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English listening skills practice. Intermediate B1 listening. 10 Great TV Series to Improve Your English Speaking and Pronunciation - learn English,english,tv,series,video,pronunciation. Weather forecast par Emy F sur Genially. Created by Emilie Fimbel with S'cape extensions.

Weather forecast par Emy F sur Genially

New words Celebrities: what was the weather like when they were born? Who are they? Voice Maker - Text to Speech Mp3 Converter Free Download. TeachingEnglish Jukebox. Arts & Crafts - Howcast. Text 2 Voice - Convert your text to voice for free. Elocance. Transformer en audio n'importe quel texte. Voicepods. Sans titre. Free Audio Books: Fiction & Literature. Podcasts to help English learners practise listening. Do your students want more listening practice?

Podcasts to help English learners practise listening

Aoife McLoughlin, blogger with and latest winner of the British Council's Teaching English blog award, recommends five podcasts to get them started. Do you spend enough time working on listening skills with your students? Is there ever enough time? In my experience, I would say no. Often, when we ask students what part of their English they most want to improve, they will say listening and speaking. Songs and Activities for English Language Learners. Authentic listening with lower levels: possible and highly recommended.

This is one more post in my series of posts about the EVO 2017 session on teaching listening.

Authentic listening with lower levels: possible and highly recommended

In this post I want to summarize one more issue that was raised during the session: the use of authentic materials with lower levels. Below you’ll find some of the ideas and experiences that the teachers participating in the session shared: Florence Nightingale. Five tips for using authentic video in the classroom. How can teachers use video content that isn't designed especially for language learners?

Five tips for using authentic video in the classroom

English language teaching materials writer and developer Lewis Lansford explains. These days, learners have easy access to English language input, that is, authentic language in use, such as online videos, social media, and podcasts. Most teachers appreciate that using authentic materials – anything produced for a purpose other than teaching English – can capture and hold learners' attention, and motivate them to improve. But they also know that unfiltered, ungraded content can be hard to understand. Outils numériques et classe inversée en langues vivantes au collège. Psychology for Educators [And More] A lesson plan for all levels – in 10 ½ simple steps Preparation: Some fascinating recent studies have shown that on average teachers spend about 30 min preparing for each of their classes.

Psychology for Educators [And More]

Meanwhile other studies (conducted on planet Earth this time) show that such a time allocation may actually be unrealistic. This post is for teachers who live on planet Earth and who know that there are times when one may have to enter a classroom having only had a couple of minutes to prepare (not that such a thing has ever happened to me… ).

It is in situations like these that one needs a simple, straightforward and easy to implement ‘reusable lesson plan’. TapeWrite. Créer un blog audio. Stepping Stones Basic. Learn english by doing it. 100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers. YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo!

100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers

News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools. Understanding. Randall's favorite listening activities on his site (Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab) 1.


A Story to Remember: - A story of a man who was approached by an alien creature. Or was it? 2. Car Repairs: - A man has real problems trying to get his car fixed in a small town.3. Search & Play Soundbites From Movies. By Kieran Donaghy. Best Music to Learn English. Here are my top 5 music artists that English students should listen to.

Best Music to Learn English

They have been chosen because they have clear pronunciation and great vocabulary (by great I mean interesting and useful- none of this street ganksta talk or old-fashioned nonsense that people just don’t say in real life). 1) George Ezra George Ezra is a singer from Hertford England. Ressources pour la compréhension orale - It's English O'Clock!