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World War 1914-1918

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Femchamp. Affiches de la première guerre mondiale. Femmes. Femmes3. 14-18, une guerre photographique. Usine2. Usine. -Un Long Dimanche De Fiançailles- Attaque Française 2. Champs. World War I Unknown. Les principales phases de la Première Guerre mondiale. World War I. Early 20th Century 1901 - 1918. War neuroses youtube. World war 1. Treaty of Versailles (End of World War I) - Free Powerpoints. World War I Lesson Plans. GCSE History: The Great War. GCSE History: The Great War Transform your history classroom. ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for teachers and students. Useful Links Home of the "Head to Head"Virtual Interviews Testimonials from subscribers 'Active history engages pupils of all ability levels.

Melanie Millington (Aston Fields Middle School) 'The students love the 'talking heads'! Alan Rawcliffe Resources for GCSE History History weblinks for GCSE History: The Great War GCSE History - Main Menu. GCSE History: Causes of World War One. GCSE History: Causes of World War One Transform your history classroom. ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for teachers and students. Useful Links Home of the "Head to Head"Virtual Interviews Testimonials from subscribers 'Active History is a gold mine of great ideas and activities. Carolyn Stammers, South Wiltshire Grammar School for Girls. 'ActiveHistory and an interactive whiteboard allows us to teach in the way that we know we should be teaching...with starters, quizzes and interactive exercises allowing the students to engaging with activites in a lively and involving way.' Gill Power, Sanders draper School, Hornchurch, UK Worksheets and Activities for GCSE History History weblinks for GCSE History: Causes of World War One GCSE History - Main Menu.

History - World Wars: Animated Map: The Western Front, 1914 - 1918. The Causes and Effects That Led to World War I. Sep 22, 2014 100 summers ago the countries of Europe collapsed quickly into war: it was sudden but also strangely inevitable. Countless books have been written since about the causes of The Great War, but in this video essay, offers an alternative history. By tracing the story backwards in time, they stumble upon a very unexpected cause and discover that sometimes the most harmless of things can have terrible consequences. Story Design & Direction: Adam Westbrook Additional Photography: Brett Walsh Animation: Adam Westbrook. World War One - What is a Trench? | HistoryOnTheNet. Trench warfare characterised much of the fighting during World War One, particularly along the Western Front. Trench systems were complicated with many interlinking lines of trenches.

Front Line Trench Cross Section Artillery Line The artillery line was where the big field guns were located. They were used to fire shells at the enemy. The noise from a barrage of guns was deafening. Communication Trench The communication trenches were used to move between the front and rear trenches. Support Trenches The support trenches provided a second line of defense in case the front line trench was taken by the enemy. Bunker The underground bunkers were used to store food, weapons and artillery. Traverse Trenches were not built in straight lines. Machine Gun Nest The machine gun nest was where the machine guns were located.

Front Line Trench The front line trenches were generally about 8 feet deep and between 4 and 6 feet wide. Barbed Wire Listening Post Listening posts were used to monitor enemy activity. History - World War One Centenary - WW1 1914-1918. One Hundred Stories | Faculty of Arts, Monash University. Why our WWI casualty number are wrong. Illustration: John Spooner Search for details of Australia’s dead and wounded in the First World War and the figures thrown up are remarkably similar: of the 331,000 men who embarked from Australia with the Australian Imperial Force (AIF), 60,000 were killed and there were 155,000 admissions for wounding. These statistics are presented, with minor variations, on the websites of the National Archives of Australia, the Australian War Memorial, the Australian War Graves Commission, the Australian Parliamentary Library, and in the records of the British War Office and Australia’s official history of the First World War by C.E.W Bean.

Winning this war came at too high a cost for this young nation; for Australia, the First World War was indeed a pyrrhic victory. This means superficially around two out of three soldiers died or were wounded in the First World War. So how many men were killed or wounded? Advertisement But it does not finish there. The Great War . Resources . WWI Casualties and Deaths. World War I. Première Guerre mondiale. U.S. enters World War I — This Day in History — 4/6/1917. Apr 6, 1917: On April 6, 1917, two days after the U.S. Senate votes 82 to 6 to declare war against Germany, the U.S.

House of Representatives endorses the decision by a vote of 373 to 50, and the United States formally enters the First World War. When World War I erupted in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson pledged neutrality for the United States, a position favored by the vast majority of Americans. Britain, however, was one of America's closest trading partners, and tension soon arose between the United States and Germany over the latter's attempted quarantine of the British Isles. Several U.S. ships traveling to Britain were damaged or sunk by German mines, and, in February 1915, Germany announced unrestricted warfare against all ships, neutral or otherwise, that entered the war zone around Britain.

