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Sciences quantiques

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(3) Facebook. Undressing the Atom: Imaging its Wave Function. Image Credit: APS/Alan Stonebraker That blue, pixelated image, ladies and gentlemen, is the very first image of an atom’s electron orbital structure.

Undressing the Atom: Imaging its Wave Function

In other words, you’re looking at the first picture of an atom’s wave function. Here, scientists are gazing into the structure of a hydrogen atom, the simplest atom in existence. Until very recently, scientists have been restricted to using mathematical equations and formulas to describe the wave functions of atoms – after all, when you’re dealing with something that small (super-microscopic?) , simply sticking a conventional microscope on it won’t work. La supersymétrie. 13min - Le boson de Higgs - Etienne Klein - Université Paris Diderot. New particle might make quantum condensation at room temperature possible. Researchers from FOM Institute AMOLF, Philips Research, and the Autonomous University of Madrid have identified a new type of particle that might make quantum condensation possible at room temperature.

New particle might make quantum condensation at room temperature possible

The particles, so called PEPs, could be used for fundamental studies on quantum mechanics and applications in lasers and LEDs. The researchers published their results on 18 October in Physical Review Letters. In quantum condensation (also known as Bose-Einstein condensation) microscopic particles with different energy levels collapse into a single macroscopic quantum state. In that state, particles can no longer be distinguished. They lose their individuality and so the matter can be considered to be one 'superparticle'. The Holographic Universe. The Holographic Universe The theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real, goes back to the indigenous people who believed that we exist in a dream or illusion.

The Holographic Universe

In our current timeline, we refer to the our virtual reality experience as a matrix, grids, simulation and hologram. There are those trying to prove the hologram exists and others who are trying to break us out of it. Theories about reality being a simulation are increasing. Scale of Universe - Interactive Scale of the Universe Tool. Courant de pensée quantique. Standard Model: An Overview of Particle Physics. The Standard Model of Particle Physics: A Lunchbox’s Guide by Dave Fehling The quantum world is notoriously difficult to comprehend.

Standard Model: An Overview of Particle Physics.

As Niels Bohr famously stated, “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.” One of the things we pride ourselves on here at FQTQ is breaking down those complex topics into something easily digestible. So, we’re going to try to wrangle the impossible, starting with the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Before we get down into the nitty gritty, here is some back-story. Over in Manchester, England in 1911, another gentleman named Ernest Rutherford used the decay of radioactive elements to produce beams of particles, which he fired at a thin gold foil. Fast forward to the late 1930′s. And there we have it. Physicists Develop a New Method to Accelerate Charged Particles. More impetus for electrons: The charged particles fly from the source (left) via an optical glass grating to a detector (right).

Physicists Develop a New Method to Accelerate Charged Particles

Red laser light is beamed from below through the optical grating. Evanescent light waves, which run parallel to the surface of the grating, break away from this beam at the grating. They accelerate electrons with a stronger electric field than the electric field in microwaves, currently used for this purpose. Théorie de la Double Causalité. A world first! Success at complete quantum teleportation. Furusawa group at the University of Tokyo has succeeded in demonstrating complete quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique for the first time worldwide.

A world first! Success at complete quantum teleportation

In 1997, quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits was achieved by a research team at Innsbruck University in Austria. However, such quantum teleportation couldn't be used for information processing, because measurement was required after transport, and the transport efficiency was low. So, quantum teleportation was still a long way from practical use in quantum communication and quantum computing. The demonstration of quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by Furusawa group shows that transport efficiency can be over 100 times higher than before. Also, because no measurement is needed after transport, this result constitutes a major advance toward quantum information processing technology. Boson de Higgs. Is it the Higgs Boson? - Sixty Symbols.

Le "Large Hadron Collider" (français) First Second Of The Universe. (96) Facebook. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Part 1. Fleur de vie (géométrie fondamental) S Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy. The Science of TRUTH. Fermi Proves Supernova Remnants Produce Cosmic Rays. Fermi's Motion Captured by Vela Pulsar Video. This image compresses the Vela movie sequence into a single snapshot by merging pie-slice sections from eight individual frames.

