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Best Natural Colon Cleanser - Easy and Simple Elimination of all Gases and Toxins. Do you know the existence of this simple and magical natural cure in form of a pill?

Best Natural Colon Cleanser - Easy and Simple Elimination of all Gases and Toxins

Magnetic and electric effects on water. Pourquoi la sève de bouleau peut faire la fortune de la Lettonie. Quand le printemps fait fondre les dernières neiges, la tranquillité des immenses forêts de Lettonie est à peine troublée par un goutte à goutte presque imperceptible.

Pourquoi la sève de bouleau peut faire la fortune de la Lettonie

C'est la saison de la sève de bouleau, réputée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques. On "saigne" l'arbre pendant la montée de sa sève, selon une tradition ancestrale, qui ressemble à celle du sirop d'érable. C'est avant que le jus ne commence à circuler et les premières feuilles n'apparaissent qu'il faut percer un trou horizontal dans le tronc des centaines de milliers de bouleaux du pays. Des petits tubes noirs émergent des écorces blanches. Dégouline alors dans des sacs en plastique un liquide clair et sucré qui est une des boissons les plus populaires du pays depuis des siècles. Pendant la saison qui commence vers la fin mars et dure jusqu'à la mi-avril, un arbre peut donner chaque jour entre un à deux litres de cette sève considérée par les Lettons comme une boisson miracle pour la santé. CLEANSE HELP. 9 Useful Cleansing Teas - Cleanse Help.

Reiki, Bio-Energie, Shiatsu, Moxibustion - Chiang Mai, Thaïlande. La thérapie par moxibustion (ou moxa), couramment utilisée en Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise, consiste à chauffer avec un cône ou, un bâtonnet de moxa, les points d’acupuncture et certaines parties du corps humain, dans le but de prévenir ou de traiter les maladies.

Reiki, Bio-Energie, Shiatsu, Moxibustion - Chiang Mai, Thaïlande

Les moxas sont constitués de feuilles de chêne et d'armoise séchées, finement broyées et se présentent le plus souvent sous la forme d’un cigare d’armoise (artémisa sinensis). L’armoise a comme propriété de produire une chaleur qui pénètre profondément les muscles SANS RISQUE DE PROVOQUER DES DOULEURS INSUPPORTABLES. C’est une plante connue pour ses effets anti-spasmodique, tonique et vermifuge. Lors de la séance, le patient ressent une chaleur agréable qui lui procure rapidement détente et bien-être. La moxibustion : Long Life Saunas- What Is Near Infrared. Sauna Therapy. Click Here To Buy A Near Infrared Sauna Click Here To Learn About Converting A Traditional Sauna To Infrared Click Here To Read About Single Heat Lamp Therapy SAUNA THERAPY by Lawrence Wilson, MD.

Sauna Therapy

Comprehensive Nutrient Review: Trimethylglycine Overview. Betaine is a substance derived from plant sources that is part of the methyl group of substances that turns the potentially dangerous amino acid, homocysteine, into the beneficial amino acid methionine.

Comprehensive Nutrient Review: Trimethylglycine Overview

Methylation decreases with age, which means that homocysteine levels will increase leading to increased risk of developing arthritis, cancer, depression, and heart disease. Health benefits related to betaine include decreased risk of depression, Alzheimer's, heart disease and certain cancers. Dietary Sources: Beets, broccoli, and spinach. Dosage: Up to 300 mg per day. Trimethylglycine. Trimethylglycine (TMG) is an organic compound that occurs in plants.

Trimethylglycine Published: November 07, 2008 Once again the West looks to the East for the Next Herbal Superstar: This Herb May Change Your Life...In the 1970s the Chinese government asked scientists to research the unusually large number of centagenarians in the small mountain provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi and Shicuan .

In addition to unusual longevity the researchers found low incidences of many common ailments associated with aging including, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's and cancer. After over 10 years of study they found one common thread. A plant the locals called "xiancao" the "immortality" plant. Benefits of Beet Juice. Beets are a fabulous root vegetable and the benefits of beet juice are plenty.

Benefits of Beet Juice

Beets have been used traditionally to heal people. Traditional Benefits According to Wikipedia ancient Romans used beetroot as a treatment for fevers and constipation. By Lawrence Wilson, MD © February 2013, The Center For Development Methylation is one of the body’s most important and most common chemical processes.

It is the addition of a methyl group, or CH3, to many chemical compounds to change their solubility or for other reasons that are explained below. Methylation processes occur in hundreds of chemical reactions in our bodies. The Natural Way to Detox... and Why You Should. Your body is very much like a sponge, soaking up bits and pieces of just about everything it’s exposed to -- and in our modern world, our bodies are exposed to a lot.

The Natural Way to Detox... and Why You Should

From air pollution and food additives to pollutants in our drinking water, homes and even personal care products, the truth is that your body is literally bombarded with toxins on a daily basis. No matter how “clean” a life you lead -- healthy eating, exercise, regular stress relief -- your body is likely to show evidence of accumulated toxicity. In fact, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted the Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, the most comprehensive assessment yet of Americans’ exposure to environmental chemicals, they found some very shocking results …

Best Detox Retreats Around The World. Would you like to lose a few kilos, increase your fitness, give your liver a break, de-stress or simply have some "me" time? Find out what we consider the best detox retreats around the world that pride themselves on amazing food, great results and personalized care. Why not make your next holiday a healthy one! The PachaMama Experience - part 1. Is Zeolite Safe For Human Consumption? Zeolite is the name of related volcanic minerals consisting of hydrated aluminum and silicon. Found in natural soils, these minerals can also be made synthetically, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Whether zeolite is truly safe for human consumption has not yet been determined, although it is sold as a dietary supplement.

Zeolite products are used commercially as water and air purifiers, adsorbent material, detergents and animal feed additives. The texture of zeolite is fine and porous. Clinoptilolite Zeolite. All zeolites are not created equal. The same can be said about zeolite providers. Privately owned and in operation since the early 1990’s, St. Cloud consistently delivers a reliable product and outstanding service. International Zeolite Association. Home Water Quality. DR. COUSENS. What Is Zeolite - The Main Purpose. Zeolite was one of the first materials used by NASA to grow plants in space. In agriculture a naturally occurring zeolite called Clinoptilolite is used to improve soil quality and bind fertilisers and water to the soil.

It provides a source of slowly released potassium. It can also be ‘per-loaded’ with ammonium and the zeolite will act as slow release nitrogen fertiliser for a fraction of the cost of chemically generated slow release fertilisers. Zeolites can also act as water moderators, in which they will absorb up to 55% of their weight in water and slowly release it under the plant’s demand. This property can prevent root rot and moderate drought cycles. Zeolite FAQ. Detoxing with Zeolites. One way to benefit your body in several ways is to detox with Zeolites. Some Knowledge About Micronized Zeolite Health Supplement. Zeolite - Detox With Micronized Zeolite. Benefits of Tourmaline Gemstone.

Negative Ions

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt. Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt. Nutrition Facts and Analysis for Taro leaves, cooked, steamed, without salt. Greek Medicine: EMOTIONS AND ORGANS. 10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body. Traitements alternatifs du cancer. Le Péroxyde d’Oxygène En fait, les guérisons quasi "miraculeuses" ici observées (ici le mot "miracle" n'est pas exagéré) sont dues principalement à l'association du concentré de jus de melon (SOD), du péroxyde d'hydrogène (eau oxygénée) et du germanium.