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Content ID

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Content ID turns three. Three years ago we announced Video Identification, a technology that broke new ground in the area of online rights management.

Content ID turns three

It marked the first step towards what is known today as Content ID, a full set of audio and video matching tools that give rights holders fine-grained controls for managing their content if someone uploads it YouTube. Participating rights holders provide us with reference files of their content, and before we publish any videos to YouTube we check them against these reference files. If we find a match, the rights holder gets the choice of blocking, tracking, or making money from the video. Fast forward to 2010. Your 15 Minutes of Fame..ummm...Make that 10 Minutes or Less. The past few months have been phenomenal for us here at YouTube, thanks to all of you.

Your 15 Minutes of Fame..ummm...Make that 10 Minutes or Less

We've been going through unprecedented growth. Most days it seems we can barely catch our breath trying to keep up with everything, and sometimes I sit at my desk and look around at the 20 or so people around me and cannot believe how far we've come in such a short period of time. Upload limit increases to 15 minutes for all users. We want YouTube to be the best place to upload video.

Upload limit increases to 15 minutes for all users

Without question, the number one requested feature by our creators is to upload videos longer than 10 minutes. We’ve heard you, and today we’re pleased to announce that we’ve increased the upload limit to 15 minutes. We encourage you to take full advantage of this new time limit by making a video of your “15 minutes of fame.” Imagine that this video is all the world will ever know about you: what would you want to communicate? What will be the enduring stamp you’ve left on us all? In the meantime, you may wonder “why now?” One final note: if you’re uploading a video that was previously rejected for being too long, you’ll have to go into “My Videos” and delete it before attempting to upload it again.

Joshua Siegel, Product Manager, Upload and Video Management, recently watched "Gulf - Jack Conte VideoSong. " Up, Up and Away - Long videos for more users. Your creativity isn’t bound by a time limit, so why should your video uploads be?

Up, Up and Away - Long videos for more users

Back in July we raised the upload limit to 15 minutes for all users. Starting today, we’ll begin allowing selected users with a history of complying with the YouTube Community Guidelines and our copyright rules to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes. So go find that movie you wrote and filmed last year and share it with the world! Or upload your son’s championship high school basketball game or the insightful lecture you just gave on the emerging economics of green tech. Over 1,000 content owners now using Content ID. We recently reached an important milestone: we now have over 1,000 content owners using our content identification and management tools, including every major U.S. network broadcaster, movie studio, and record label.

Over 1,000 content owners now using Content ID

With over 1 million reference files (over 100,000 hours of material), our Content ID database is among the most comprehensive in the world. This growth reflects both our innovative approach and our serious commitment to working with rights holders to address some of the most difficult technical and legal problems on the Internet. While we're excited about our progress, we still have work to do. Global rights management is very complicated. Content ID and Fair Use. Over the past decade, the evolution of the Internet has altered the landscape for both traditional media companies and the doctrine of fair use, and the media industry has tried to keep up.

Content ID and Fair Use

The new ways that consumers create and distribute content are not a niche phenomenon. Hundreds of millions of people around the world now use the Web to connect and interact with content online, and a huge percentage of them go even further: they express themselves via parodies, celebrate their favorite videos with mashups, and use music in educational presentations. The people that upload these videos are typically the biggest fans, and are exactly the kinds of consumers rights holders should be embracing.

YouTube's Advice: Dispute Hitler "Downfall" Parody Takedowns. Youtube, la chute du “broadcast yourself” Lundi 19 avril, le site TechCrunch révélait que la plus célèbre des sources de parodies en ligne, l’accès de rage d’Adolf Hitler dans La Chute d’Oliver Hirschbiegel, faisait l’objet d’une demande de retrait systématique de la part du distributeur Constantin Film.

Youtube, la chute du “broadcast yourself”

Dès le lendemain, cette information se voyait à son tour détournée et moquée sur la partition de l’offensive Steiner. On aurait pu apprécier la réactivité du web et sa réjouissante capacité à transformer l’arroseur en arrosé. Mais il n’a fallu que quelques heures aux robots de YouTube pour bloquer l’accès à ces pastiches. Mise en parallèle avec d’autres symptômes, comme l’effacement des bandes-son des vidéos exigé par Warner Music Group dès qu’un extrait copyrighté y est détecté, la disparition programmée des parodies de La Chute constitue un signal inquiétant, symbole d’une inéluctable inversion de tendance. Mais le rêve d’un cinéma réalisé par des vidéastes de quartier a fait long feu. Fin du rêve de la télé par tous. A lire.