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Social Engineering

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What is a Rootkit Virus? Know the Different Types of Malware. Malicious + Software = Malware.

Know the Different Types of Malware

In other words, malware is the all-encompassing term to describe programs that can do damage to you or your computer. The best way to prevent malware from intruding on your life is to understand how the different types of malware work. Here’s a quick overview: Phishing: The phishing scam masquerades as a legitimate website or link to a site, but what it’s really trying to do is “fish” for information. By fooling you into thinking that you’re visiting your bank or a shopping or government website, the scam gets you to divulge personal or financial information, which the Bad Guys then exploit. Spyware: Like its name says, spyware monitors your movements on the Internet, sending information back to a central computer that then targets you with advertising.

Trojan horse: The Trojan program is malware that masquerades as a legitimate program. PoS (point-of-sales) malware - Definition. What are PoS?

PoS (point-of-sales) malware - Definition

A PoS device is designed to complete a retail transaction. It calculates the amount customers must pay for their purchases and provide options for customers to make said payment. PoS devices are connected to the Internet to authorize transactions by sellers. Most PoS devices run on some variant of Windows and Unix. The decision to run on Windows could be seen as an advantage: it’s easier to run, maintain, and develop apps for devices running on Windows. What is a Rootkit Virus?

Know the Different Types of Malware. Techniques. Phishing is the method used to steal personal information through spamming or other deceptive means.


There are a number of different phishing techniques used to obtain personal information from users. As technology becomes more advanced, the phishing techniques being used are also more advanced. Human based social engineering in the workplace. Human based social engineering in the workplace.

Human based social engineering in the workplace.

Pete Cortez, Technical Instructor, New Horizons Computer Learning Centers, EC-Council Circle of Excellence 2010, EC-Council Instructor of the Year 2011, EC-Council Circle of Excellence 2012 One of the most frequently asked questions from my students is topic regarding social engineering employees. The Social Engineering Threat to IT Security. Computer technicians know all too well of the security threats in the cyber world.

The Social Engineering Threat to IT Security

Virus and malware removal is usually on the most in-demand services for computer repair businesses, especially companies that service residential PC’s. Technicians who service small businesses know the importance of securing networks, configuring firewalls, spam filters, frequent software patches, and virus definition updates in order to keep the vulnerabilities of the computing environment at a minimum. There are a number of hardware and software tools that are designed to create a “secure fortress” of protection, with their main goals to keep the bad guys from infiltrating a system and malicious software from taking over. While these tools are necessary, there is one element that they still can’t protect – the human element. Social engineering is one the biggest threats (if not the biggest threat) to computer security, whether in residential or business environments. What is Social Engineering? Examples and Prevention Tips.

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information.

What is Social Engineering? Examples and Prevention Tips

The types of information these criminals are seeking can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access your computer to secretly install malicious software–that will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as giving them control over your computer. PRETEXTING-Waller-FULL.pdf. The Truth Behind Pretexting: In-house Investigations and Professional Responsibility Concerns. The Truth Behind Pretexting: In-house Investigations and Professional Responsibility Concerns To this day, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and internet blogs continue to run new articles and queries focusing on the growing scandal involving H-P's investigation and its pretexting techniques.

The Truth Behind Pretexting: In-house Investigations and Professional Responsibility Concerns

While many of these reports inquire about criminal liability for those involved, this article discusses the professional responsibility consequences for lawyers involved with pretexting. The simple truth is that lawyers are held to a higher bar than just avoiding criminal conduct. This article, thus, briefly explains what pretexting is and what H-P did, highlights relevant rules of professional conduct, and discusses the impact these rules have on internal investigations. Pretexting and HP: The Background. Social engineering: My career as a professional bank robber. Jim Stickley got his first computer at age 12, and he was chatting with other computer "nerds" on bulletin board sites by the time he was 16.

