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Mideastern burial traditions clash with fears of contagion - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. “We were suffering immensely, knowing my father was deceased but we could not bury him,” said the 26-year-old.

Mideastern burial traditions clash with fears of contagion - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

Across the Middle East and parts of South Asia, bereaved families have faced traumatic restrictions on burying their dead amid the pandemic. Religion and customs that require speedy burials in the largely Muslim region have clashed with fears of COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus, and government-mandated lockdowns.

As the regional death toll surpasses 4,500, ancient rituals — bodies solemnly washed by relatives, wrapped in white shrouds and buried as quickly as possible with large crowds of mourners in attendance — are being disrupted by the growing outbreak. In Egypt, where funerals were once an affair bringing dozens of families together in prayer, strict limits have put a cap on attendees. With faces covered in masks, they now bid farewell to loved ones interred in bags stamped “Danger!” In the Middle East, this often means religious rites must be modified or canceled.

UFC's Anthony Smith fights home intruder; man charged with criminal trespass - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. 3:37 AM CESTMarc RaimondiESPN Staff Writer A man has been charged after he unlawfully entered the Nebraska home of UFC fighter Anthony Smith early Sunday morning, according to police.

UFC's Anthony Smith fights home intruder; man charged with criminal trespass - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

Luke Haberman was arrested and charged with first-degree criminal trespass, a misdemeanor, according to Sgt. To Fight Coronavirus, There’s No Substitute for U.S. Leadership - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. This measure, which China and Russia voted for, didn’t make Ebola any less deadly.

To Fight Coronavirus, There’s No Substitute for U.S. Leadership - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

But it shook up world leaders and offered a vital show of solidarity with the governments and peoples of West Africa in a context in which having a sense that the crisis could be solved played a decisive role in giving Africans the hope they needed to change behaviors that were aiding the spread. Despite Mr. Trump’s disdain for international organizations like the World Health Organization (the U.S. contribution to which he attempted to halve just two months ago) and despite Washington’s own bungled domestic response, we nonetheless must immediately begin to build a broad and determined global anti-Covid coalition.

Such a coalition must create hubs for sharing scientific data on the virus, testing and vaccine efforts, taking advantage of the staggered movement of the disease and every country’s ability to learn from infection cycles that have peaked earlier. It may well be that Mr. Asian Markets Rise After Bigger Gains in U.S.: Live Updates - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Global markets continue Wall Street’s strong start.

Asian Markets Rise After Bigger Gains in U.S.: Live Updates - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

Stock markets around the world on Tuesday maintained Wall Street’s Monday rally amid continued signs that the coronavirus outbreak may be peaking in a number of hard-hit places. Major European markets opened significantly higher after Asian markets picked up steam later in their trading day. Italy Is Sending Another Warning - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Even workers who are in the system can fall through the cracks.

Italy Is Sending Another Warning - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

Lucia Vitale works at the Naples airport for about half the year, catering to the hundreds of thousands of tourists who arrive from March onward. For the other half of the year, she and seasonal workers like her can claim unemployment benefits. But those benefits have now run out. And they can’t get help from the government because, Ms. Vitale said, “we don’t fit into the right categories.” From a restricted Italy, an artist’s eye on the coronavirus - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. The Post has enlisted Emiliano Ponzi to draw and write about daily life in Milan during the coronavirus outbreak.

From a restricted Italy, an artist’s eye on the coronavirus - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

He is dreaming about an end to the pandemic, one in which he can return to his studio and clean it. He says the layers of dust will be a measurement of his sacrifice in staying home and respecting the rules. Nebraska expels two former Cornhuskers after violations of the school's sexual misconduct policy - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. 11:27 PM CESTPaula LavigneESPN Staff Writer CloseData analyst and reporter for ESPN's Enterprise and Investigative Unit.Winner, 2014 Alfred I. duPont Columbia University Award; finalist, 2012 IRE broadcast award; winner, 2011 Gannett Foundation Award for Innovation in Watchdog Journalism; Emmy nominated, 2009.

Nebraska expels two former Cornhuskers after violations of the school's sexual misconduct policy - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

The University of Nebraska expelled two former football players after a school investigator last year found them responsible for violating the school's sexual misconduct policy, according to a document obtained by ESPN. In a letter obtained by ESPN, the university conduct board said the expulsion of two unnamed respondents was effective April 3. A university spokeswoman confirmed Monday that the players involved were redshirt freshmen Katerian LeGrone and Andre Hunt. The March 25 letter states that the board "considered the seriousness of this incident and modified the previously proposed sanction. " Attorneys for both men previously said their clients will plead not guilty. Coronavirus: What is intensive care and which patients need it? - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.