Fermi's Motion Captured by Vela Pulsar Video

Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration Using data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, a scientist has created a movie based on the Vela pulsar that outlines 51 months of position and exposure data from Fermi’s Large Area Telescope. NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope orbits our planet every 95 minutes, building up increasingly deeper views of the universe with every circuit. Its wide-eyed Large Area Telescope (LAT) sweeps across the entire sky every three hours, capturing the highest-energy form of light — gamma rays — from sources across the universe. These range from supermassive black holes billions of light-years away to intriguing objects in our own galaxy, such as X-ray binaries, supernova remnants and pulsars. One pulsar shines especially bright for Fermi. Fermi’s Large Area Telescope is the spacecraft’s main scientific instrument.

Nassim Haramein - The Schwarzschild Proton. Nassim Haramein Théorie du champ unifié. 0.6.320. Sciences quantiques. Physique quantique. Max Planck est considéré comme le père de la physique quantique. La constante de Planck, , joue un rôle central dans la physique quantique, bien au-delà de ce qu'il imaginait lorsqu'il l'a introduite. Théorie quantique des champs. Fleur de vie (géométrie fondamental) We are living in a Fractal HOLOGRAM ! L’observateur quantique. L’une des plus grandes lois de l’Univers est que la pensée/l’intention crée la réalité.

L’observateur quantique

Tout ce que nous vivons comme expérience est le résultat de notre manière de pensée. Et la loi d’attraction attire à nous ce qui est en résonance avec nos pensées et nos sentiments. C’est une loi absolue qui est à la base de notre monde. Mais la plupart des gens ne sont pas conscients de cela et ne font jamais le lien entre leurs pensées/croyances et sentiments et leurs expériences. Ils se considèrent alors comme des victimes et blâment les autres pour ce qui leur arrive.

Il existe dans l’univers une énergie unifiée dotée d’une conscience/intelligence unique qui est partout. La mécanique quantique étudie les lois étranges qui régissent le comportement des petites particules. Cette réaction à l’observation nous prouve que les particules sont intelligentes et qu’elles sont sensibles à notre intention. Dr Quantum à Flatland faites grandir votre conscience !

Membrane (M-theory) In string theory and related theories, D-branes are an important class of branes that arise when one considers open strings.

Membrane (M-theory)

As an open string propagates through spacetime, its endpoints are required to lie on a D-brane. The letter "D" in D-brane refers to the fact that we impose a certain mathematical condition on the system known as the Dirichlet boundary condition. Reading List: Feynman Lectures on Gravitation (Fourmilog: None Dare Call It Reason) In the 1962–63 academic year at Caltech, Richard Feynman taught a course on gravitation for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Reading List: Feynman Lectures on Gravitation (Fourmilog: None Dare Call It Reason)

For many years the blackboard in Feynman's office contained the epigram, “What I cannot create, I do not understand.” In these lectures, Feynman discards the entire geometric edifice of Einstein's theory of gravitation (general relativity) and starts from scratch, putting himself and his students in the place of physicists from Venus (who he calls “Venutians”—Feynman was famously sloppy with spelling: he often spelled “gauge” as “guage”) who have discovered the full quantum theories of electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces but have just discovered there is a very weak attractive force between all masses, regardless of their composition.

A spin 2 graviton implies a field with a tensor potential function, and from the behaviour of gravitation we know that the tensor must be symmetric. This book is a period piece. Les 10 Dimensions et la Théorie des Supercordes. Théorie des Cordes : Ce qu'Einstein ne Savait pas Encore (FR) - Version longue‬‏ Who lives in the eleventh dimension? – Parallel Universes – BBC science.

Brane - definition of a brane - brane in string theory. Definition: In theoretical physics, a brane (short for membrane) is an object which can have any number of allowed dimensions. Branes are most popular for their presence in string theory, where it is a fundamental object, along with the string. Edward Witten. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Il effectue des recherches sur la théorie des supercordes. Théorie de jauge. Synchronicité. Effet Aharonov-Bohm : une clé de la physique des nanotubes. Le physicien Yakir Aharonov avec son éternel cigare. Crédit : Graviton. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le graviton est une particule élémentaire hypothétique qui transmettrait la gravité dans la plupart des systèmes de gravité quantique. Quantum stuff. Mécanique Quantique. Lumière et Conscience. Mécanique quantique LUMIÉRE électron onde/particule , les deux .‬‏ L'esprit peut-il influencer la matière? - une vidéo High-tech et Science. Proton. Ou.