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Ils inventent l’éclairage urbain biologique sans électricité. Une start-up française pourrait bien bouleverser notre conception de l’éclairage urbain en remplaçant les enseignes lumineuses énergivores par un procédé basé sur ce qui existe dans la nature : Glowee, le système vivant de bioéclairage. Le biomimétisme a décidément le vent en poupe en ce début 2015. Après le plastique organique biodégradable et le matériau producteur d’oxygène, voici l’éclairage urbain naturel, directement inspiré du vivant. Vitrines, lampadaires, signalétiques, l’éclairage urbain est particulièrement énergivore et la facture pèse aussi bien sur la collectivité que sur l’environnement. L’idée développée par Glowee semble diablement efficace pour régler cette problématique. La petite start-up française propose d’utiliser un procédé auto-luminescent naturel comme le font les organismes vivants comme les lucioles ou certaines méduses. Contrairement aux autocollants luminescents que nous avons connus dans notre enfance, leur procédé n’utilise pas de substance radioactive.

Color. Tim Brown urges designers to think big. Tim Brown - From Design to Design Thinking. A Design and Innovation Consulting Firm. Research Methodology Course (Self-Study) Research Question, Methodology, and Paradigm (English Part-1) Ontology, Epistemology, and Methodology - Research Methodology Course (Self-Study) - Session 2. Character profile. Business Model Alchemist. Workshops. Un nouvel ordre mondial. Le travailleur travaillé... par le doute Retournez votre iPhone et vous y trouverez les huit petits mots du business plan qui a assuré la fortune d’Apple: « Conçu par Apple en Californie.

Un nouvel ordre mondial

Assemblé en Chine. » Avec une capitalisation boursière de 500 milliards de dollars, Apple est devenue la société la plus valorisée au monde. Sous ses diverses variantes, cette stratégie assure certes le succès de grandes entreprises mondiales, telles qu’Apple, mais aussi de moyennes entreprises et même de « micro-multinationales ». Un nombre croissant d'entreprises tirent le plus grand profit des deux grandes forces motrices de notre époque : la technologie et la mondialisation. La technologie a accéléré le processus de mondialisation, en réduisant de façon spectaculaire les coûts de communication et de transaction, et en faisant de plus en plus ressembler le monde à un grand marché unique pour la main-d’œuvre, les capitaux et les autres facteurs de production.

Le capital à la peine Techcrunch disrupt. The Invisible Beauty of Wireless Networks. Humans can only see a small patch of the electromagnetic spectrum – a mere 310nm range.

The Invisible Beauty of Wireless Networks

Other animals can see into the ultraviolet and infrared, but none can see the wavelengths used for wireless networks. Imagine if we could. Luis Hernan has given us a vision of what that might be like. Shanghai, reine de l'écologie? En prenant l'exemple du pays le plus pollueur au monde, il serait intéressant de voir comment ses villes, notamment Shanghai (21ème ville-monde), essaye de parvenir à pallier ce surnom exhaustif.

Shanghai, reine de l'écologie?

Dans un contexte actuel d'urbanisation massif de la Chine, c'est tout l'enjeu de penser l'avenir d'un pays, sous l'influences de fortes critiques et probations de nos sociétés occidentales actuelles et ce, par le moyen de ses mégalopoles. A man filmed Shanghai from his 23rd floor apartment over 2 years and the result is this INCREDIBLE timelapse video: Shanghaiist.

Ces chercheurs qui créent : colloque « La recherche-création : Territoire d’innovation méthodologique » à l’UQAM. La recherche-création : Territoire d’innovation méthodologique. How Hong Kong's endangered neon signs are made: Shanghaiist. "The Making of Neon Signs" is a short documentary presenting a visual history of how the famous neon lights in mainland China and Hong Kong are made, including captivating interviews with some of the oldest producers of neon signs in Hong Kong.

How Hong Kong's endangered neon signs are made: Shanghaiist

Artisans producing the signs in Hong Kong have seen a decline in businesses in the past 20 years, after the boom in the 1980s. As thousands of neon signs disappear each year from the streets of Hong Kong, so do their makers. The craft of creating neon signs might soon be lost in favor of the newer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly LED lights or posters as nowadays, signs are being taken down due to safety, efficiency or urban planning reasons. Watch the movie for insight into neon sign making from some of the most experienced workers in the field and learn about the importance of calligraphy in Chinese architecture and what signage can say about a business. You can also watch this on Youtube at a better resolution. By Andreea Dragut. I believe in the future…du gratte-ciel invisible.

La Corée du Sud crée la surprise avec son projet follement ambitieux de gratte-ciel invisible.

