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The Three C's of Information Commerce: Consumption, Curation, Creation Brian Solis

inShare180 Over the years, social networks have lured us from the confines of our existing realities into a new genre of digital domains that not only captivated us, but fostered the creation of new realities. As George Bernard Shaw observed, “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.” Such is true for social networks and the digital persona and resulting experiences we create and cultivate. It was the beginning of the shift in behavior toward an era of digital extroversion, self-defined by varying degrees of sharing, connections, and engagement. On Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, et al., we were attracted by the promise of reigniting forgotten relationships and enamored by the sparking of new connections. With each new connection we wove, we were compelled to share details about ourselves that we might not have divulged in real life. Our concerns of privacy or the lack thereof, now require education. The Social Genome The 3C’s, Consumption, Creation, and Curation

Are you a content consumer or creator? Brian Solis inShare835 You’ll soon learn why I’m posting shorter, but more frequent posts…In the mean time, I wanted to share with you something I’ve been thinking quite a bit about these days. Think about the generation or two before us. You control the Information Age. There was and is something missing however. And while it’s not the same as generations before us, I wonder if we’re moving towards an era of consumption again, just under a new facade. In all honesty, the long form of content creation is under constant scrutiny and its value is continually questioned. You might disagree with me, but shortly after the iPad was released, I sold it. Who are you? What about you that some adore that we all need to experience? What can you teach us? I believe in order for the social economy to thrive, it must balance creation and consumption. In the process we’ll find that the balance is refined to the delicate, yet invaluable ecology of learning and teaching. What do you think? This is your time… Tags:

Content Curation Vs Content Aggregation Two posts brought to my attention the discussion starting to take root about the worlds of content aggregation versus content curation. A post on the Poynter blog back in early October points to the work of journalists engaging in curation via Twitter as a way of “filtering the signal from the noise.” The phrase used was “curation is the new aggregation.” A more recent post on the blog by Roger Hart delves more into the world of content curation in a broader sense, stating that it is a bit of a flavor-of-the-month. My experience with curation is more specific. Daily, and sometimes twice daily, it is my job to draw from a set pool of content, radio programs’ arts and entertainment segments, and publish them into a CMS with text and audio. Over the past few years, publishing content in this manner makes me a curator of sorts. Curation goes one step beyond aggregation by adding an active, ongoing editorial component. Curation and aggregation are similar in but a few ways. So.

Artisan blogging « via פλenK ” I sense” , my personal state of mind in Personal Knowledge Mangement is exactly at this point, at least in #PLENK2010. During the month of march I came across a post of Harold Jarche “Artisans choose their tools”. In those days I did not know what a great figure Harold Jarche is in the field of education, since I am a newbie to the web world. But his article made perfect sense to me. “I sensed” while working on my project about “Web 2.0 tools” months later, how precious his expertise is in the “Internet Time Alliance“. “I sense” his sense making “I seek, I sense, I share” appeals to me mostly, since as a self assigned learner I made this experience or as Stephen Downes commented “We have so much in common”. ” I sensed”, during the recorded session, that I have to explain myself more in my blog “via פλenK“. ” I sense”, my setup of my blog “via פλenK” looks moore like a workshop of an artisan than of a usual blog. “I sense” , a blog facade gives inside of its owner . ” I live online” .

The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3 The Curation Economy and The 3C’s of Information Commerce Brian Solis inShare1 Several years ago I had the privilege of working with Steve Rosenbaum, author of Curation Nation. Back then Steve was already vested in the future of online curation and his grande conquête was playing out with, a realtime video curation network. I share this digital foreword with you here… The Curation Economy and The 3C’s of Information Commerce I always appreciate when a very complex and important subject is simplified to ease understanding. Forrester Research tracked how people adopt and use social technologies through its Technographics research. Creating original content, consistently over time, is daunting. As we weave our social graph, we inherently earn built-in audiences, namely the people we know, for the thoughts, experiences, and information we share. The Rise of Short-form Content Creators With the rise of Twitter and Facebook, we witnessed the emergence of new categories of publishing tools and corresponding networks. Let me explain.

