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Top Memes. Robot Chicken. The Ketchup Prank. Jeff Rense Program. Portail:Humour. El Hematocrítico de Arte. Stuff for Smart Masses. Pleated-jeans. ¡Cuánto cabrón! - HOME. Fun Websites. Welcome to Thinking Dice. HelloGiggles. El Mundo Today. Comediva - Funny videos, funny pictures and funny girls. - Comediva. Funny Webs. Your Daily Life in GIFs (28 GIFs. Here’s a bunch of those little everyday moments put into GIF form… When someone says, “Think fast!” When you’re wearing socks and step in something wet: When your parents don’t like what you’re wearing: When you take pics with your best friend: When you pass by school or work on the weekend: When someone you just met wants a hug: When you try to wink seductively: When you smell food cooking in the kitchen: When someone near you mentions your favorite band: When you’re walking home at night and you hear a noise: When your friend has a sunburn: That stage in a friendship when you can finally start insulting them: When someone tries to talk to you in the morning: When you see a picture of a cockroach: When someone asks for a bite of your food: When you were a kid and opened a present with clothes in it: When you walk into McDonald’s with more than five dollars: When you go the doctor and the nurse walks in with your flu shot: When you walk into the bathroom and the toilet isn’t flushed: You may also like:

22 Words. - Le site de la culture zombie. MONSTER BRAINS. B3TA : WE LOVE THE WEB. Lightsaber Bong: The Force is strong with this one. Very Demotivational. Amazing PAPER Art By Peter CALLESEN. Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine - StumbleUpon. 22 Words. Kongregate. Mauvaisgout. Pleated Jeans. Retrospace. Unique Gifts & Unusual Gift Ideas. HumGum | Magazine, blogs & cr?ative shops ! Awesome Things (39 pics) Random funny pictures.

Meet Frane Selak The Luckiest/Unluckiest Man Alive. | Funny Dumps. Awesome People Hanging Out: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Io9. We come from the future. Crazy Website. Browse. Webfail. | TFM, Frat Humor, College Humor, Frat Music, Funny Stories, College Stories. How To Make Rage Faces on Facebook Chat. Simply type the above code that corresponds to the appropriate rage face into Facebook chat, and the image of the rage face you chose will appear, emoticon-like in its existence.

Facebook didn’t suddenly become hip to the Internet and add rage face emoticons (something from which Google Chat would greatly benefit), but the ability to add rage faces to Facebook chat is more of a hack than anything else, and something to which you can add. Reddit user daychilde explains that these aren’t actually some form of ragemoticon, but that the double bracket and code corresponds to a user profile or page, and when put into Facebook chat, will show the thumbnail of the profile or page that the code links to.

So, all one has to do to make any picture a Facebook chat emoticon, is to simply create a user profile or page that uses the desired picture as the profile picture, then enter the double brackets and corresponding code into Facebook chat. Here’s a tidy list of some more rage face codes: The Jesus Toaster. Older than the T.V shows. Battle of the Drugstore Lipsticks. 25 Ways To Tell You’re A Kid Of The ‘90s. Method of Using a Water Pipe :: Patently Silly. How to Get Laid Without Being a Jerk | Sex & Relationships. September 29, 2011 | Like this article?

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. A letter to my brother, and all his college friends, College is awesome, right? You’re waiting for the “but,” because I’m your nagging big sister and that’s what I do. There are strategies to get laid that are violent and criminal, and there are methodologies that are just mean-spirited and misogynistic. There are milder forms of deception and coercion, though, tactics that are dangerous because of their efficacy and subtlety. The pronouns in this essay thus far would suggest that I think only men can be coercive when it comes to sex, and we all know that’s patently untrue. All these strategies work more often than we’d like. Cibercerdo. El Mundo Today. La Razón: Edición Ojalá | | Humor Gráfico, Gifs, Vídeos y Curiosidades.