Image copyright Science Photo Library Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now being treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) at St Thomas' hospital in London.

Coronavirus: What is intensive care and which patients need it? - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

Downing Street says it is a precaution, on the recommendation of his doctors, should he need more complex care. What is intensive care? From a restricted Italy, an artist’s eye on the coronavirus - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care; Foreign Minister Deputized - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved into intensive care on Monday, a worrisome turn in his 10-day battle with the coronavirus and the starkest evidence yet of how the virus has threatened the British political establishment and thrown its new government into upheaval.

Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care; Foreign Minister Deputized - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

The government said the decision was a precaution and that he had been in good spirits earlier in the day. But with Mr. Johnson’s aides releasing few details about his condition, the nation kept a tense vigil on Monday night, hoping for the best and experiencing, together, the frightening mysteries of this disease. In a sign of how grave the situation had become, Downing Street said in a statement on Monday that Mr. Johnson had asked the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, to deputize for him “where necessary.” After noting earlier in the day that the prime minister was still getting official papers, Mr. For Mr. Now, Mr. U.S. Children With Coronavirus Are Less Hard Hit Than Adults, First Data Shows - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Children make up a very small proportion of American coronavirus cases so far and are significantly less likely to become seriously ill than American adults, according to a preliminary report on the first wave of coronavirus cases in the United States.

U.S. Children With Coronavirus Are Less Hard Hit Than Adults, First Data Shows - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals

But some have become very sick, and at least three have died. The study, published Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also reported that children appear less likely than adults to develop any of the major known coronavirus symptoms: fever, cough or shortness of breath. That could suggest that many children have mild or undetected cases of the disease and could be spreading the virus to others in their families and communities. “We don’t think many kids get severe disease, so are kids transmitting the disease at a significant rate that’s going to propagate this outbreak?” Asked Dr. What’s Next in the War on Covid-19? - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.

(I interrupt this bleakness for a dose of uplift: In Oregon, a 103-year-old, William Lapschies, caught the coronavirus in early March but recovered in time to celebrate his 104th birthday with pizza and chocolate cake on Wednesday. Happy 104th, Mr. Lapschies!) More bad news: Case fatality rates have been creeping up, and lethality may be greater than many had expected. Germany was hailed for a death rate of only about 0.5 percent, and South Korea was not much higher; now both have case fatality rates well above 1 percent. In models of the virus that my colleague Stuart A. A great majority of the deaths in the United States will have been avoidable. That suggests that we may lose 90,000 Americans in this wave of infections because the United States did not manage the crisis as well as South Korea did.

Third, while we can bend the curve, it will bend back when we relax our social distancing. Coronavirus: Police warning over Calderwood's second home visit - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Image copyright Getty Images Police have issued a warning to Scotland's chief medical officer for visiting her second home in Fife during the coronavirus lockdown. Dr Catherine Calderwood has been heavily criticised after pictures of her family trip to Earlsferry were published in The Scottish Sun. Official Counts Understate the U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Across the country, coroners are going through a process of re-evaluation, reconsidering deaths that occurred before testing was widely available. Coroners and medical examiners generally investigate deaths that are considered unusual, or result from accidents or suicides, or occur at home.

Joani Shields, the coroner in Monroe County, Ind., said she wondered about a man diagnosed with pneumonia who died in early March. A coronavirus test was requested at the time, but the local health department denied it, Ms. Shields said, on the ground that the supply of tests was too limited. “I wish we could have tested him,” she said. In Shelby County, Ala., Lina Evans, the coroner, said she was now suspicious of a surge in deaths in her county earlier this year, many of which involved severe pneumonia: “We had a lot of hospice deaths this year, and now it makes me go back and think, wow, did they have Covid?

Ms. Around the world, keeping an accurate death toll has been a challenge for governments. COVID-19 Coronavirus Survival Guide - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. COVID-19: Basic Information to Keep You Safe There is nothing that has threatened the global economy today more than the COVID-19 pandemic. This disease is spreading rapidly across the globe bringing even the strongest economies to a halt. More worrying is the fact that there is no cure yet. Coronavirus: Trump voices hope for ‘levelling-off’ in US hotspots - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Image copyright Getty Images President Donald Trump has expressed hope coronavirus cases were "levelling off" in US hotspots, saying he saw "light at the end of the tunnel".

