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Content curation

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Content Curation tools indispensabili - Sergio Albertini. Informativa Questo sito o gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle finalità illustrate nella cookie policy.

Content Curation tools indispensabili - Sergio Albertini

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Content Curation: cos'è e a cosa serve. Oggi la mia grande amica e collega Carmina Sacco tratterà un argomento spesso trascurato, che è quello della Content Curation.

Content Curation: cos'è e a cosa serve

Vediamo subito cosa ha da dirci a riguardo e quali sono i suoi suggerimenti e consigli. The Best Content Curation Tools In 2019. La guida avanzata alla cura dei contenuti. Want to know a little secret?

La guida avanzata alla cura dei contenuti

It’s something I’ve never shared with anyone before (not even my wife). Siege Media wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for content curation. Sounds crazy, right? Let me explain. While I was toiling away at my first few jobs, I realized there was great long-term value in building up my personal brand (even though I hated that term), as well as my own expertise. So, almost every single night and weekend, I hunted down great marketing content and shared the best-of-the-best on Twitter. I kept doing that. 23 ideas for content curation. I've been spending some time this week writing a content marketing plan for a client, at First 10.

23 ideas for content curation

As a part of that plan, I've focussed on content curation as a major part of the program of activity over the next 12 months. In their case, the reason why they're investing is that it's right strategically and suits their budget. They're a commercial marketing team with minimal internal copywriting resource, and they're not creative enough to reliably originate a steady stream of ideas. So it made sense to centralize content curation in addition to publishing original articles and media as and when they can afford it. My sense is that most marketing teams are likely needing this approach, so I thought I'd distill and simplify what's in their plan, in case it might help spark ideas for you.

4 consigli utili per creare una perfetta strategia di content curation. Creare contenuti in modo costante è un’attività che richiede tempo, ma è fondamentale se si vuole competere con le aziende che operano nel panorama del marketing digitale.

4 consigli utili per creare una perfetta strategia di content curation

Dai freelancers alle multinazionali, tutti cercano ora di creare contenuti che abbiano il potere di attirare l’attenzione del pubblico sui social media. Questo significa che, negli ultimi mesi, il numero di contenuti pubblicati è cresciuto vertiginosamente. La vostra sfida è quindi doppia: da un lato, dovete continuare a creare contenuti, e dall’altro, dovete distinguervi dalla massa e attirare quanto più possibile l’attenzione del pubblico. E se pensate che sia facile, siete sulla strada sbagliata. Content Curation è buono per il SEO? 11 esempi che lo dimostrano! Content curation.

Content Curation è buono per il SEO? 11 esempi che lo dimostrano!

You’ve probably heard about it, you might have even read a few pieces on the subject but you never really went through it. How many time did it happen to get a topic idea and start writing on it immediately? Content curation, cos'è? Impara a farla per il tuo blog! - 4Writing. The Definitive Guide to Content Curation. Marketers in a content-driven landscape are responsible for producing huge amounts of content, day in and day out.

The Definitive Guide to Content Curation

But most of us don’t have the time, staff, or budget to publish enough great (or even good) content. We do the best we can, but it’s often impossible to stay ahead of the demand. That’s where content curation comes in. This hands-on guide shows you how curation fills that gap, answering the following questions: WHY content curation is a good idea, including a look at the new Buyer 2.0.WHAT content curation is, and how it fits in the context of the overall content marketing mix.HOW you can put content curation to work for your brand, including a detailed, step-by-step look at what, when, where, and how to curate effectively.WHY you’re curating content in the first place—a full-circle look at performance, measurement, and optimization.

Articles About Curation. Content Curation. - Digital Curation. Curation. Articles About Curation. Guida Content Curation da Robin Good. Robin Good: “In the coming months and years, I expect content curation tools are going to play a very important role in many different fields.

Guida Content Curation da Robin Good

From news journalism, to content development, to learning and education, ecommerce and tourism, there are plenty of areas that have a common need: to better organize the huge (and growing) amount information they have available, in a way that makes it more effective to be consumed, explored and comprehended by others. content-curation-tools-future-p2-400.jpg Photo credit: 3D colorful abstract by ShutterStock This common, vast growing need for organizing and skillfully presenting information sets, is being addressed by content curation tools that facilitate exactly the task of finding, organizing and presenting in effective ways, sets, streams or collections of content already available out there.

In the coming months and years, I expect content curation tools are going to play a very important role in many different fields. - Digital Curation. Scrivener Writing Software - Content generation tool. Content Curation Tools. Content Curation or Content Creation – Which Is Best For Your Business - CURATE CONTENT. By Stephanie Frasco – Content Marketing – 0 Comments Content Curation vs Creation – Which is best for your business Content is what makes the social media and marketing world go round.