I believe in the future…du gratte-ciel invisible

Imaginé par le cabinet GDS Architects, La Tower Infinity sera la première tour « invisible » de l’histoire. Du haut de ses 450 mètres , La Tower Infinity fait figure de cadette en comparaison de ses grandes soeurs Burj Khalifa (830 mètres) ou Tokyo Skytree (634 mètres). Lighting Experience Center_NVC Lighting Technology Corporation. Integrated Building & Light (15-17 August 2013),Shanghai International Integrated Building & Light Steel Housing Expo,Shanghai,China.

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China. Contact Us - Fly Dragon Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai seeks to switch off 'light pollution' Shanghai seeks to switch off 'light pollution' By Da Yong (China Daily) Updated: 2004-04-12 09:29 Most Shanghai grownups still have childhood memories of fantastic starry summer nights.

Shanghai seeks to switch off 'light pollution'

But such dreams are fading, along with the chance to view the local night sky, which has become overshadowed by man-made light. "Now in the downtown area, people can hardly see the Polaris (North Star)," said Zhang Jianwei, chief of Shanghai's Sheshan Observatory in suburban Songjiang District. Even at Sheshan Mountain in the city's southwestern suburbs, it is difficult to find Polaris, which is regarded as one of the brightest stars in the sky, without a telescope, said Zhang.

5 Reasons You Should Move to a City ASAP. Recently, I spent a week on Block Island, a rustic little spot off the coast of Rhode Island.

5 Reasons You Should Move to a City ASAP

As usual, escaping the city in the summertime promised to bring a whoosh of relief from heat and bustle. But it also, for the first time, brought a twinge of anxiety about all the technological ease I'd be giving up, as there's no Uber or Lyft on Block Island, no Spoonrocket-delivered meals or same-day Google Shopping Express trucks.

These things wouldn't even make sense there — with only a few hundred residents on the island, there would be no way to make the economics work. Like many coastal city-dwellers, I've gotten used to these digital creature comforts. IDAHome. How To Guide: Astrophotography with a DSLR » Geartacular. Getting started in Astrophotography is easier than you think but mastering it will take a life time.

How To Guide: Astrophotography with a DSLR » Geartacular

This is a guide for beginners or people with a small amount of experience. I’ll be focusing on taking pictures with nothing but DSLR cameras and regular lenses. No telescope required! The only other piece of equipment you will need is a tripod. Perception, Physique et le rôle de la lumière dans la philosophie. Réalité, comme nous le sentons, est pas tout à fait vrai.

Perception, Physique et le rôle de la lumière dans la philosophie

Les étoiles que nous voyons dans le ciel nocturne, par exemple, ne sont pas vraiment là. LES SYMBOLES - Aigle : la lumière,… - Anneau : le double… - Alchimie : la voie… - Ages ou périodes :… - Les mythes solaires. - COULEURS-2-LA-VIE. Les grandes civilisations ont toutes perçu dans le Soleil une divinité omnipotente à qui elles devaient la vie.

LES SYMBOLES - Aigle : la lumière,… - Anneau : le double… - Alchimie : la voie… - Ages ou périodes :… - Les mythes solaires. - COULEURS-2-LA-VIE

Download. IDAHome. LES SYMBOLES - Aigle : la lumière,… - Anneau : le double… - Alchimie : la voie… - Ages ou périodes :… - Les mythes solaires. - COULEURS-2-LA-VIE. Film Network - Films - Light 'Em Up. BBC Nature - Artificial light speeds sexual maturity in blackbirds. 13 February 2013Last updated at 03:30 A study has found that urban nocturnal light makes European blackbirds develop reproductive systems a month before their woodland counterparts. Birds exposed to higher light levels developed functional testes on average 26 days earlier than control birds. BBC Religion & Ethics - Candles and sticky doughnuts: childhood memories of the Jewish festival of lights. 7 December 2012Last updated at 17:25 Chanukah starts on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev and lasts eight nights Chanukah (or Hanukkah), also known as the Jewish festival of lights, lasts eight nights and is celebrated worldwide by the lighting of candles.

Georgina Bye from the Union of Jewish Students reminisces about her childhood celebrations. Georgina Bye is Leadership and Training Director at the Union of Jewish Students As a child we used to look forward to Chanukah as we knew that for eight evenings we would be guaranteed delicious food, chocolate coins, doughnuts with various fillings, and hot potato latkes that had cooled slightly from the frying pan before being gobbled down with greedy hands. Learning Zone Class Clips - Calculating the speed of light - Science Video. Learning Zone Class Clips - Light pollution prevents us from seeing the stars - Spanish Video.

Home - Institution of Lighting Professionals. Hereford and Worcester - In Pictures - Light Pollution - your photos. About the Brecon Beacons International Dark Sky Reserve - Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales. Now that the entire Brecon Beacons National Park is an International Dark Sky Reserve, we intend to preserve our night skies, reduce energy wastage, help protect nocturnal wildlife and hold events related to the fascinating topic of astronomy. You're very welcome to come and experience our dark skies for yourself. What is an International Dark Sky Reserve? Dark Sky Reserve status is a prestigious award given to only a handful of destinations that can prove they have an outstanding quality of night sky. Anne Diamond's Blog: Starry starry night.... BBC Inside Out - Light Pollution. BBC Inside Out - Light Pollution.

