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3 Interval Training Plans to Build Fitness Fast. Less time in the gym doesn't mean you have to sacrifice fitness if you know this secret: Interval training.

3 Interval Training Plans to Build Fitness Fast

Research shows that interval training—workouts in which you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery period—increases fitness and burns more calories over a short period of time than steady-state cardio (you know: just doing the same thing for your whole workout time). So how do you get the most out of interval training, and how long should each push and recovery be?

One of the many great things about intervals is that there's no single hard-and-fast rule. Different lengths of work and recovery bring different benefits—and they're all good. Start with these three interval training plans. 1. This is one of the best interval training workouts you can do to improve fitness. How to do it: Warm up for 15 minutes. 2. Sprinting is great for tightening and toning your legs, glutes, and core.

Technique: Cadence Matters. By Joe Beer | Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11.00pm Learning what cadence works best for you can significantly improve your efficiency Robert Smith Photography Cycling is a simple sport really.

Technique: Cadence Matters

To break it down into its simplest controllable factors you can vary your effort (heart rate), gearing (front and rear combination) and pedal cadence (revolutions per minute). There are the obvious additional controllable factors of whether you ride on- or off-road and the hilliness of the terrain you choose to cover, but the principle still applies - speed is a function of your effort, your choice of gear and how fast or slow you decide to spin.

4 Cycling Drills to Increase Your Power per Stroke. Simply put: the more force you can apply to your pedals, the faster you will go.

4 Cycling Drills to Increase Your Power per Stroke

So, it stands to reason that by improving your pedaling efficiency (applying force throughout more of the pedal stroke), finding your optimal cadence (between 80-100 RPM's), and balancing out your pedal stroke (both legs applying equal force to the pedals), you can become more efficient and thus increase your speed. More: A Breakdown of the Cycling Pedal Stroke In order to increase your pedal-force, perform the following drills on your stationary trainer, one to two times per week. These workouts can be stand-alone, or you can use them as a warm-up to a longer training session. One-Legged Drills Warm up for 10 to 15 minutes of easy spinning (both legs).

Then, with the non-working leg unclipped and resting on small stool next to the trainer, do: 30 seconds right leg 30 seconds left leg 30 seconds both legs, focusing on proper form at a comfortable cadence Repeat sequence 3 times. Then, Cycling Nutrition: Eating on the Bike « Tuned In To Cycling. I’m continually amazed at the things I see cyclists eat during and after rides but am never surprised to see the effects ranging from loss of energy, through loss of concentration leading to mistakes and sometimes injury, to a full-fledged bonk.

Cycling Nutrition: Eating on the Bike « Tuned In To Cycling

The basic roles played by glycogen storage, blood glucose and the extraction of glucose from ingested carbohydrates are well understood as is what you need to do to avoid nutrition-based problems while you’re riding. That doesn’t stop riders from falling prey to these problems all of the time, however. Sometimes cyclist’s ideas about nutrition are based more on currently popular nutritional fads than sound knowledge. Heart Rate Monitor Training For Cyclists: The Basics. Using a heart rate monitor for training isn't rocket science; it's just a case of getting in the right zone.

Heart Rate Monitor Training For Cyclists: The Basics

Here we explain how to find those zones and how to train within them. Eddie Fletcher of Fletcher Sport Science is amazed by how many people have heart rate (HR) monitors and download all the numbers but haven’t a clue what they mean. “Men are by far the worst," he says. Gel Padded Bike Gloves Fingerless Cycling Glove for Bicycling. Indiana Bicycling Information. Bicycle Rides - Bike Races - Cycling Events and Information. Strava Cycling. Si te gusta correr, montar en bici o simplemente el deporte al aire libre, te encantará Strava.

Strava Cycling

¡Pruébala, es gratis! Millones de corredores, de ciclistas y de personas que practican deporte utilizan Strava para registrar las actividades, comparar el rendimiento a lo largo del tiempo, conectar con la comunidad, y compartir fotos, historias y los mejores momentos de sus aventuras con los amigos. Monitoriza gratis las carreras, los recorridos y otras actividades • Seguimiento de actividades: Durante la actividad y después de esta, consulta todas las estadísticas importantes como la distancia, el ritmo, la velocidad, el desnivel positivo y las calorías quemadas. También dispondrás de un mapa interactivo de tu actividad. • Reto personal: Participa en los retos personales creados para que superes tus propios límites.• Segmentos: ¿Cuál es tu subida de montaña favorita?

Velodroid GPS Bike Computer. ✭ Très bonne application pour ballader à pied, en vélo route ou vtt.

Velodroid GPS Bike Computer

Je fait de nouveaux parcours pour moi ou mon club chaque semaine et résultat impeccable à 99% ... pour le prix rien à dire, c'est fabuleux. Map Bike Rides with Elevation Profiles, Analyze Cycling Performance, Train Better. Ride With GPS. Map Bike Rides with Elevation Profiles, Analyze Cycling Performance, Train Better. Ride With GPS.