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The HP Ways: Lessons on Strategy and Culture. By Webb McKinney and Philip E.

The HP Ways: Lessons on Strategy and Culture

Meza HP was once famous and admired for its culture. The “HP Way” shaped several generations of companies in Silicon Valley and beyond. HP’s culture has been a source of significant advantages and challenges for the company under many different leaders. In this article, we can trace the lessons from where and how HP’s culture has supported the thrust of its strategy, and discuss where and how its culture conflicted with its strategy. When Hewlett-Packard split into two companies in late 2015, it was 15 years overdue.

The interplay between HP’s culture and strategy had a vital role in HP’s successes and failures. HP has existed for nine decades and navigated several major technology and market shifts. By the time the founders handed over the reigns to longtime HP executive John Young in 1978, HP earned almost half its revenue from computer systems.


MEG. GERALD. MEDIA. VIDEO. Technology. Interne. HPE. HPI. David Packard. David Packard (September 7, 1912 – March 26, 1996) was a co-founder, with William Hewlett, of Hewlett-Packard (1939), serving as president (1947–1964), CEO (1964–1968), and Chairman of the Board (1964–1968, 1972–1993).

David Packard

He served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1969–1971 during the Nixon administration. Packard served as President of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) from 1976 to 1981. He was also chairman of the Board of Regents from 1973 to 1982. Packard was the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988 and is noted for many technological innovations and philanthropic endeavors. Personal[edit] David Packard has no known relation to the founders of the Packard motor car company.

Hewlett-Packard[edit] The company, where Packard proved to be an expert administrator and Hewlett provided many technical innovations,[3] grew into the world's largest producer of electronic testing and measurement devices. Defense Department[edit] Internet[edit] William Redington Hewlett. Bill Hewlett was one of the twentieth century's most remarkable men, and one of America's most uncommon.

William Redington Hewlett

This quiet, self-effacing man, together with his longtime friend and partner, David Packard, changed the world and helped usher in the modern technological age. Their co-founding of the Hewlett-Packard Company in 1939 (Hewlett won the coin-toss to decide which name would come first and which second in naming the company) was Silicon Valley's defining partnership. It was also the valley's first major start-up company, and one of its most successful, ranking at Hewlett's death as the nation's thirteenth largest business, with annual sales of nearly $50 billion and some ninety thousand employees in 120 countries. William Redington Hewlett was born 20 May 1913 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where his father, a respected physician, served on the faculty of the university's medical school. Although the father died suddenly when Bill was twelve, the family rallied. Hewlett Foundation. HP Invent... Fiorina widely considered a bad CEO - Business Insider. Scission de HP : Comment en est-on arrivé là ? Volontaire, Meg Whitman a mené à bien la scission de HP le 1er novembre dernier.

Scission de HP : Comment en est-on arrivé là ?

C'est hier qu'a été entérinée la scission de Hewlett-Packard en deux entités distinctes HP Inc et Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. Le déclin de l'une des entreprises les plus respectées de la Silicon Valley est digne d'un film d'Hollywood. Il résulte de plus d'une décennie de scandales et d'erreurs. Avec ces deux nouvelles structures, le pari est désormais d'inverser quatre années de baisse des recettes. HP a subi les énormes changements de l'industrie informatique, également à l’origine de la privatisation forcée de Dell et dont IBM ne sort pas indemne. HP n’est pas hors course : L’entreprise peut encore faire changer d’avis les plus sceptiques et retrouver un peu de sa gloire perdue.

Carly Fiorina a géré l'acquisition de Compaq par HP, ici au salon Comdex de Las Vegas en 1999. L'acquisition de Compaq : Tout a été dit sur le rachat en 2001 par HP de son principal rival dans le monde du PC. Timeline. My First 90 Days: Why I Began Working Before My Official Start Date at eBay. Technologia. Technologia est un cabinet composé d’une centaine d’experts aux compétences diverses et complémentaires : ils sont ingénieurs, ingénieurs hygiène-sécurité-environnement, chimistes, toxicologues, préventeurs, ergonomes, sociologues, statisticiens, économistes, actuaires, psychologues cliniciens, psychologues du travail, médecins du travail, médecins psychiatres, architectes, spécialistes des ressources humaines et de la communication interne etc.


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