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Migrants crisis

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De la « jungle » de Calais à la douceur du Sud : Daoud, Younès, Mika... racontent leur intégration réussie. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Maryline Baumard Assis en terrasse, Daoud Karimi se régale d’un sandwich indien. « Il faut toujours tester ce qu’on vend… », lance dans un sourire le jeune gérant du Maharaja, entre deux bouchées de son déjeuner tardif. Il est 16 heures, ce vendredi 2 octobre : la vaisselle est terminée et il profite avant le service du soir de la douceur de vivre dans les petites rues du Montpellier historique. A la même heure, à l’autre bout de la ville, Yonès Rahimi sort des cours. Pas de pause pour cet étudiant de 28 ans qui file travailler chez un camarade de classe. Yonès vient de s’inscrire en CAP d’électricité-climatisation, après avoir fait des stages en entreprises et compris qu’il aimerait. « Pour la pratique, ça va, je suis bien.

Mais en revanche, j’aime travailler les leçons à plusieurs, que je sois sûr de tout comprendre », observe ce perfectionniste. Daoud et Yonès se font doucement leur place dans la société française. Un coup de foudre pour la France. Dublin Regulation. States applying Dublin instruments Dublin regulation, EU-Denmark agreement EU-Denmark agreement non-EU member states with an agreement to apply the provisions The Dublin Regulation (Regulation No. 604/2013; sometimes the Dublin III Regulation; previously the Dublin II Regulation and Dublin Convention) is a European Union (EU) law that determines the EU Member State responsible to examine an application for asylum seekers seeking international protection under the Geneva Convention and the EU Qualification Directive, within the European Union.

It is the cornerstone of the Dublin System, which consists of the Dublin Regulation and the EURODAC Regulation, which establishes a Europe-wide fingerprinting database for unauthorised entrants to the EU. History[edit] Objectives[edit] One of the principal aims of the Dublin Regulation is to prevent an applicant from submitting applications in multiple Member States. Criticism[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Refugee crisis: The map that shows why some European countries love asylum seekers | Europe | News | The Independent. As Europe remains divided over how to distribute hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving this year, an analysis of population growth and decline has suggested one possible reason for countries’ drastically different positions.

Germany has been leading the way for taking in asylum seekers fleeing conflict and persecution and expects to welcome 800,000 this year alone. While Angela Merkel has spoken frequently about the humanitarian imperative to help refugees, calling on all European countries to accept binding quotas, her country also has an economic motive for housing the continent’s new arrivals. Population decline can be seen in the blue areas, with rising numbers shown by red. According to the German government’s Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), the population fell by 1.6 per cent between 2001 and 2011 and that trend was set to continue without immigration.

Germany’s population is also ageing. “We are a country of immigration. Refugee crisis: east and west split as leaders resent Germany for waiving rules. Europe’s meltdown in the face of its biggest post-1945 immigration emergency is generating the worst east-west split since the Iraq war, when Donald Rumsfeld divided it into “new Europe and old Europe” – his supporters and opponents. On Thursday Germany and France ordered the European commission to come up with a new “permanent” and binding regime for spreading the refugee load around all of the 28 countries in the union. David Cameron and home secretary Theresa May want nothing to do with the scheme and have absented themselves from the policymaking, carping from the sidelines.

On Friday the prime ministers of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic told Paris and Berlin to get stuffed, arguing that west European-style multiculturalism is nothing but trouble and that they have no intention of repeating the same mistakes. The commission has already done what Berlin is demanding. The seven countries of central Europe and the Baltic are being asked to take fewer than 30,000.

An Incredibly Detailed Map Shows Europe's Population Shifts From 2001 to 2011. Since the turn of the millennium, Europe has been undergoing some pretty intense demographic change. Just how intense—and intricate—this change has been is revealed in a new map created by Germany’s BBSR, the country’s Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The BBSR collected data between 2001 and 2011. While that might sound slightly outdated, these are actually the most up-to-date figures Europe has to offer, as 2011 is the most recent year for which comprehensive population data is available for the whole of Europe.

According to its makers, the map provides a level of detail previously unavailable, as it is the first ever to collect data published by all of Europe’s municipalities. The map works as follows. A close reading of the map shows some key trends. Suburbanization intensifies in Eastern Europe Still leaving the East Population growth in the Northwest, meanwhile, is far from even. Spain bucks the trend. Europe shouldn’t worry about migrants. It should worry about creeping fascism. There is an urban legend about boiling frogs, and it goes like this. If you put a frog in a pan of cold water and slowly, slowly turn up the heat, the frog will sit there quite calmly until it boils to death. Creeping cultural change is like that. It’s hard to spot when you’re living inside it. You can stay very still while the mood of a society becomes harder and meaner and uglier by stages, telling yourself that everything is going to be fine as all around you, the water begins to bubble.

This week I had coffee with a friend who has also just come back from a year away – teaching in Spain for her, studying in America for me. For both of us, coming home has been hard. There are some things I missed that simply aren’t there anymore. “Is it me,” said my friend, “Or is it just...okay to say things that are violently racist now? No, it hasn’t always been okay, and in fact it’s still not okay – but it is a normal part of the public conversation, in a way it wasn’t, even a year ago.