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Moss Graffiti « The Bored Ninja - Fun, Interesting, and Cool Stuff on the Internet. Free Solid State Physics Books Download. - StumbleUpon. 18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama. Buying a camera: everything you need to know. 184inShare Jump To Close By David Pierce and Vlad Savov Cameras are everywhere. Camera companies don’t exactly make life easy, either. Sticky TOC engaged! A guide to this guide As with our smartphone buyer’s guide, you should be careful not to treat this as a definitive dictum on what to buy. Basics of photography Basics of photography Every camera, from the tiny webcam embedded in your laptop to the full-frame pro cameras built by Nikon and Canon, operates under the same set of basic principles. The most common technique for making this recording is by channelling light through a lens onto a photosensitive material that soaks it up and turns it into an image. Since light is the only information your camera collects, it should come as no surprise that well-lit scenes typically come out looking sharper and nicer than dark and moody shots illuminated only by a streetlight — more light just gives you more information to work with.

The key settings The key settings Other features that matter. #3038363. SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News # Social media # Torrent sites # Social networking

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do. Writing is a muscle. Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Because that is what writing is all about.

Procrastination is an alluring siren taunting you to google the country where Balki from Perfect Strangers was from, and to arrange sticky notes on your dog in the shape of hilarious dog shorts. A wicked temptress beckoning you to watch your children, and take showers. Well, it’s time to look procrastination in the eye and tell that seafaring wench, “Sorry not today, today I write.” The blank white page. Mark Twain once said, “Show, don’t tell.”

Finding a really good muse these days isn’t easy, so plan on going through quite a few before landing on a winner. Bubble Charts, Java Bubble Charts, Java Bubble Graph Software, Bubble Chart Java Beans, Java Charts Library, Java Charts API, Java Graphs API, Charts Designer IDE, Graphs, Charts. Free eBooks - All Our Classic Books and Novels. 250 movies that are better than the Shawshank Redemption. - a list by whitethomas61. Silk — Interactive generative art. Yummly | The best site for recipes, recommendations, food and cooking. Framed Cooks Recipes — Punchfork. 7 Steps to Taking Clone Photographs. As a lot of the interviewees we’ve had on PetaPixel have shared, a great way to improve in your photography skills is to experiment. Even though many of the experiments I share on PetaPixel have nothing to do with directly improving your photography skills, they’ve definitely helped me gain a deeper understanding of various aspects of photography, post-processing, and manipulation, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Today, I’ll show you how to take photographs of multiple yous. Let’s get started! Here’s a photograph titled “Clone Wars” that I took in a field behind my house yesterday: Canon 40D + Canon 16-35mm. f/5.0 and 1/500s at ISO 100. The difference between this kind of thing and other kinds of photo manipulation is that you’re not trying to add fake people or objects into a photograph that are actually out of place (in terms of things like lighting and shadows).

Instead, you’re taking certain parts of real photographs and merging them together. . #1: Bring the Right Gear. Super Hero Minimalist Posters. 100 Best Workout Songs. Infographic: Get More Out Of Google. Game Theory. First published Sat Jan 25, 1997; substantive revision Wed May 5, 2010 Game theory is the study of the ways in which strategic interactions among economic agents produce outcomes with respect to the preferences (or utilities) of those agents, where the outcomes in question might have been intended by none of the agents. The meaning of this statement will not be clear to the non-expert until each of the italicized words and phrases has been explained and featured in some examples. Doing this will be the main business of this article. First, however, we provide some historical and philosophical context in order to motivate the reader for the technical work ahead. 1. The mathematical theory of games was invented by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern (1944).

Despite the fact that game theory has been rendered mathematically and logically systematic only since 1944, game-theoretic insights can be found among commentators going back to ancient times. 2. 2.1 Utility. Author Quote Posters. Being around a successful author would surely be exhausting and inspiring in equal amounts. As well as all that wisdom they put into their books, their thought-provoking one-liners would literally be falling out here, there and everywhere. So while you'd beat yourself up for not possessing even a smidgen of that kind of talent, you'd also be maniacally scribbling it all down for dinner party quoting. The rather smart Evan Robertson has created a set of posters that combine iconic author quotes with genius design work. If you don't want at least two of these hanging on your wall then we need to have a serious chat. Tags: books, Design, Posters.

