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Creating A Successful Online Portfolio

Creating A Successful Online Portfolio
Advertisement Your portfolio is the showcase of your work, your skills and your potential for your future employers. The more time and effort you dedicate for a usable and nice-looking design, the higher are your chances for getting better account balance in the end of the month. Creating a successful portfolio is easier than you think. There are some common mistakes designers make in their portfolios. Pitfall #1: Obfuscation Clarity and focus should permeate your portfolio. Over at Copyblogger there is an article that covers a simple list of writing tips from the man known for cutting out the fluff from writing in the early twentieth century. 2The Portfolio of Evan Eckard53 is an example of a website that promotes the work from the first page and Gets to it quickly. In the article Creating The Perfect Portfolio4 author Collis Ta’eed offers portfolio advice from the perspective of a potential employer. Pitfall #2: Information Cramming Pitfall #3: Overdoing It Pitfall #4: Uncommon Navigation

Image Slicing in Photoshop CS3 | Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Tutorials | Layers Magazine: For Everything Adobe No doubt you’ve heard about image slicing, but do you know what it is and how it works? Image slicing is a technique for creating a web page (or a component of a web page, like a header or navigation menu) visually in Photoshop (Fireworks and Illustrator also allow you to slice images, too). But how does it work? Well, you’d first design a page in Photohsop exactly as you want it to look when it goes live on the web. Then you cut out all the page components—title bars, buttons, navigation menus, and so on—using Photoshop’s Slice tool. Then, when you save everything out, Photoshop saves each slice as an individual graphic, and (and this is the icing on the cake for the code-leary) all the necessary code will automatically be written as well. Finally, once everything’s saved out, you can pull everything into Dreamweaver and finish off your layouts with any necessary tweaks. Once your dimensions are set, it’s simply a matter of building your design. Slicing up your design is the fun part.

Futuro de la Universidad - UB Gallery | Your photos on your website La importancia del Retweet La importancia del Retweet (estudio) Una reciente investigación de Microsoft Research recuerda la importancia del retweet, una práctica común en Twitter pero – a menudo- “mal utilizada”. Según el estudio, las razones son: Se debe compartir el ‘gran’ dato para ayudar a la comunidad así como fomentar su conocimiento.Es una manera de hacer notar nuestra presencia hacia los demás. Si se trata de empresas, estos pueden ser posibles clientes.El retweet puede ser un ‘acto de amistad’. “No se puede tener éxito sin la ayuda de ‘amigos’”, aseguran. Por otro lado, el informe reúne algunas características del ‘retwiteo’: 18% contiene un hashtag.52% presenta una URL.11% tiene otro retweet (RT @ RT @ usuario1 usuario2 … mensaje).9% posee una respuesta a la persona retwitteada. El reporte recomienda que los retweets pueden prescindir de la puntuación mientras no se cambie el sentido del mensaje. Vía GovLoop Nota: Sigue a los investigadores (@redlog, @zephoria y @gilgul) en Twiter.

Ten Ton Books - Creatin' CSS Layouts In Dreamweaver Part 1 Today Finland officially becomes first nation to make broadband a legal right Starting today (July 1), every Finnish citizen now has a guaranteed legal right to a least a 1Mbps broadband connection, putting it on the same footing as other legal rights in the country such as healthcare and education. As we reported last year, Finland was the first nation in the world to pass this type of legislation, followed by Spain in November. The Finish government has promised guaranteed speeds of 100Mbps by 2015 for all of its citizens, and currently about 97% of Finns already have access to broadband connections. As our @Zee mentioned last year: “the fast growth of technology has led the European Commission to bring forward a review of the basic telecoms services Europeans can expect.” And as this blog points out: “This is no mean feat in a geographically challenging region, with a quarter of the country lying above the Arctic Circle. Finland’s communication minister Suvi Linden told the BBC that, “We considered the role of the internet in Finns everyday life.

Coppermine Photo Gallery How to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025) How to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025) Welcome to the Internet! By following the simple rules below, you make sure your internet experience is smooth and risk free. RealIdentity Before signing on, please ensure you have received your RealIdentity card from local authorities. Geolocation The internet is split into roughly 120 country regions. As a note for travellers: Before planning your trip to another country, make sure you apply for a Geolocation Visa in order to surf from internet cafes within that country. Signing Up for the Right Internet Many content offerings depend on the internet you’ve signed up to. While we cannot specifically recommend one internet over the other, the internet is great for research and mindless entertainment (talking dogs), whereas has the faster movie experience. Adult Content If your RealIdentity identifies you as being over 21 years of age (30 in some countries), you are of the legal age to view adult content. Product Placement

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials El Síndrome de la pantalla de visualización Esta era digital, caracterizada por la presencia de ordenadores en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, ha propiciado la aparición de una nueva patología: El síndrome de la pantalla de visualización. ¿Cuáles son las causas? Esta dolencia se da, principalmente, entre las personas que pasan más de 8 horas delante de un ordenador. En muchas ocasiones, los especialistas achacan esta patología a los problemas derivados de la ubicación de los equipos informáticos en el lugar de trabajo. Factores como una mala iluminación en el local o una insuficiente resolución de la pantalla del ordenador favorecen la aparición de este síndrome, así como los reflejos, los brillos o la mala ventilación de la sala. ¿Cuáles son los síntomas más tipicos? Molestias oculares y visuales Visión borrosa, visión doble, sensación de tensión ocular, fatiga visual y fotofobia (molestia ante la luz).Dolor ocular, sequedad, irritación, sensación de arenilla, quemazón, pesadez de párpados, lagrimeo. Otros tipos de molestias

