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Lego Engineering

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Science through LEGO Engineering. The following four curricula are designed to introduce students (in Grades 3 to 5) to various science concepts through design-based LEGO projects.

Science through LEGO Engineering

The first several lessons of each unit engage students in scientific explorations sometimes using the LEGO tool-set as a resource. The students are then charged with an open-ended design challenge where they use the science they learned alongside the engineering design process to design and build LEGO creations that meet criteria that the students can observe and test.

Intro Unit. LEGOengineering – Inspiration and support for LEGO-based engineering in the classroom. LEGO® Education WeDo™ Teacher's Guide - WeDoIntro.pdf. Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting. Enchanting Cards in Multiple Languages Enchanting cards are now available in: Thank you, translators, for your hard work!

Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting

Enchanting v0.2 is out! Jul 9, 2014 - Enchanting v0.2.4.3 is out and now includes an updated Spanish translation. May 6, 2014 - Enchanting v0.2.4.2 is out, and now includes a Czech translation. It is ready for use by regular people and technical geniuses, alike. Com MINDSTORMS : Home. Com Education Home. Microsoft Word - ART OF LEGO illustration.doc - artoflego2.pdf. Fredmartin.pdf.