Exercise Video Database - 600+ Exercises with Pics & Instructions! Silk — Interactive generative art. 100 Things Personality Test - VisualDNA. Origami peace crane 3D animation instructions, origami flapping bird and origami aloha shirt. Table of Contents. Everyones Mixtape. - StumbleUpon. Drinkify. 10 Best Sexual Drinking Games. Some of the best sexual drinking games can be done either in an intimate setting with only you and your girlfriend or you can make it a party and have multiple people. The ten most commonly played sexual drinking games are: Nine cans of beer or the floor. In this game you will need about nine cans of beer per person, (NOTE: not everyone will finish this game) a shot glass and a time keeper. Every minute for 100 minutes you take a shot of beer. At first that may seem easy enough but when you add it up it comes out to about nine beers in just over an hour and a half. If you choose to not take a shot you do have an alternative.

You may remove one article of clothing to be decided upon by a fellow player of your choice. Most favorited all-time. The Fifty Greatest Cult Movies of All Time. Deep sleep | Panacea | 1,754 likes | 18. SOPA Emergency IP list: | CodeBangers. 11 Easy Ways to Meditate (Or, There's No Such Thing As Being Bad At Meditation) Neonflames. - StumbleUpon. Midnight in Paris Woody Allen’s latest places starving writer Owen Wilson in Paris with his fiancée, Rachel McAdams. Searching for inspiration for his incomplete novel, Owen begins taking strolls around the city at night where he discovers an unexpected group of people. I wish I could be more specific, but it would ruin the surprise. Know that it is brilliant, witty and full of mystique. 92% on Rotten Tomatoes (RT).

Let the Right One In The best vampire movie ever made in my opinion. Watch Let the Right One In for FREE on Amazon Instant Video The Man From Earth Holy &#%@ this film’s plot is fascinating! Garden State This is my absolute favorite film. Waking Life It’s impossible for you to grasp Waking Life without actually watching it, but I’ll do my best to explain it. Watch Waking Life for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Closer This film is a rather dark, yet comedic story about the twisted relationships between Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. Sin Nombre Snatch The Descent. Resource Center - Latest Content.

Simon Tong Photography. Ten Anime Films You Should See Before You Die. One of the most surprising, and gratifying, things that has happened since I started my blog, Tim Maughan Books, a year or so ago is the positive feedback I’ve had for the anime reviews—especially from people I know are far from being massive fanboys like myself. It’s gratifying because its part of the reason I started writing them; to try and introduce the medium to people who had never really indulged in it all, at least not past perhaps watching Spirited Away with their kids. The problem is, once you’ve had your first taste, where do you go next? Type ‘anime’ into Google and the results are bewildering, and without a little bit of guidance and a quality filter finding something to watch can be a daunting task. There’s a lot of shit out there, plus a lot of stuff that isn’t really meant for you…unless you’re a ADHD stricken 12 year old emo-ninja-obsessed boy that refuses to eat anything except Pocky and instant Ramen.

Akira (1988) Ghost in the Shell (1995) My Neighbor Totoro (1988) Quick hand-legs-foot tutorial by `Hellobaby on deviantART. Einstein for Everyone. Einstein for Everyone Nullarbor Press 2007revisions 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 John D. Norton Published by Nullarbor Press, 500 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 with offices in Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222 All Rights Reserved John D.

An advanced sequel is planned in this series:Einstein for Almost Everyone 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 ePrinted in the United States of America no trees were harmed web*bookTM This book is a continuing work in progress. January 1, 2015. Preface For over a decade I have taught an introductory, undergraduate class, "Einstein for Everyone," at the University of Pittsburgh to anyone interested enough to walk through door. With each new offering of the course, I had the chance to find out what content worked and which of my ever so clever pedagogical inventions were failures. At the same time, my lecture notes have evolved. This text owes a lot to many. I i i. Art 1. Optical Design. Videojug - Get Good At Life. The world's best how to videos plus free expert advice and tutorials. The 50 Best Mind Hacks on the Web.