Social engineering: My career as a professional bank robber

A wannabe hacker, Stickley said his first foray into playing the system was with free codes — codes that would exclude his phone and computer time from racking up charges that would incur the wrath of his parents. "I started learning the phone systems early. I ended up getting my hands on a lot of old PacBell manuals and I figured out how systems work," said Stickley, now the CTO of TraceSecurity, a security consultancy based in both Louisiana and California. Learn more about social engineering tricks and tactics As an adult, Stickley channeled his computer and hacking passions into a legitimate career in network security, but soon realized that hardware and software were only part of the security equation.

[Read about the latest scams in 5 more dirty tricks: Social engineers' latest pick-up lines "Ten years ago it was a whole different world. Social engineering techniques - ECU Libraries: One Search. Abstract In information security terms, social engineering (SE) refers to incidents in which an information system is penetrated through the use of social methods.

social engineering techniques - ECU Libraries: One Search

The literature to date (40 texts), which was reviewed for this article, emphasises individual techniques in its description of SE. This leads to a very scattered, anecdotal, and vague notion of SE. In addition, due to the lack of analytical concepts, research conducted on SE encounters difficulties in explaining the success of SE. In such explanations, the victim's psychological traits are overemphasised, although this kind of explanation can cover only a small portion of SE cases.

Publication Title. Pdf/1303.3764v3.pdf. ECU Libraries Article Linker. Joyner Library Proxy Login. Rabies, a neglected, fatal disease - Gauteng. THE STARDr Jacqueline Weyer of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases and Human Rabies in South Africa in a laboratory at her workplace in Sandringham, Joburg.

Rabies, a neglected, fatal disease - Gauteng

Photo: Boxer Ngwenya Johannesburg - A child foaming at the mouth, holding on to bed rails while having a violent convulsion; a seemingly violent, delirious dog growling with saliva dripping from its sharpened teeth. This is the picture often used to illustrate one of the world’s most fatal diseases - rabies. It claims more than 55 000 lives worldwide each year. In South Africa, up to 30 cases are confirmed each year. Speaking at a World Rabies Day symposium at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) on Tuesday, researchers all echoed the same sentiment that what was needed was a shift to having more vaccinations and awareness education.

Why the world’s technology giants are investing in Africa. 14 October 2013Last updated at 19:00 ET By Fiona Graham Technology of business reporter, BBC News, Accra Young people gaining access to technology is key for Africa, tech companies say "I don't understand. Social engineering (security) Social engineering, in the context of information security, refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.

5 Types of Social Engineering Attacks. What is social engineering? - Definition from Social engineering. Techniques. Top 5 Social Engineering Exploit Techniques. If you want to hack a corporation fast, Social Engineering (SE) techniques work every time and more often than not it works the first time.

I'm talking about in your face, Mano-a-mano, live in the flesh social engineering techniques. Securing the information that is in the human mind is a monumental, colossal, epic, task compared with securing digital data! Social Engineering. Social engineering. Social engineering. Social engineering. Social engineering. Social engineering attacks: Is security focused on the wrong problem? Malicious social-engineering attacks are on the rise and branching out far beyond simply targeting the financial sector.

While some organizations develop employee-awareness training or solicit pen testing, or use some combination of the two, these preventive tactics can only go so far. Adopting a "know thy data" approach -- in terms of what it is, how valuable it is and where it is -- and then focusing on securing it may be the key to surviving the relentless onslaught of attacks. It's nearly impossible to detect you've been socially engineered.Daniel Cohen, RSA FraudAction group Remember the ancient Greeks' "gift" horse to the city of Troy? What is phishing? (definition of phishing, with examples)

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email, to steal your personal information. SOCIAL ENGINEERING, HACKING THE HUMAN OS. Social engineering, sometimes called the science and art of human hacking, has become quite popular in recent years given the exponential growth of social networks, email and other forms of electronic communication. Social engineering: 3 examples of human hacking. Chris Hadnagy gets paid to fool people, and he's gotten pretty good at it over the years. Social Engineering: A Hacking Story - InfoSec Institute. What is Social Engineering? What is Social Engineering? Examples and Prevention Tips. What is social engineering? - Definition from The Official Social Engineering Portal - Security Through Education.