Teaching with Graphic Novels
Comic books have long been contraband in the classroom. These colorful stories are most often thought of as a distraction hidden behind the math book for slacking students. However, modern graphic novels have emerged as an effective teaching tool that can help improve literacy, explain complex concepts, and get students excited about reading. Many are beginning to view them as literature. Today, many American students are spending significantly more time consuming visual media than books. When children read at home, they do better in both reading and math testing, according to past research from the Educational Testing Services, the company that administers the GRE and other exams. Visual Storytelling Can Build Non-Visual Reading Skills Although often grouped together, a graphic novel is not the same as a comic book. This more diverse and complex style of storytelling may be especially beneficial to students who struggle with large sections of text. When Graphic Novels Are Too Graphic
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Outils numériques et classe inversée en langues vivantes au collège
La classe de 3ème A est une classe avec un effectif élevé : 30 élèves. Le niveau est très hétérogène et certains élèves présentent un profil particulier (une élève dyslexique et dyspraxique ayant droit d'utiliser un ordinateur portable en classe, deux élèves bénéficiant d'un parcours personnalisé et n'assistant qu'à deux heures d'anglais par semaine au lieu de trois, une élève anglophone, ....). Cette grande hétérogénéité se traduit par des différences de besoins, de rythme, de degrés d'autonomie, de niveaux aussi bien dans les activités de réception que de production. Suite à ce constat de départ, des adaptations pédagogiques ont été mises en place tout au long de l'année en classe de 3èmeA et ces adaptations ont même été renforcées lors du prêt de tablettes numériques. Les activités et les supports de travail ont été externalisés de la classe à plusieurs reprises lors de ce projet pédagogique, toujours selon les principes de diversification et de différenciation.
Ten Great Londoners From History Every Londonphile Should Know
A great city is possessed by the men and women who make it so. London, as we know it, would not have transformed from the tiny settlement it once was to the towering metropolis it is today without them. Some on the list were a benefit to the city, while others were a detriment, but these individuals, whether good or bad, are inherently tied to London. James Boswell A great essayist, biographer, and journal author, James Boswell may have been born in Edinburgh, but he earned his fame while a resident of London, first with the biography The Life of Samuel Johnson, in 1791. Clement Attlee Prime Minister from 1945 – 1951, Clement Attlee was born is Putnam into a well-to-do family and spent much of his early life with conservative leanings. Charles Dickens One of the greatest British novelists, Dickens’ family moved to London when he was a boy, but his father’s debts eventually landed him (along with his family) in Marshallsea Prison in Southwark. Charles Pearson Ada Lovelace Robert Peel
Do Not Fear Shakespeare: created with Zunal WebQuest Maker
1. In your group, choose one of the five acts from the book Romeo and Juliet. This is first come first serve so I suggest you pick which act you would like to translate quickly. 2. Assign a scene to each member of your group. This way I know that each member is contributing to the overall project. 3. -You may use websites such as No Fear Shakespeare off of Sparknotes or any other helpful website -You may NOT copy word for word the scene from these websites. -You will turn this into me the day of your presentation. 4. -This includes costumes, props, etc... -Make sure that each group member is assigned a character -Make this creative and fun! 5. Overall this project includes: 1. 2. 3. I really want you to have fun with this project and to truly understand the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.
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TapeWrite. Créer un blog audio
Tapewrite est un service en ligne qui permet de créer une sorte de blog audio dans lequel les articles sont des genres de podcasts qui peuvent être illustrés. Difficile de présenter le concept de Tapewrite. Il me fait penser à un service type Medium mais pour le son. Après vous être inscrit, Tapewrite vous permet de personnaliser une page publique dans laquelle vous allez publier vos enregistrements. La particularité et véritable valeur ajoutée de Tapewrite, c’est la possibilité ensuite d’ajouter des « cartes » ou diapositives à l’endroit où vous le souhaitez dans votre enregistrement. Ces diapositives qui viennent appuyer votre son peuvent être partagées d’un clic sur les réseaux sociaux, elles peuvent être commentées ou archivées. TapeWrite fonctionne à la façon d’un réseau social classique. TapeWrite peut ainsi facilement héberger vos cours audio que vous pourrez illustrer avec des diapos de votre choix. Lien : TapeWrite Langue : Ang Prix : Gratuit Sur le même thème
TeachingEnglish - British Council
Animated films are ones in which individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame. Traditionally animated films have been associated with children, however, nowadays they are designed to appeal to everyone. With the increased ease of creating animations, there has been a huge rise in the number of animated films being produced, and the vast majority of these are short animations. Many of these short animated films can be exploited in the language classroom as they are short enough to be used in a single session, offer a complete narrative in a short space of time, have a unique capacity of grabbing and holding students’ attention, and deal with contemporary subjects and issues, such as bullying, racism, sexism, homelessness, and human rights, which are relevant to students’ lives. Here are my seven favourite animated short films for the language classroom. Paperman Paperman is an Oscar-nominated short film by John Kahrs which went viral. Head Over Heels
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Five tips for using authentic video in the classroom
How can teachers use video content that isn't designed especially for language learners? English language teaching materials writer and developer Lewis Lansford explains. These days, learners have easy access to English language input, that is, authentic language in use, such as online videos, social media, and podcasts. Most teachers appreciate that using authentic materials – anything produced for a purpose other than teaching English – can capture and hold learners' attention, and motivate them to improve. With a few tips and tricks, these challenges can be overcome, and the classroom can be brought to life. 1. When we say 'listening', we often assume that we’re talking about listening to people speak. 2. We might consider a newscast, a Shakespeare play or a football match too complicated, idiomatic or high-level to use in the classroom, especially below level B1 (intermediate). 3. 4. Some videos are more accessible to language learners than others. 5.
TeachingEnglish - British Council
Songs provide examples of authentic, memorable and rhythmic language. They can be motivating for students keen to repeatedly listen to and imitate their musical heroes. Here, we look at some aspects of pronunciation that can be focused on through songs. Using songs to focus on sounds Using songs to focus on words Using songs to focus on connected speech Conclusion Using songs to focus on sounds Sounds are the smallest unit from which words are formed and can be categorised as vowels and consonants. Why are they difficult? As languages differ in their range of sounds, students have to learn to 'physically' produce certain sounds previously unknown to them. However, incorrectly pronounced sounds strain communication, sometimes even changing a phrase's meaning. How songs can help Songs are authentic and easily accessible examples of spoken English. What we do To focus learners on particular sounds, we create activities based on songs' rhymes. Why is it difficult? Balbina Ebong & Marta J.