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Bicycle Film Festival - HOME

Bicycle Film Festival - HOME

Fixed Gear Gallery CINEMETRICS — film data visualization bikes making tracks on road to greener travel Folding bikes touted as eco-friendly and stylish way to commuteNumber of folding bike cyclists and manufacturers has grown in recent yearsPortability is key to success of the bikes as is increasing number of cycle paths in cities (CNN) -- From city suburbs to crowded urban centers, small-wheeled folding bicycles are finding a new credibility. Once dismissed as novelty toys or stash-in-the-trunk conveniences, they now are being seen as a way to get everyone on a bike. Yet when it comes to folders -- as they are known -- the difference between a $350 entry-level model and a $3,500 customized version goes far beyond the price tag. "Cheap, unreliable and under-satisfying bikes, folding bikes and electric-assist bikes may get people into and out of bicycle commuting quickly," says Peter Reich, inventor and designer of the Swift Folder bicycle. Michael McGettigan owns the Trophy bike shop in Philadelphia and estimates the market for folding bikes as "iPod-sized."

UFMG CAAD: Janeiro 2012 Fonte: Projeto Pedagógico do CAAD O curso de Belas Artes da UFMG nasceu em 05 de abril de 1957, como curso na Escola de Arquitetura. Quase 11 anos depois, em 28 de janeiro de 1968, foi instituída a Escola de Belas Artes que, aprovada pelo Decreto nº. 62.317, passou a constituir-se numa Unidade Acadêmica autônoma da UFMG, com Bacharelado em Belas Artes. Em 1969, o Colegiado de curso propôs e aprovou um novo currículo, com duas áreas, precedidas por um ciclo comum: a de Artes Plásticas e a de Cinema. Em 1971, foi implantado o Departamento de Comunicação Visual, que passou a se chamar Departamento de Fotografia e Cinema, em 1975. Em 1978, foi enviado ao Conselho de Graduação da UFMG um projeto de reforma curricular, que propunha oito habilitações para o curso de Belas Artes: Desenho, Pintura, Gravura, Escultura, Artes Gráficas, Tapeçaria e Cerâmica, Azulejaria e Audiovisual.

Kevin Scott's bike design gets around the theft problem I'm not sure about UK slang, but in America if I tell you "I'm gonna wrap my bike around a pole" that means I'm gonna crash it. But Kevin Scott, an industrial design student at the UK's De Montfort University, means it in a different way. [image credit: Tony Kyriacou/Rex Features] Scott has designed a bicycle that the user wraps around a pole literally. A ratcheting mechanism transforms two parts of the bike's frame from stiff to bendable, and once wrapped, a single bike lock can be passed through both tires and the frame, which Scott hopes will decrease the bike theft rampant in London and so many other of the world's cities. For his troubles, Scott won Runner-up in the UK's Business Design Centre New Designer of the Year Award.

Venise Cinema 71st Venice Film Festival 27th August > 6th September 2014 The project which will increase the seating capacity of the Sala Darsena theatre on the Lido from the current 1300 seats to 1409 was presented on 7th March 2014; the project also includes the completion of plans to regenerate the surrounding grounds. • SUBMITTING A FILM: In order to be eligible for selection, the films presenters must, no later than 20th June 2014, fill out the selection entry form. Gravity wins 7 Oscars Oscar for the Best Directing to Alfonso Cuarón. The opening film of the 70th Venice Film Festival 2013, Gravity by Alfonso Cuarón won 7 Oscars including the Oscar for Directing. Venice Film Festival Biennale College – Cinema (second edition) A training workshop for the development and production of micro-budget feature films.

La danza de las bicicletas en Amsterdam / Arriba e la Chancha Durante la semana pasada visité Holanda y porsupuesto que no me tomó más de un par de horas estar montado sobre una bicicleta recorriendo la ciudad. Amsterdam tiene un montón de energía y sus habitantes son bastante agradables. Después de haber estado casi dos semanas y media en Copenhague, Amsterdam me resultó un caos aparente para pedalear durante las 2 primeras horas. Estaba acostumbrado al sistema danés, donde por lo general se respetan las luces rojas o pistas de viraje. Sin embargo desúés de 120 minutos fue muy simple cambiar el chip para comenzar a pedalear al estilo holandés. Qué caracteriza el pedaleo en Amsterdam? En las calles se mezclan muy bien la circulación de autos, tranvías y las bicis. Muy pocos, es más, casi nadie utiliza casco. Finalmente el robo de bicicletas. En conclusión, es una ciudad encantadora, mágica, viva. Muévete en bici hoy, será un buen día.

Los beneficios de ir al trabajo en bicicleta | Corazón Dar un paseo, llegar a la oficina, acercarse al supermercado... La bicicleta puede ser una buena forma de hacer ejercicio sin demasiado esfuerzo. Lo confirma esta semana una investigación cuyos datos vuelven a demostrar que, aunque no se le dedique mucho tiempo, practicar habitualmente esta actividad ayuda a controlar el peso. "Al contrario de lo que ocurre con actividades de gimnasio, la bicicleta puede reemplazar el tiempo necesario para llegar en coche a distintas actividades cotidianas. Durante 16 años, estos investigadores de la Universidad de Harvard (EEUU) realizaron un seguimiento a 18.414 mujeres que, al inicio del estudio, tenían edades comprendidas entre los 25 y los 42 años. Al inicio del estudio, sólo un 1,2% de la muestra aseguraba usar la bicicleta más de 30 minutos al día. Es más, su investigación demostró que, en las mujeres que no usaban la bici al inicio del estudio, un incremento de apenas cinco minutos al día, mostraba resultados positivos.

European Cyclists Federation - We care for biking, cycle touring, and bicycle policy, cycle tourism, Bike and train, Fahrrad, Radfahrer, vélo and cycliste The ECF Helmet Working Group has compiled an information sheet on the issue of helmet wearing. ECF Helmet brochure 2012 ECF Helmet brochure 2012 for print 9Mb ECF Helmet 2012 Deutsch ECF_Helmet Brochure_2013 Español References for the Brochure; Cavill N, Davis A, 2007. de Jong, P. (2012), The Health Impact of Mandatory Bicycle Helmet Laws. Jacobsen PL, 2003. NHTSA. Robinson DL, 2006. Rojas-Rueda D, de Nazelle A, Tainio M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, The health risks and benefits of cycling in urban environments compared with car use: health impact assessment study. St Clair VJM, Chinn BP, 2007. Thompson RS, Rivara FP, Thompson DC. Tuxworth W, Nevill AM, White C, Jenkins C, 1986.

Cycling Riding a bike is a fun, healthy and sustainable way of getting around the city. Using 2 wheels can also save you time and money. More and more Sydneysiders are riding bikes for transport, with a 100% increase over the past 3 years. Twice as many are riding bikes for transport than the national average, and some 31,600 City of Sydney residents get on a bike in a typical week (2013 Australian Bicycle Council survey). The City is supporting this growth in cycling by building a 200km bike network which includes dedicated bike paths separating riders from traffic and pedestrians. City staff are out and about each week at key locations with information and advice on bike riding in Sydney and our Try2Wheels events offer expert advice on everything from route planning to buying a new bike. The City also offers free Cycling in the City and Bike Maintenance courses held weekly at Sydney Park Cycling Centre.
