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The Hidden Progression - rubyanjel. The Hidden Progression Episode 4.03- The Zazzy Substitution: The Raspberry Jam Incidence "But it's quite understandable that Dean Falk would compare the human brain as a car's engine and the surrounding emissary veins as the radiator.

The Hidden Progression - rubyanjel

" "I think it was interesting that she found out about how the increase of brain size was connected to bipedalism. " He stood up from his spot and walked towards the kitchen. "Australophitecines learned how to walk for the purpose of exploration, and that their newly-developed ability has lead to more brain activity. " "Thus brain increase. "Well, if that's the case then I should better send our neighbor Penny's ex-boyfriend Kurt a thank you card. The Countdown Reaction - XMarisolX. Title: "The Countdown Reaction"Description: "Amy looked up, startled at the sound of her name, only to find Bernadette standing by the door and staring at her.

The Countdown Reaction - XMarisolX

So were Raj and Leonard. "Fandom: The Big Bang TheoryGenre: Comedy/Romance/AngstCharacters: Sheldon/AmyWord Count: 1422Author's Note: Coda fic to episode 5.24, "The Countdown Reflection".Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, and is produced by them along with Lee Aronsohn. It is a Warner Brothers production and airs on CBS. All characters, plots and creative elements derived from the source material belong exclusively to their respective owners. The Secret Agent Conundrum - kbcountry37. Hi everyone!

The Secret Agent Conundrum - kbcountry37

Welcome a story that's been biting at the inside of my brain for about a week now...thanks to SlightlyOffKey. You really have gotten me to think about this and that's really awesome that an idea came from a tweet! Remember, that I do not own The Big Bang Theory. I am merely using the names and likenesses of these amazing characters. They are owned by Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady, CBS, and Warner Bros. Reviews/alerts are good and appreciated. The Boo Hoos and Auchies Clause Addition - Rockyele. - "...Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.

The Boo Hoos and Auchies Clause Addition - Rockyele

" - "Thank you, Penny. " - "You're welcome, sweetie. " Penny waited as Sheldon cleaned his heavily congested nose to tuck him better under his sheets. Poor thing. She had to admit he had acted admirably and responded as a real boyfriend, taking care of that horrendous flu Amy had caught two weeks ago. Who would have guessed? Okay, he had spent the first day hiding in his room, claiming he was sick himself, trying to avoid his boyfriend duties, but at the end, he had caved in, manned up, and responded to the "Boo-boos and Ouchies" clause of their "Relationship (or whatever) Agreement". The Pint Sized Prodigy Perplexity - genki-escapist. The Pint-Sized Prodigy Perplexity Sheldon Lee Cooper rapidly filled his whiteboard with equations, feeling her observant gaze upon his back and struggling not to allow it to daunt him to distraction.

The Pint Sized Prodigy Perplexity - genki-escapist

In the end, she triumphed, and he paused in his writing to turn and look at her. Inquisitive, intensely blue eyes stared up at him: she appeared to be the perfect picture of innocence, but he knew better. "Yes, Helena? " he prompted. The six year-old shook her head, glossy brown pigtails swinging, and tucked her legs beneath her. "None right now, Dr. He cocked an eyebrow. "She's an astounding prodigy—even more than you were," President Siebert had declared.

With those words, Sheldon had been forced to allow little Helena into his office every Thursday. "It's negative," the little voice behind him piped up. "I beg your pardon? " "It's not a presumption, but a fact," she said. He crossed his arms. He gave her a stern look. "So…? " Howard had suggested bringing the little girl to Mr. The Eye Coitus Education - megfsc. ***Okay, so this is probably a complete departure from the other things I have written.

The Eye Coitus Education - megfsc

This is a little something based off of a romance novel art that was made by Lionne at the FF Shamy thread. So's a bit romance novel-y and it can get a tad I would not advise this for the faint of heart. Special thanks to Lionne and all of the fantastic people over at the FF Shamy thread for their constant inspiration and encouragement! Enjoy! She couldn't remember exactly what brought her to this place, but she was happy to be there. Sheldon would be so disappointed in her if he knew how much time she really spent thinking about those pants, not to mention the soul-ravaging girth that she dreamed she would one day find inside of them. Sheldon would be riding a white horse on the beach when he would find her.

"Amy! " With that smile of his which made her heart race, he waved at her to join him at the desk in the front of the room. "Where are all of your students? "