One month later, Germany announced that a German cruiser had sunk the William P. Fact Check We strive for accuracy and fairness. Christmas Truce of 1914 - World War I. Starting on Christmas Eve, many German and British troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the lines, and at certain points the Allied soldiers even heard brass bands joining the Germans in their joyous singing. At the first light of dawn on Christmas Day, some German soldiers emerged from their trenches and approached the Allied lines across no-man’s-land, calling out “Merry Christmas” in their enemies’ native tongues. At first, the Allied soldiers feared it was a trick, but seeing the Germans unarmed they climbed out of their trenches and shook hands with the enemy soldiers.

The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols and songs. There was even a documented case of soldiers from opposing sides playing a good-natured game of soccer. Some soldiers used this short-lived ceasefire for a more somber task: the retrieval of the bodies of fellow combatants who had fallen within the no-man’s land between the lines. World War One. Bataille de la Somme 1. Gallica - La première guerre mondiale.

La Grande Collecte – Europeana 1914 -1918. Du 9 au 16 novembre 2013 Dans le cadre de la commémoration du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’opération de collecte, lancée par Europeana (bibliothèque numérique européenne) vise à numériser le plus grand nombre d'objets relatifs à la Grande guerre. La Bibliothèque nationale de France, ainsi que les autres lieux partenaires, vous invitent à apporter documents et objets datant de cette période afin de les numériser et de les partager ensuite dans Europeana. À la BnF, l'opération se déroulera les 14, 15 et 16 novembre sur les sites suivants : Site François-Mitterrand - Hall Ouest – Quai François Mauriac – 75013 Paris De 10h à 19h30. En 2014, l’Europe et le monde entier commémoreront le centenaire du début de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le site de la Grande Collecte viendra compléter le portail Europeana 1914 -1918 qui apportera des réponses, conservera une multitude de récits et nous rapprochera de ceux qui ont été les acteurs et témoins directs du conflit.

Objets recherchés. La Grande Guerre en dessins, des artistes pendant la premiere guerre mondiale 14-18. 1914 : LES ÉTINCELLES DE LA GUERRE. L’argot de la guerre. « Les fusillés de la Grande Guerre » - Pour mémoire - CNDP. Nous proposons dans ce dossier de revenir sur un phénomène tragique qui a traversé la Grande Guerre de part en part, touché tous les États belligérants, tous les fronts, dès les premiers jours de la guerre et posé aux autorités tant militaires que politiques des questions portant sur leur fonctionnement, leur finalité, leur existence même, puisqu’il s’agit de réfléchir sur la question de l’exécution de soldats au sein de leur propre armée. Nous centrons le propos sur le cas français, non qu’il soit plus important que les autres, mais parce que les sources et l’historiographie dont nous disposons permettent de construire un discours véritablement problématisé et de livrer des conclusions tangibles.

D’autre part, la figure du fusillé a opéré un retour en force dans l’actualité, dans les champs mémoriels, dans les débats politiques au point de prendre une place peut-être démesurée face au nombre réel de cas. Le plan du dossier articule six aspects principaux de la question. Microsoft Word - Oeuvre La guerre - 3e-Otto-Dix-La-Guerre1.pdf. First World War internment camps a dark chapter in Canadian history. Though the main battles of the First World War were fought across the ocean, back in Canada, there were prisoners and casualties of another kind. In 1914, immigrants from Austria-Hungary, Germany and the other Central Powers were rounded up and locked away in internment camps. More than 8,000 people who considered themselves Canadian were imprisoned for being “enemy aliens.” For many, it’s a dark secret. It wasn’t until Jerry Bayrak was in his 70s that he first learned of his family’s past.

Like most of those in the camps, his family was Ukrainian. Bayrak’s mother was the last known survivor of the 24 internment camps across Canada. “It does make you angry. This xenophobic government policy was, at the time, justified under the War Measures Act. There is little tangible evidence left of the hardships forced upon those who immigrated to Canada from the wrong parts of Europe. This part of history has left its mark on the country, though. First World - A Multimedia History of World War One. Untold Stories of the First World War. Photos, letters and other memorabilia It was the war that tore Europe apart – a struggle between the central powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, against the allied powers of Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, Italy and the USA. No European nation was left untouched – even neutral states felt the impact of the war.

But it was the ordinary men and women who were affected the most. This exhibition gives those personal accounts from across Europe for the first time, based on stories and items contributed by the public. Renowned historian and WW1 author Peter Englund said: “This important and imaginative project tells the other side of the story, from the point of view of a young soldier who signed up seeking adventure, to the family devastated by news that he was one of millions who would never return. Première guerre mondiale. World War One main page. World War I (1914–1919): Overview. World War I took place between 1914 and 1918. Although the conflict began in Europe, it ultimately involved countries as far away as the United States and Japan. At the time, the English-speaking world knew it as the “Great War”—the term “World War I” was applied decades later.