20 Hysterical Roommate Notes. The Funny Pics. Gorgeous Elisha Cuthbert. The Onion - America's Finest News Source. Humor Sharing. Water Whiskey Bar Trick (vid) Random Stuff I Don't Need But Kinda Want. How to make your friends like you.

The official Dilbert website with Scott Adams' color comic strips, animation, mashups and more! - A Gift Guide of Gadgets, Gear, Novelties and Zombies. 10 Hilarious T-shirt Designs : 20 Funny Pics. 22 Words. 25 YouTube Comments That Are Actually Funny. Connecting Bloggers.

9 Strange Things Found While Searching for Waldo. ​Martin Handford's Where's Waldo books have been adored by kids the world over since the absent minded candy striped hitchhiker first made his debut in 1987. That being said, this is not an effort to defame the Waldo (or "Wally" depending on where you're reading this) books because frankly, life would be much less cool without them. Instead, our ambition is to point out some of their most noteworthy peculiarities -- things that we didn't necessarily find mentioned on the scrolls and postcards adorning each map, or on the checklists in the back of each book.

No, these are the images and concepts that stayed with us long after we found Waldo, and for probably the wrong reasons. Whether amusing, horrifying, bizarre, or simply too historically accurate for our own good, Waldo's journeys took us down some interesting paths by way of subject matter that Handford has all but wiped from the most recent Waldonian adventures, possibly thanks to pressure from his publisher. ​ Okay. 9GAG. A New Candidate for Greatest Resume Ever from Look What I Found. Amazing Facts. Bedtime Drama 2. England went to bed first, then Canada. They were close to falling asleep when Australia jumped onto the bed because he was being chased by New Zealand, waking them up. Australia and New Zealand fought for a bit before calming down. Australia then immediately hogged a big peace of bed and fell asleep almost as soon as he tugged the blanked over himself. Then came America.

He knew Australia moved around a lot in his sleep, so he squeezed himself in between Canada and England. Neither Canada nor England got any sleep that night. (Yes yes, it’s the wrong flag for England) I actually drew it the same night as the other one I just kept forgetting to color it. 15th May 2010. Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style. Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style. Collectibles. Enjoy our selection of collectibles for display, to appreciate & to remember! We know that to collect precious memorabilia is to preserve special & sincere moments. Explore our collectible items, figurines & dolls. As a collector or supporter of the arts, you are sure to enjoy our selection of collectible items & gifts to choose from.

Find more items to collect & shop collectibles online at Boscov’s Department Store! Cute Pictures - Eight Types of Hecklers and the Comedians Who Shut Them Up. In the 2007 documentary Heckler, Joe Rogan says that “the number one thing about hecklers is 100% of them are douchebags.” A stand-up comedian’s act depends on the audience reaction by nature, but when someone attempts to derail the performer’s work, well, that’s something a douchebag would do. Still, heckling creates exciting moments of discomfort for the audience, and hecklers have instigated some great moments in comedy (Bryson Turner’s comeback) as well as some terrible moments (Michael Richards incident).

Whether the outcome is funny, awkward, or awful, the eternal battle between heckler and stand-up is always fun to watch. Here are eight kinds of hecklers, and fifteen different ways of dealing with them. 1. The Instigator Some hecklers just want to start trouble, so they pick on comedians who are notorious for blowing their tops at hecklers. Joe Rogan embraces hecklers like few other comedians, and his confrontation with this strange young woman is another drop in the bucket. 2. Funny Pictures - GeekAlerts - Gadgets for Geeks + Online Coupons & Promo Codes. How To Build The World's Best Paper Airplanes.

How to scare people on the road Video – - StumbleUpon. I Can Has Internets. Funny Videos, Flash Games, Funny Pictures, Jokes. Laughing Squid. Mirror Online: Number one for news, opinion, sport & celebrity gossip.

Murphy Laws Site - The origin and laws of Murphy in one place. Retrolounge - Fantastic Links! The Slightly Warped Website. TheCHIVE - Funny Photos and Funny Videos – Keep Calm and Chive On.

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