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Santander Facility. The Santander testbed is composed of around 3000 IEEE 802.15.4 devices, 200 GPRS modules and 2000 joint RFID tag/QR code labels deployed both at static locations (streetlights, facad es, bus stops) as well as on - board of mobile vehicles (buses, taxis).

Santander Facility

Over the deployed testbed, several use cases have been implemented: - Environmental Monitoring. Around 2000 IoT devices installed (mainly at the city centre), at streetlights, facades prov ide measurements on different environmental parameters, such as temperature, CO, noise, light and car presence). - Outdoor parking area management. Almost 400 parking sensors (based on ferromagnetic technology), buried under the asphalt have been installed a t the main parking areas of the city centre, in order to detect parking sites availability in these zones. Figure 1:Outdoor parking and Environmental Monitoring deployed architecture Figure 3: Detail of Participatory Sensing application Figure 4: Native experimentation skills Santander facility 1. 2.

Panstamp weblog: Swapping wireless data. After highlighting our need for a wireless protocol in the precedent post, I've been carefully thinking about the way to proceed.

panstamp weblog: Swapping wireless data

Finally, I've taken the decision to create a custom protocol, something really simple and usable for generic M2M needs. We specially need a very lightweight protocol, simple to implement, flexible, robust and capable to fit into the list of features provided by the CC1101 chip. Figure 1: First panStamp boards After working with dozens of M2M protocols, mainly for wired systems, I've learned some useful things that may be applied to our wireless protocol. Flexibility is a concept rarely wanted in protocols nowadays.

Our communication frames must fit into the CC11XX packet structure. Well, we have a good list of requirements. IoT Internet of Things Resource Toolkit. EXP TECH. Dragrove is an open source based generic gateway for internet of things.


It combines Dragino (Easy Internet Access, powerful CPU, Linux system), Arduino compatible interface board (monitoring and controlling the physical world), and RF networks like X-Bee. Dragino MS12 is a wifi/linux enabled appliance for MCU projects. The goal of the Dragino is to solve the connectivity problem and greatly enhance microcontroller products. The Arduino compatible daughter board provides plug and play interface like Grove, it also provides 8 IO terminals for developers to easily create Internet of things projects, Robotics, Smart Home, Wireless Sensor Networks and many beyond. Features: Node.js. Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things. Join our team - Jobs at Pinoccio. Development. Waspmote Hardware Overview - Technical Specifications. » General characteristics Consumption Input / Output 7 Analog Inputs, 8 Digital I/O, 2 UART, 1 I2C, 1 SPI, 1 USB, Specific Default Socket for “basic sensors” Temperature, Humidity, Light (LDR) Sensors embedded on board Electrical characteristics » GPS (Optional)

Waspmote Hardware Overview - Technical Specifications

Wi-Fi for Everything. EXP TECH. Ninja Blocks Kit. Temperature & Humidity Use the included Temperature & Humidity sensor to monitor your wine collection from anywhere in the world or use the Ninja Rules Engine to build the world's best thermostat.

Ninja Blocks Kit

Motion Sensor Get peace of mind by using the included wireless motion sensor to build a security system that talks to the web or simply use it to let you know when the kids are at home. Door Bell Never miss a delivery again! Window & Door Sensor The wireless Window & Door sensor takes your security system to the next level. Arduino Compatible If you want to get your coding hands dirty, the Ninja Block contains an Arduino compatible micro-controller, that you can program using the official Arduino IDE.

BeagleBone Inside each Ninja Block is a credit card sized Open Source Computer called a BeagleBone running Ubuntu (Linux). RGB LED Eyes You can control your Ninja Block's RGB LED eyes. Open Hardware The Hack Me tags give you instant access to the Open Source Computer and Arduino inside. Internet of Things Camera - Simple remote monitoring using a first-generation Eye-Fi wireless SD card and Adafruit Data Logging Shield for Arduino Introduction The Eye-Fi card is a tiny wireless memory card.

Internet of Things Camera -

It stores photos and fits inside a camera just like a regular SD card, but also has built-in WiFi transceiver that can upload images to your computer, smartphone or to various photo-sharing sites. We use one here when taking pictures for our tutorials — it’s a great timesaver, eliminating the extra USB transfer step that’s otherwise necessary. Can the Eye-Fi card work in an Arduino SD card adapter? What makes this combination way cooler than just a normal SD card or a USB cable to a computer is all the infrastructure provided by the Eye-Fi service — not just transferring images to your computer, but pushing them to your smartphone, photo-sharing sites like Flickr, issuing email or Twitter notifications, etc. Parts and Software Lists.

Supermechanical. LightBlue Cortado by Punch Through Design. When all is said and done, we expect you to have your hands on your Bean by May 2014.

LightBlue Cortado by Punch Through Design

This depends heavily on the quantities sold—we'll update this date at the end of our campaign. If you'd like to know more about our manufacturing and fulfillment process, keep reading! We want to be as transparent as possible without giving false expectations. We've previously used a contract manufacturer in Korea to produce several products.

They've already built thousands of our module for our other customers. Our current lead times are 12 to 14 weeks on production due to the procurement of parts. We are allotting 4 weeks to testing of the production units, 2 weeks to clearing customs and shipping to USA, and then another week of fulfillment in the US. Home Environmental Sensors: Ninja Sphere. We’ve told you before about Ninja Blocks, a home automation system that couples wireless sensors with simple software to create rules for things like motion detection alerts and remotely switching lights on or off.

Home Environmental Sensors: Ninja Sphere

Now the eponymous Australia-based startup behind Ninja Blocks is hard at work on the next evolution of the connected home: the Ninja Sphere. Nest Store.