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Kid of the 90s

Kid of the 90s

thxgiving. kid vs adult view All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. Two Sexy Geeks - Tech, Gadget and Geek News - StumbleUpon Email If you have ever wanted to carry out the ultimate practical joke using someone’s computer as your tool then this guide on how to troll a persons computer is something that you must read. For more hints, tips, news and all things technology and geek related please follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to our feed. [via - neatoroma] Be Sociable, Share! Emma Goldman Emma Goldman (June 27 [O.S. June 15], 1869 – May 14, 1940) was an anarchist known for her political activism, writing, and speeches. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. In 1917, Goldman and Berkman were sentenced to two years in jail for conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for the newly instated draft. After their release from prison, they were arrested—along with hundreds of others—and deported to Russia.

21 signs you grew up in the ‘90s As a Gen Yer, I’m aware that I was part of the first generation to grow up with the Internet and cell phones. But I can’t help to think about all the things that I grew up with that Gen Z (that’s anyone under the age of 18) and future generations won’t know about. Here’s my somewhat nostalgic list of all the things people who grew up in the ‘90s know how to do that is now obsolete. 1. How to save a file on a floppy disc

Reasons it's good to be a man This has been sitting on my hard drive in one form or another for years. I don't have an attribution for it. It appeared in a number of emails over the years. Good Web design? harder to find than you think. While supposed “web-designers” are a dime a dozen, quality website design is hard to come by… we often see ads for free this and low price that, and ultimately you will get what you pay for if you insist on mixing with this rabble… Question the Price Price should not be the deciding factor when looking at hiring someone to design a representation of your business to the world, only quality. Affordability is another thing all together, but in the long run, when it comes to a website you will pay a far higher price for digging in with the “cheap and cheerful”. I’ve always believed in tailoring a solution to the client and their budget, but some less credible “entrepreneurs” (read thieves in the night) will often insist on quotes highlighting “number of pages” rather than interface, functional and design features with blanket fee’s less than you can acquire a decent hosting plan for, never mind spend any real time putting love, effort and thought into the design. Trust your Designer

ODDMAN.CA - StumbleUpon And then it hits you. ‘Nuff said on this one. You’ll see.It’s just a strange kind of mash today. Collection of Awesome Things (63 pics) Dec 14/11 Collection of Awesome Things (63 pics) Another collection of some very creative and awesome stuff. Which one of this would you like for Christmas? The Resurrection - 7 Proofs Of The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ By Jack Zavada Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ an historical event that really happened, or is it only a myth, as many atheists claim? While no one witnessed the actual resurrection, many people swore they saw the risen Christ after his death, and their lives were never the same. Archaeological discoveries continue to support the Bible's historical accuracy.

12 Unconventional Self-Improvement Tips Whenever I'm discussing a challenge—okay, fine, whenever I'm whining about a problem—my wife eventually interrupts and says, "Yeah, yeah. I get it. So what are you going to do differently?" Her response would be fairly frustrating if she wasn't right. Discussing—okay, fine, whining—never helps.

30 Best Room Pictures of the Week - May 04th to May 11th, 2012 1. I really love this pool 2.
