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Internet of Things (IoT)

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The Internet of Things is going to reshape the B2B marketing landscape. Un réseau français pour l’internet des objets de la Valley. L’internet des objets a souvent les honneurs des médias et même si pour l’heure les nouveaux objets connectés font plutôt figure de produits de niche, il ne fait guère de doute que le domaine est appelé à prendre un essor considérable.

Un réseau français pour l’internet des objets de la Valley

Il est illusoire de se lancer seul dans l'Internet des objets. Pour Mathias Herberts, cofondateur de Cityzen Data, les objets connectés supposeront de telles expertises dans la possession des données, les réseaux de collecte et la pérennité des services, qu'une entreprise a tout intérêt à déléguer chacune de ces tâches.

Il est illusoire de se lancer seul dans l'Internet des objets

Les challenges de l'Internet des objets sont d'une ampleur sans commune mesure avec ceux relevés jusqu'ici par le Big Data. Avec le Big Data, la Sécurité sociale a appris à traiter 1 milliard de feuilles de soins par an, la RATP à transporter 5 millions de voyageurs par jour et les cartes à enregistrer 8 milliards de paiements par carte en 2013. Dans l'Internet des objets, les boîtes noires des avions de ligne enregistrent chacune 300 paramètres par seconde, pour environ 100 000 vols par jour, et les futurs compteurs électriques Linky collecteront toutes les dix minutes des informations de consommation pour 35 millions de foyers, soit 5 milliards de mesures par jour. Il n'est pas possible d'avoir une approche de bout en bout. Stan Shih to work with European firms on IoT development.

Taipei, April 12 (CNA) Stan Shih (施振榮), founder of Taiwan's personal computer maker Acer (宏碁), said Sunday that a foundation he plans to establish with European companies will hold a forum in Berlin on April 16 and another one in Taipei on June 1 to promote the development of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Stan Shih to work with European firms on IoT development

The Stans Foundation will form the Wangdao Alliance (王道聯盟) with high technology companies in Taiwan and Europe to collaborate on IoT development, starting with the ExA Summit, Shih said. "Wangdao", a philosophy advocated by Confucianism, refers to using the most righteous and kind way to do thing well. He said he hopes that through the ExA Summit, a Wangdao platform that aims to facilitate collaboration among IoT enterprises will be established. The collaboration between IoT vendors in Europe and Asia is expected to expand to the world, giving Berlin status as Europe's Silicon Valley, and Taipei as Asia's Silicon Valley, Shih said. Fujitsu and Microsoft collaborate to transform manufacturing processes through IoT innovation.

Cambridge quantum leap for wireless comms and IoT. Cambridge engineers believe they have found the ‘Holy Grail’ of the semiconductor industry.

Cambridge quantum leap for wireless comms and IoT

Researchers from the University of Cambridge say they have cracked one of the mysteries of electromagnetism which could enable the design of antennas small enough to be integrated into an electronic chip. These new nano antennas are the so-called ‘last frontier’ of semiconductor design and would provide a massive leap forward for wireless communications and the Internet of Things. In new results published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the researchers have proposed that electromagnetic waves are generated not only from the acceleration of electrons, but also from a phenomenon known as symmetry breaking.

In addition to the implications for wireless communications, the discovery could help identify the points where theories of classical electromagnetism and quantum mechanics overlap. “What hasn’t been known is how the dielectric medium results in emission of electromagnetic waves. Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of things. Internet of Things - Privacy and Security in a Connected World. The Federal Trade Commission held a public workshop to explore consumer privacy and security issues posed by the growing connectivity of devices.

Internet of Things - Privacy and Security in a Connected World

The ability of everyday devices to communicate with each other and with people is becoming more prevalent and often is referred to as “The Internet of Things.” Connected devices can communicate with consumers, transmit data back to companies, and compile data for third parties such as researchers, health care providers, or even other consumers, who can measure how their product usage compares with that of their neighbors. The workshop brought together academics, business and industry representatives, and consumer advocacy groups to explore the security and privacy issues in this changing world. The workshop served to inform the Commission about the developments in this area.

The workshop was held at the FTC’s satellite building conference center, located at 601 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC, and was free and open to the public. The Internet of Things - Internet of Things Companies. Internet of Things. Internet of Things Examples. Check on the baby Aimed at helping to prevent SIDS, the Mimo monitor is a new kind of infant monitor that provides parents with real-time information about their baby's breathing, skin temperature, body position, and activity level on their smartphones. // Visit Remember to take your meds GlowCaps fit prescription bottles and via a wireless chip provide services that help people stick with their prescription regimen; from reminder messages, all the way to refill and doctor coordination. // Visit Track your activity levels Using your smartphone's range of sensors (Accelerometer, Gyro, Video, Proximity, Compass, GPS, etc) and connectivity options (Cell, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, etc) you have a well equipped Internet of Things device in your pocket that can automatically monitor your movements, location, and workouts throughout the day.

Internet of Things Examples

Get the most out of your medication Monitor an aging family member Stay out of the doctor's office. Are you ready for the Internet of Things? 2015-03-31 IBM Connects “Internet of Things” to the Enterprise. ARMONK, NY - 31 Mar 2015: IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it will invest $3 billion over the next four years to establish a new Internet of Things (IoT) unit, and that it is building a cloud-based open platform designed to help clients and ecosystem partners build IoT solutions.

2015-03-31 IBM Connects “Internet of Things” to the Enterprise

IBM’s pioneering work in Smarter Planet and Smarter Cities was based on practical applications of IoT in the enterprise and led to a broad set of solutions, ranging from water management to optimizing retail and customer loyalty to alleviating traffic congestion. IBM leads in enterprise IoT implementations that securely combine and analyze data from a wide variety of sources. With new industry-specific cloud data services and developer tools, IBM will build on that expertise to help clients and partners integrate data from an unprecedented number of IoT and traditional sources. The new unit will be led by Pat Toole as General Manager.

Join the conversation #IoT Smarter Cities Smarter Buildings Smarter Water. Internet of Things. We are building a UK network dedicated to the Internet of Things - Arqiva. We are building and running a national Internet of Things (IoT) network, starting with 10 of the UK’s largest cities.

We are building a UK network dedicated to the Internet of Things - Arqiva

To enable this we have partnered with SIGFOX, a pioneer in cost-effective, energy-efficient Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity.The new network, which will use SIGFOX technology and connect the UK to the SIGFOX global IoT network, will unlock substantial economic benefits and support innovative new services for smarter homes and cities. SIGFOX’s ultra-narrowband technology is particularly suited to connecting objects over long distances where a long battery life and low cost are required. By becoming the SIGFOX Network Operator in the UK, we have strengthened our position as a leading provider of machine-to-machine connectivity services. Internet of Things World – Palo Alto.