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Hso_collab - Community Profile. A Hand in Holding Hands - Chapter 22 - SkaianRedeemer - Homestuck, MS Paint Adventures. Chapter Text Things calmed, or so it seemed.

A Hand in Holding Hands - Chapter 22 - SkaianRedeemer - Homestuck, MS Paint Adventures

Work continued unabated and in time Rose came to forget about her fight in Tavros' room. Vriska and Eridan ultimately did have their hatedate in the pools, and since Vriska seemed pleased the next day, Rose could only assume Eridan had almost gagged before remembering he could breathe underwater. She almost seemed too happy, but Rose could not get a handle on why that was, as Vriska avoided her at every turn.

Rose eventually started to let her, and was soon giving Eridan space as well, since he seemed content enough. Kanaya was never much for talking to or even in front of John. It wasn't the horns. Kanaya's eyes were sunken, in the way all the Trolls were, with darkened shadows under the eye that was not quite skin, not quite shade. Beautiful as they were, Rose's curiosity was piqued for more. "what, iis there 2omethiing on my face? " "rose, i wanna have a staring contest too, i'm really good!

"What's the matter? " Flushed - Chapter 34 - Stripe - Homestuck. Chapter Text AG: Meddler.

Flushed - Chapter 34 - Stripe - Homestuck

Why you so meddley, Miss Meddlesome McFussyfangs???????? Kanaya sits at her terminal, fingers tapping impatiently on the desk. Biting her lip, she waits for the violet text to appear once more on the screen, Vriska’s words from weeks ago echoing in her head. The Finer Details of Gay Cluckbeast - Chapter 21 - clumsyoctopus - Homestuck. Chapter Text EB: oh my god.EB: sorry this is so late rose, me and dave were busy.EB: but is mr strider seriously on your couch?

The Finer Details of Gay Cluckbeast - Chapter 21 - clumsyoctopus - Homestuck

TT: Indeed. He casually strode, pardon the pun, into my life, proceeded to then sniff my art supplies, eat some of my food including the Pop Tarts and then promptly fell asleep on my couch.EB: hahahahahaha.TT: It is no laughing matter John.EB: i guess not, but seriously, he’s just...on your couch? EB: you’re like halfway across the country from him! What the hell.TT: I’m aware of that. You don’t tell Dave the next morning. Potterstuck. So I think we’ve decided to edit and re-release the chapters we already have, with better formatting/writing and new artwork.


It’s being worked on, slowly! The end of the world as we know it - Chapter 10 - VastDerp - Homestuck. Chapter Text >Be the Coolkid.

the end of the world as we know it - Chapter 10 - VastDerp - Homestuck

“So when were you planning to kick my ass?” He gives you this look--well, okay, it’s not really a look, more like making a face in your general direction--like he’s pissed you haven’t tried it yet. You sigh. You were hoping to fall asleep the minute your head hit the pillow, but they paired you off with the Mage of Doom. You think about ignoring him and seeing if maybe he takes the hint.

Not What We Planned On - Chapter 6 - Elemental - Homestuck. Chapter Text ==>Be Jade Harley The morning of the day of your big trip halfway across the world to rejoin your friends does not start well.

Not What We Planned On - Chapter 6 - Elemental - Homestuck

Twelve stitches and lots of gauze are not a good way to start any day, really. Even if it had been an accident. You know Tavros didn't mean it. Big Brother - Chapter 8 - Rimbaum - Homestuck, MS Paint Adventures. Chapter Text Dave wants to go to this stupid school formal winter dance.

Big Brother - Chapter 8 - Rimbaum - Homestuck, MS Paint Adventures

The Snowball they call it. Stupid, yeah, but it's important to him, so you help him out. Dormstuck - Chapter 14 - bbyah - Homestuck. Chapter Text The second Karkat got back to his dorm, he pulled his laptop out and flung himself onto his bed.

Dormstuck - Chapter 14 - bbyah - Homestuck

He needed to cauterize some veins- veins full of information and secrets, veins who were totally okay with cheerfully doling out those secrets to whoever they so chose. Signing onto Pesterchum, he quickly scanned his chumroll. “Fuck,” he whispered. Of course you wouldn’t be on, you punk. He needed to talk to John- stop him from telling Sollux (or Terezi, or Kanaya for that matter) anything else about the situation with Gamzee.

Either Gamzee or Vriska are dealing Sopor Slime. A pinging sound snapped Karkat from the mobius loop of thinking. CarcinoGeneticist: STRIDER. One Stormy Night - Chapter 9 - Zilleniose - Homestuck. Chapter Text When John left, Karkat set himself to work.

One Stormy Night - Chapter 9 - Zilleniose - Homestuck

He needed to get several things done. First he took his hammock out of the back and started climbing up a tree. There would be a few hours in the morning where he would be able to sleep before the humans actually started to move on. In order to rest peacefully, he needed it fairly high up. Next he took John's wet shirt and also removed his own pants for the time being. Gross. "Karkat," John smiled as he came up to the troll, looking triumphant. Needless to say he was up in the hammock, bag hanging on another tree limb when he heard the sound of footsteps. Archive of Our Own » chapters show. Cities in Dust (shit let's be hardboiled) - Chapter 21 - Cephied_Variable - Homestuck. Chapter Text so all you need us to do is wake upsounds easy just gotta make sure we dont roll over and hit the metaphorical snooze button its more complicated than thati want the two of you to stay in the dream when you wake upand ride the timeline out to its completion we are all capable of dreaming of better worlds terezithe question is will we the universe is dreaming toothe worlds we see are all possible lives we could livebut what we dream is a messageits trying to tell us something importantif we cannot read that message through to the end we will never be masters of our own destinyi dont know about the two of you but i myself am rather sick of someone else writing my storyfrom now on i will be the architect of my futurei expect the same from the rest of you okay fairy girlwhatever you say So what happens when we enter the Waking Dreams?

Cities in Dust (shit let's be hardboiled) - Chapter 21 - Cephied_Variable - Homestuck

I dunno just sit tight and do dream shit until you wake up I guess what, like some of us might actually be awake the whole time? John Egbert and the Goblet of Sick Fires.