Historians still actively disagree over the fundamental causes of the war. The period leading up to the war was a complex tangle of diplomacy and political maneuvering—many countries debated over strategies and alliances until nearly the last minute—and the first few weeks of the conflict were similarly chaotic and confusing. However, historians agree nearly unanimously about the war’s consequences: World War I led almost directly to World War II and set the stage for many other important events in the twentieth century. Political tensions ran high in early twentieth-century Europe. Abroad, Europe’s great powers were increasingly coming to impasses over the acquisition of new colonies.

World War One. Chronologie de la guerre de 1914-1918. La Grande Guerre Les députés « protestataires » d'Alsace-Lorraine La loi des Trois ans (7 août 1913) Les députés tués à l'ennemi au cours de leur mandat Les comités secrets de la Chambre des députés Marcel Gromaire, La Guerre, 1925, huile sur toile © Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris / Roger-Viollet Cliquer sur l'image Chronologie 28 juin L'archiduc François-Ferdinand et son épouse sortant de l'hôtel de ville de Sarajevo quelques instants avant leur assassinat Cliquer sur la photo L'archiduc François-Ferdinand, héritier au trône d'Autriche-Hongrie et son épouse, la duchesse de Hohenberg, sont assassinés à Sarajevo (Bosnie-Herzégovine) par Gavrilo Princip, jeune nationaliste serbe de Bosnie. 21 - 23 juillet Entretiens franco-russes en Russie. 23 juillet L'ultimatum de l'Autriche-Hongrie est remis à la Serbie. 28 juillet L'Autriche-Hongrie déclare la guerre à la Serbie. 30 juillet Le tsar signe l'ordre de mobilisation générale de la Russie. 31 juillet Cliquer sur chaque photo 1er août 2 août 3 août 4 août.

Francetvéducation : La guerre de 1914-1918. La guerre de 14-18. Mémoire des hommes. La première base présente plus de 1,4 million de fiches individuelles numérisées de militaires décédés au cours de la Grande Guerre et ayant obtenu pour la plupart la mention "Mort pour la France". La deuxième recense les fusillés en vertu d’une décision de la justice militaire et les exécutés sommaires au cours du conflit.

La troisième comprend quelque 74 000 fiches individuelles numérisées de soldats ayant appartenu à l’aéronautique militaire. La quatrième base présente les images numérisées des journaux des marches et opérations, des carnets de comptabilité en campagne, des journaux de bord, etc. de toutes les unités militaires engagées durant la Première Guerre mondiale. Les 5e et 6e fonds sont accessibles sous forme là encore numérisée, la collection des historiques régimentaires de ces unités, ainsi que les 107 volumes des Armées françaises dans la Grande Guerre (AFGG).

Enfin, le dernier ensemble est relatif à Georges Clemenceau, ministre de la Guerre et président du Conseil. Histoires inédites et histoires officielles de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le quotidien sur le front de l'ouest. Mission Centenaire 14-18 | Portail officiel du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale. Grand Mémorial / Généalogie. Autour de la Grande Guerre. World War One | HistoryOnTheNet. Portail:Première Guerre mondiale. Première Guerre mondiale. 1914 - Mobilisation allemande. 1914 - 1915 La famille Frank pendant la Première Guerre mondiale PrécédenteSuivante La Première Guerre mondiale La Première Guerre mondiale s’est déroulée de 1914 à 1918.

Elle a opposé, initialement, la Russie, la Grande Bretagne et la France à l’Allemagne et l’Autriche-Hongrie. Les combats se sont concentrés en Europe, mais la guerre a impliqué des pays et des armées de tous les continents. Elle a causé la mort de plus de huit millions de personnes. En savoir plus. Guerre de tranchées. Première guerre mondiale. Chronologie de la première Guerre mondiale. Des décorations et des archives. World War One. WW1. World war 1. Ina - Les Jalons de la Première Guerre mondiale. La première guerre mondiale : suivre l'actualité des ressources pédagogiques. WW1. Trench Warfare in World War I Was a Smarter Strategy Than You Realize. First World War. World war 1. BBC Schools - Life in the trenches.

Causes of World War I. Front Line: Life in the Trenches of WWI. First World - A Multimedia History of World War One. In the trenches of 1914-1918. Life in the Trenches. First World War: Trench Warfare. The Battle of Verdun. WORLD WAR ONE TRENCH WARFARE. The failure of the Schlieffen Plan. Life In The Trenches | WW1 Facts. Illustrated trench scen. World war 1. A Multimedia History of World War One. With the 13th (Service) Battalion, Rifle Brigade on the Somme 1916.

Operation War Diary. World War I, 1918-1942 : Europe plunges into War. You are the Fleet Admiral of the Navy in WWI what do you do? Untold Stories of the First World War. Once Upon A Time In War. First World War. Photos of The Great War - Home. TNA WWI. WORLD WAR I.