On Sunday, New York, the epicentre of the US outbreak, reported a drop in the number of new infections and deaths. Mr Trump described the dip as a "good sign", but warned of more deaths as the pandemic neared its "peak" in the US. "In the days ahead, America will endure the peak of this pandemic," Mr Trump said at his daily coronavirus briefing. He said more medical personnel and supplies, including masks and ventilators, would be sent to the states that are most in need of assistance. UN chief urges end to domestic violence, citing global surge - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. “For many women and girls, the threat looms largest where they should be safest — in their own homes,” Gutteres said. Emerging-Market Economies Brace for Coronavirus Hit - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.

Coronavirus Live Updates: ‘I’m Not a Doctor,’ Trump Says as He Pushes Untested Drug - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. “On the advice of his doctor, the prime minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests,” a spokesman said Sunday. “This is a precautionary step, as the prime minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive for the virus.” The queen called it “a time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all.” Stock Markets in Asia Show Cautious Gains: Live Updates - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Asian markets rise modestly as investors look for positive news.

Asian markets rose on Monday as investors looked to signs that the outbreak is peaking in some of the world’s worst-hit places. Markets in Japan and South Korea were trading more than 2 percent higher by midday, though other indexes in the region rose more modestly. Futures markets were predicting Europe and Wall Street would open higher as well. The coronavirus shows little sign of letting up globally, but investors took their cue from officials in some places suggesting their outbreaks could peak. Gov. Other markets showed improvement, though investor optimism was restrained. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 index was 2.6 percent higher by midday. OPEC’s meeting is delayed as tensions resurface between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Owing to the coronavirus epidemic, demand for oil has dropped precipitously. On Friday, President Vladimir V. What we know about how the Fed plans to spend its new pot of money.

For individuals: Indirectly. Search Keywords on the Rise - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. What causes a Pandemic? Your Covid-19 Questions, Answered - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Coronavirus is testing the limits of Russia's surveillance state - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.

Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod region, about 250 miles northeast of Moscow, boosted its coronavirus-control measures Saturday by adding a system of downloadable QR codes — those square bar code mazes of lines and boxes — in the latest attempt to use tracking technology to battle the pandemic. But Moscow — which normally sets the tone for the rest of the country — backed off from deploying a similar system of time-specific QR codes. Moscow officials said a decrease in foot traffic around the capital made the plan unnecessary. The decision came as Moscow’s mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, acknowledged that “a huge number of questions arose” about requiring a QR-code pass to move around the city. And opposition politicians and rights groups pushed back hard. 'Digital concentration camp' Daria Besedina, a Moscow opposition lawmaker, said the measures were akin to a “digital concentration camp.”

Moscow’s about-face on the QR codes is more than a simple change of plans. Russia's tougher rules. Kyle Walker: Manchester City defender faces investigation over lockdown breach - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Coronavirus is testing the limits of Russia's surveillance state - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. Coronavirus Live Updates: New Jersey and New Orleans Among New U.S. Hot Spots; Top U.S. Officials Warn of ‘Our Pearl Harbor’ - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. During CNN’s “State of the Union,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois projected that his state’s peak was expected toward the end of April. As of Saturday, Illinois had reported 10,000 infections and 250 deaths, and has begun setting up makeshift hospitals. Mr. Coronavirus Scammers: Another Thing to Fear - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.

The Newark case is one of a handful that federal prosecutors have brought over the past few weeks. Manchester City conduct investigation over Kyle Walker's alleged party with sex workers during coronavirus lockdown - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals. 4:02 PM CESTRob DawsonCorrespondent Manchester City have launched an investigation after Kyle Walker apologised for allegedly hosting a party with sex workers during the coronavirus lockdown. - Stream new episodes of ESPN FC Monday through Friday on ESPN+- Stream every episode of 30 for 30: Soccer Stories on ESPN+ The England defender is facing disciplinary procedures after a report in The Sun newspaper claimed he and a friend paid for two sex workers to visit his Cheshire home just hours after issuing a plea to his social media followers to follow UK government advice and "keep following the protocols" during the pandemic.

A statement issued by Walker, 29, read: "I want to take this opportunity to issue a public apology for the choices I made last week which have resulted in a story today about my private life in a tabloid newspaper. "I understand that my position as a professional footballer brings the responsibility of being a role model. What is Covid-19? Top News Headlines Below - Latest Covid 19 Corona Virus News, Corona Updates and Deals.