Astrotourism skyrockets in Chile. As dusk falls in the Elqui Valley, a packed minivan rumbles up a winding trail into the hills, high above the gleaming orange lights of Vicuna - a small town at the heart of Chile's recent boom in astrotourism. After 40 minutes on the dusty road, lined with scrawny bushes, cacti and rocks, the van arrives at Pangue Observatory. Opened in 2008, it is one of about a dozen tourist observatories scattered around Chile's northern regions, which have some of the clearest skies in the world.

"I used to go on 'astronomic safaris' with my Canadian friends. We would take a telescope, drive into the valley and observe all night long, so I knew foreign visitors were interested," says Cristian Valenzuela, one of Pangue's two founders. The other is Eric Escalera, a professional astronomer who left his native France six years ago. Pangue offers stargazing sessions with a $45,000 (£26,750) telescope that range from three hours to a whole night. Brecon Beacons dark skies inspires Chelsea show garden. 20 May 2014Last updated at 05:05 ET A garden inspired by Brecon Beacons National Park dark sky status has won a silver gilt medal at this year's Chelsea Flower Show. Rodents seem depressed from dim light at night, but it can be reversed.

Chronic exposure to dim light at night can lead to depressive symptoms in rodents -- but these negative effects can be reversed simply by returning to a standard light-dark cycle, a new study suggests. While hamsters exposed to light at night for four weeks showed evidence of depressive symptoms, those symptoms essentially disappeared after about two weeks if they returned to normal lighting conditions. The plague of light in our bedrooms. 4 June 2014Last updated at 04:38 ET By Tom de Castella BBC News Magazine Researchers warn of the health dangers of too much light while we try to sleep. But how did our bedrooms become so bright?

There are regular warnings that people aren't sleeping properly. Too much light from electronic devices before bedtime. Not enough time in bed. Audio slideshow: Dark sky stargazers. 31 January 2011Last updated at 08:18 Look up into the night sky where you live, and the chances are that your view of the stars will be affected in some way by light pollution. Francis Godard : « Nous sommes déjà dans la ville vivante 24h/24 » Sombres perspectives pour la qualité de l'air, de l'eau et du sol chinois. Lhassa. Association nationale pour la protection du ciel et de l'environnement nocturnes. > Découvrir l'association. Cartes pollution lumineuse “sodium” Outre les désormais classique cartes PDF de sodium AVEX vous proposes de nouvelles cartes de pollution lumineuse sodium dans Google Earth. Aton. Thermographie. Pollution lumineuse. Lumière. SAVOIR : Définition de SAVOIR. LUMIÈRE : Définition de LUMIÈRE.

LE SYMBOLISME DE LA LUMIÈRE: UNE ÉPIPHANIE DIVINE… – Light Therapy - Dr. Weil's Wellness Therapies. Séminaire « L'enseignement du fait religieux » - Espace, lumière et son dans l'architecture religieuse. Quixotic Fusion: Dancing with light. Patricia Burchat: Shedding light on dark matter. Oliver Sacks: What hallucination reveals about our minds. Olafur Eliasson: Playing with space and light. Rogier van der Heide: Why light needs darkness. Where are we going ? The Rhythm of spacetime. Trinh Xuan Thuan - Site Officiel. Influence of season and latitude on ... [J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1988] 上海城市历史发展多媒体演示展区. Accueil Luci. #YesAllWomen : la réponse au tueur de UCSB qui voulait "punir les femmes" La ville de Rietberg remporte le premier prix du concours city.people.light 2013. Eclairage Urbain: Prospective Nevskji - Éclairage urbain iGuzzini.

How A Face Changes With Light. Theatre d'ombre chines. Iconographie religieuse chine. Religion chine lumière. Clair de Lune Theatre ☆ Histoire du Theatre d'ombres. MoHen Interior+Lighting Design in Shanghai China: Provides professional interior design, lighting design and design management services in Shanghai China, Tokyo and Taiwan. DESIGN - Architectural Lighting Design Consultant / en / Projects. Does too little sunlight give us all the winter blues? BBC - Are you feeling SAD this season? All babies must be checked for jaundice, watchdog says. Light therapy potential probed in disease fight. Childhood abuse victims given light therapy. Childhood abuse victims given light therapy.

Alcohol therapy: medicinal drinking through the ages. KLAREN-FRIDELL ANTER.pdf. Doppler Effect for Light: Red Shift and Blue Shift. A Light Bulb Goes on, and China Starts Thinking ‘Alternative Energy’ Future Cities Laboratory. Vertical City – Design for Sustainable Living » Basic Concepts. Which City Should You Live In? - Result. The Renewal Center.