últim informatiu de Canal 9. From TV to tablets – how the BBC’s onscreen journalism is changing. BBC journalism is sick – screens within screens “I used to say what I did and people would understand.

From TV to tablets – how the BBC’s onscreen journalism is changing

Now people say, ‘what’s that?’” Said Amanda Farnsworth, editor of visual journalism at the BBC, during the latest Polis Media Agenda Talk. El Código Penal castigará enviar tuits que inciten a alterar el orden público. "La distribución o difusión pública, a través de cualquier medio, de mensajes o consignas que inciten a la comisión de alguno de los delitos de alteración del orden público (...) o que sirvan para reforzar la decisión de llevarlos a cabo, será castigado con una pena de multa de tres a doce meses o prisión de tres meses a un año".

El Código Penal castigará enviar tuits que inciten a alterar el orden público

Es el texto de un nuevo artículo introducido por el Gobierno en el Proyecto de Código Penal aprobado este viernes. La referencia a cualquier medio abarca desde Twitter a Facebook, o cualquier otra red social accesible en Internet. Fuentes del Ministerio de Justicia aseguran que este nuevo tipo penal no supone la persecución de la difusión de convocatorias genéricas de manifestaciones, en las que, a posteriori, puedan registrarse actos violentos, sino que está vinculada al llamamiento a delitos concretos de alteración grave de orden público. La alteración grave de orden público será castigada con hasta 6 años de cárcel. We must halve numbers of senior BBC managers, says Lord Patten.

The number of senior BBC managers should be cut by more than half, according to Lord Patten, the chairman of the BBC Trust.

We must halve numbers of senior BBC managers, says Lord Patten

His comments back the director general's plans to cut the number of managers at the corporation following a bruising battle with parliament over executive pay. Just two weeks after Patten and the former director general Mark Thompson denied responsibility for massive payoffs to senior managers between 2009 and 2012, Patten has said viewers do not expect BBC bosses to get "sky high commercial rewards" and he wants to see a smaller, more accountable group in charge. Crecen los apoyos extranjeros al cierre de la televisión pública griega.

Un grupo de periodistas belgas se han congregado ante la embajada griega en Bruselas para pedir la reapertura de la televisión pública lo antes posible y para demostrar su apoyo a los más de 2.800 compañeros griegos que han perdido su trabajo.

Crecen los apoyos extranjeros al cierre de la televisión pública griega

“Esto está sucediendo aquí, a unos pocos cientos de kilómetros de Bruselas, y en este periodo de crisis, otros países podrían imaginar el mismo tipo de medidas. Esto es, obviamente, muy peligroso”, comenta Marc Van de Looversboch, presidente de una asociación de periodistas belgas. El presidente de la Unión Europea de Radiotelevisión, Jean-Paul Filippo, se ha reunido con el ministro de Finanzas griego, Yannis Sturnaras, para entregarle una petición firmada por 51 miembros de la Unión Europea de Difusión en la que se urge al Gobierno a restablecer inmediatamente la señal y a revocar el cierre de la cadena.

SEEMO/IPI deeply concerned over closure of Greek public broadcaster. Wednesday, 12 June 2013 Suspension threatens free flow of information amid economic crisis Employee stand at a balcony of the studio of state broadcaster ERT in Athens June 11, 2013.

SEEMO/IPI deeply concerned over closure of Greek public broadcaster

REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis VIENNA, June 12, 2013 – The sudden closure of Greek public broadcaster ERT seriously threatens the Greek public’s right to information during a period of profound uncertainty, the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI) warned today. Alle EU-Krisenländer müssen beim Rundfunk sparen - Griechischer Staatsfunk ERT - › Etat. Griechenland steht nicht alleine da.

Alle EU-Krisenländer müssen beim Rundfunk sparen - Griechischer Staatsfunk ERT - › Etat

Auch andere EU-Krisenländer müssen beim Rundfunk sparen. Die staatlichen oder öffentlich-rechtlich organisierten Systeme stehen teils vor drastischen Einschnitten. Eine Schließung wie in Griechenland ist allerdings kein Thema. Italien. Compte enrere a ‘la Corpo' Una aplicació pionera a Europa permet rebre avisos de Protecció Civil al mòbil.

Barcelona Redacció - 08/03/2013 - 13.49h.

Una aplicació pionera a Europa permet rebre avisos de Protecció Civil al mòbil

Una aplicació nova per a telèfon mòbil permetrà rebre missatges personalitzats en cas d'emergència. Aquest sistema, implantat per la Generalitat, és pioner a Europa i està disponible, de moment, per a iPhone i terminals amb el sistema Android. Aquestes alertes d'emergència s'activen des de l'aplicació Gencat del mòbil. L'usuari podrà rebre, per exemple, avisos d'emergència de Protecció Civil, sobre matriculacions escolars o de vagues en transports públics. A més d'aquest servei, Protecció Civil ha estrenat un nou web, també accessible des de l'aplicació Gencat, on es recullen totes les notícies d'aquest servei, com ara els plans activats per nevades, ventades o accidents químics, les informacions sobre simulacres o campanyes de sensibilització i un recull de consells en casos d'incendis, terratrèmols o onades de fred, entre d'altres.

Enllaços patrocinats > RTVE elimina el 28% de los cargos directivos.