Curation Is Not Cheap Content... Posted by Tom Foremski - May 16, 2011 There seems to be quite a few people in marketing that look upon "curation" as an inexpensive and quick way to get content onto a site. After all, how hard can it be to collect a few links and publish them? However, "cheap" content doesn't mean it's good content. For curation to be done well it needs context. If you take a look at the work of museum curators, for example, the fantastic Balenciaga and Spain currently at the DeYoung in San Francisco, you see a tremendous amount of context around each exhibit. That's what curation online also has to demonstrate: mastery, passion, knowledge, and expertise. Otherwise, you could simply create curated content via some filters, some keywords, etc. I've written about this distinction before, aggregators versus curators and it is worth repeating because it is the human labor that's important, that's where the value will be found in any online enterprise.

The Creative Plateau and Content Curation So why is the amount of newly generated content beginning to bottom out? Here are three possible reasons: 1. Fans of the innovation adoption curve suggest that the hype associated with socially driven and created content is beginning to reach its zenith. I don’t think this is the case - some early adopters may be getting tired of being bloggers or publishers, but I don’t think this social phenomenon has reached the early majority stage yet. 2. Some people maintain that “there is no such thing as a new idea”. Think of any subject. 3. At Organic Development, we’re pretty familiar with content curation and we will be publishing some more posts on the subject in the coming months. LikeMinds 2010 looks at how media is changing right now, and how curation is becoming the way to build long term value with markets through social media. In the mean time, we’ve produced this handy table to help you get to grips with idea of content curation and how it differs from content creation: Do both.

Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ? Every hour thousands of new videos are uploaded online. Blog posts are written and published. Millions of tweets and other short messages are shared. To say there is a flood of content being created online now seems like a serious understatement. Until now, the interesting thing is that there are relatively few technologies or tools that have been adopted in a widespread way to manage this deluge. We pretty much just have algorithmic search, with Google (and other search engines) as the most obvious example. The real question is whether solutions like these will be enough. What if you were to ask about the person that makes sense of it all? The name I would give it is Content Curator. In an attempt to offer more of a vision for someone who might fill this role, here is my crack at a short manifesto for someone who might take on this job: In the near future, experts predict that content on the web will double every 72 hours. Link to original post

Remix culture Remix culture, sometimes read-write culture, is a society that allows and encourages derivative works by combining or editing existing materials to produce a new creative work or product.[2][3] A remix culture would be, by default, permissive of efforts to improve upon, change, integrate, or otherwise remix the work of copyright holders. While a common practice of artists of all domains throughout human history,[4] the growth of exclusive copyright restrictions in the last several decades limits this practice more and more by the legal chilling effect.[5] As reaction Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig, who considers remixing a desirable concept for human creativity, works since the early 2000s[6][7] on a transfer of the remixing concept into the digital age. Lessig founded the Creative Commons in 2001 which released Licenses as tools to enable remix culture again, as remixing is legally prevented by the default exclusive copyright regime applied currently on intellectual property.

Content curation: 5 ways to filter social media’s information overload Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America, yet it started out as a private collection for one man with a passion for art. Aside from a few well-known examples like this, however, few people outside the art world had used the term curation—until recently. Content curation is a hot trend in social media, thanks in no small part to the efforts of several thought leaders. Joe Pulizzi and Steve Rosenbaum actively promote it, and a Psychology Today blog declared it the “new black.” What is content curation? In 2009 I published a blog post called the "Manifesto for the Content Curator," which predicted that this role would be one of the fastest growing and most important jobs of the future. “Content curation” is a term that describes the act of finding, grouping, organizing or sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific issue. The 5 models of content curation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Video Curator - What is Video Curation? Definition: A video curator has a knack for finding the gems in mountain of online video. Video curators watch hundreds of videos, gather the best video in playlists on YouTube or another website, and distributes the channel to a network of fans. The best video curators have a keen interest in the subjects that their video channels cover. You'll find video curation channels focused on everything from skateboarding to kittens, fast cars to knitting. Becoming a video curator is simple. If you want more control over your video curation channel, create a video blog. Examples: The video curator set up a YouTube channel featuring the funniest puppy videos she could find.