Content Curation or Content Creation – Which Is Best For Your Business - CURATE CONTENT

Don’t be fooled either, content has always been the master of marketing. But today, in a world where we share more than ever and access information faster than ever you need a good content strategy to stick out socially. The Secret to Successful Curation: Distribution. Quattro idee per superare saturazione contenuti nella tua nicchia. Here is the sneaky little secret of content marketing nobody likes to talk about.

Quattro idee per superare saturazione contenuti nella tua nicchia

Often, to create an effective strategy, you don’t have to produce the best content. You just need to be first in your niches and overwhelming. Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Templates: The Ultimate List. If you’re responsible for content within an organization, you need to plan out content for the upcoming weeks, months and year. This helps build alignment between teams and also keep writers accountable for their work. Based on Curata research, 90% of marketers are now using an editorial calendar. For high quality content marketing software with top-of-class calendar functionality, workflow and analytics, the Curata CMP content marketing platform is one of several options available on the market. There are also several excellent free templates available – included below. The following table lists the creator of the template, the format (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, WordPress plugin or PDF) and the accessibility (gated or un-gated).

A more detailed description of each template and a peek at what each one looks like follows. Strategia di Marketing - Cinque Passi per Creazione di una strategia Video Marketing: MarketingProfs articolo. Whether you're new to using video to support your marketing program or you've been doing it for years, you won't find the success you seek unless you set a strategy to guide your activity. You don't need an incredibly detailed plan, but you'll want to make sure you know how you'll align video content with the goals of your company. Otherwise... You won't know whether you're being successful.You won't know how to adjust your tactics as you go.You won't be able to justify the use of resources to company leaders.

A good plan is the difference between knowing that your content is delivering ROI and throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. 1. QuiCopy : Quando il content marketing non funziona. Abbiamo già discusso parecchie volte dell'importanza dei contenuti in rete. Leve del web marketing che diventano fondamentali per chiunque – azienda, blogger o professionista – decida di affacciarsi sulla rete dotandosi di una strategia mirata ed efficace.

10 Must Read Content Marketing Posts for 2015. Over the past 5 years we’ve published over 380 articles about content marketing here on Online Marketing Blog. It’s a big topic after all and there’s plenty of opportunity to helpo Digging in to our web and social media analytics, I’ve identified 10 of the most popular posts on content marketing that I’m sure you’ll find useful. From our Content Marketing Maturity Model to tips, tools and measurement – the 10 posts summarized below will help you finish off 2014 in style and put your planning for 2015 in the right direction. A Guide to Social Video: What & Where to Share. Time and again, studies show that humans can process visual information much faster than plain text (60,000 times faster in fact!) Since 90 percent of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. Visual content, such as infographics, constantly outperform written content.

So it should come as no surprise that video marketing is also on the rise, and video traffic itself will account for 67 percent of all consumer web traffic by 2017. A recent study from Curata said that 65% of a company’s content should be created (with 25% curated and 10% syndicated). I 5 migliori Content Curation Strumenti per le piccole imprese. At LocalFresh, we hear time and time again that tiny businesses usually don’t have a time to learn and pass along quality calm to their amicable networks. Most business understand the significance of joining with their online communities by pity applicable stories and topics, or as it’s strictly called – content curation, but many busy businesses and overly intent entrepreneurs simply can’t find a time between payroll, scheduling, reports, audits and patron use to settle that connection. The beauty of record has always been it’s ability to save us time. When it comes to discovering and pity content, there are some good giveaway technologies that indeed can save we time and effort.

They also make we seem bigger than we are; always useful to anyone labeled “small.” The Process: Schedule 20 mins in a morning and in a dusk to get some hit pity and find done. L’arte del riciclo nel content marketing. Di solito, quando si parla di riciclare i contenuti, diamo a questo termine un significato negativo. Ho visto un vero e proprio riciclo su Problogger – e ne parlai su Penna blu tempo fa: lo chiamarono Problogger Reboot, che suona un po’ come il Rai Rewind… una replica, insomma, riproposero gli stessi post, con l’aggiunta di uno o due paragrafi di premessa. Ma riciclare contenuti deve avere un sapore ecologico nel web: prendere un vecchio contenuto e ridargli vita in una nuova forma, rinnovandolo e creando così un contenuto nuovo e ancora utile.

T5 - Top Tools for Communication PROs. Web Publishing by Robin Good. Il Web Marketing ha inizio dalla creazione dei contenuti. 10 Strumenti per la Cura dei Contenuti.