Image: JanneM/Flickr Mind hacks. Ever since Tom Stafford and Matt Webb introduced us to the hidden logic of our upstairs system in their 2004 neuroscience tome, these simple tricks have taken the blogosphere by storm. Nowadays, there’s a hack for everything, from your sex life to your kitchen stove. We compiled the Web’s 50 best mind (and life, and career, and…you get the point) hacks.

These self-improvement gleanings are bound to make you a better, well, everything: Work and Career Five rules for keeping your inbox empty. How to control your workday before it controls you. Make your to-do list fun by turning it into one big game. Here’s a nifty system for keeping your desk clean and tidy. Boring, but valuable: How to automatically back up your hard drive.

This is the ultimate procrastination hack. 10 things to do right now to cultivate a superior leadership year. Your Finances 9 methods for mastering your money. How to find out exactly what your job is worth…then ask for that raise. Life Skills. 100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican. Addicting Info does it again. Last time they came up with If you hate taxes, here are 102 things NOT to do. Even though they graciously gave us permission to cross-post, I'd rather tease you and then send you to their place to give them some well-deserved traffic. This time around, they came up with 100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican. Here are a few, but click on the link for all 100: If you want to enrage a conservative, I suggest saying the following:1. 11 Exercises that Help Decrease Knee Pain. If your knees are giving you problems, and you feel like the Tin Man from "The Wizard of Oz" when getting out of bed, rest assure that at least you’re not alone.

In fact, nearly 50 million Americans feel the exact same way. Knees are the most commonly injured joints in the body. Considering that when you simply walk up stairs, the pressure across your knee joints is four times your body weight, it isn't surprising. Simple, everyday wear and tear can end up hurting your mobility. But it’s not too late. Like a rusty door hinge, with care and maintenance, your knees can be trouble free. Even if you already experience problems, exercising and strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee joints— quadriceps (front of thigh), hamstrings (back of thigh), abductor (outside thigh), and adductor (inside thigh)—will help make your knees stronger and less susceptible to injury. Knee Stretches Chair knee extension: Sitting in a chair, rest your foot on another chair so the knee is slightly raised. 12 Powerfoods : Diabetes : Mens Health Spotlight : Mens

Can controlling your blood sugar and preventing diabetes complications be as simple as eating the right foods? Yes. Certain foods are packed with nutrients that stabilize blood sugar levels, protect your heart, and even save your vision from the damaging effects of diabetes. These 12 foods can give you an extra edge against diabetes and its complications. 1.

Apples In a Finnish study, men who ate the most apples and other foods high in quercetin had 20 percent less diabetes and heart disease deaths. Other good sources of quercetin are onions, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, and berries. 2. After 40 days of taking various amount of cinnamon extract, diabetics experienced not only lower blood sugar spikes after eating, but major improvements in signs of heart health. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The key to eating nuts is not to eat too many; they're so high in calories that you could easily see the aftermath pouring over your pants. 9. 10. Just don't overdo it. 11. 12. Hubble Heritage Gallery of Images. Click here when stoned and alone... | curlyjesse | 8tracks. 5 Ways To Use StumbleUpon In Education. Do you need another time-sucking website that will entertain, educate, and enhance your day-to-day life?

Of course you do! Lucky for you, there’s StumbleUpon and it’s more than just another LOLCat-powered site. It’s actually useful for education! We’ve come up with a few handy ways to use the content discovery site to actually benefit teachers, students, and education administrators. After all, that’s what Edudemic is all about! 1) Stumble Your Way to a Lesson Plan: Using StumbleUpon is a great way to find new material to keep your curriculum fresh and interesting. 2) Follow Channels : Whatever your area of expertise, StumbleUpon has a channel for you. 3) Stumble for Show-and-Tell : With StumbleUpon, homework doesn’t have to be boring. 4) Connect With Your University : Everyone’s got a soft spot for their alma mater, and using StumbleUpon is a great way to keep in touch.

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