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Herrmutt Lobby - Black coffee and music wizardry. Spatium · tools for sound spatialization. HoaLibrary - High Order Ambisonics Library. Sound space is one of the first dimensions of the contemporary musical thought, specialy in the electroacoustic music domain but also in intermedia arts.

HoaLibrary - High Order Ambisonics Library

In this context, the CICM has made of the spatialization its main research axis. This projects « La spatialisation du son par les musiciens pour les musiciens », « Des Interfaces pour la mise en espace du son » and “HOA 3D” developed as a part of the LABEX Arts H2H aims to give spatialization models based on high order ambisonics to musicians and graphical interfaces to facilitate the manipulation of signal processing.

It takes place between the MSH Paris-Nord and the plate-forme Arts-Sciences-Technologies. Partners are Louis-Lumière, GRAME, the Muse en Circuit, the University of Montréal and the ZKM. The IRCAM and the GMEA have also participated to the project. HOA Library allows musicians and composers to synthesize, transform and render sound fields in a creative and artistic way. Grain Plane. Midular are the Free MIDI Modules Every Ableton Live Setup Needs. Physical Modeling Synthesis for Max Users: A Primer. PeRColate is Here!!! PeRColate A collection of synthesis, signal processing, and image processing objects (with source-code toolkit) for Max/MSP by Dan TruemanMusic Department Princeton University and R.

PeRColate is Here!!!

Luke DuBois Computer Music Center Columbia University What is it? PeRColate is an open-source distribution of a variety of synthesis and signal processing algorithms for Max/MSP. It is centered around a (partial) port of the Synthesis Toolkit (STK) by Perry Cook (Princeton) and Gary Scavone (Stanford CCRMA). Download It Now! PeRColate 0.9 beta 6 for Max 4.6 (OSX Universal Binary) (8.8mb) PeRColate 0.9 beta 5 for Max 4.5 (OSX) (7.5mb) PeRColate for Windows Max/MSP (1.5mb) -- ported by Olaf Matthes PeRColate 0.9 beta 4 for XMax (1.6mb) PeRColate 0.9 beta 3 for Max 4 (1.2mb) PeRColate 0.9 beta 3 for Max 3.5.9 and later (1.2mb) PeRColate for PureData -- ported by Olaf Matthes PeRColate manual -- read all about it PeRColate v.0.9beta1 -- PeRColate original release (2000) (BinHex -- 1.6mb) And...

Stay tuned... Rain Machine. Motor Maker. MIDI and OSC Mapper v3. OSCKAR. OSCKAR is a tool that allows you to quickly use data coming from various hardware devices and network (HI, MIDI, Wacom, Keyboard, OSC, other messages) inside your own patches.


It’s developed for La Grande Fabrique, Dieppe, France. 1 – How it works ? OSCKAR generate an unique symbol referencing each incoming data. This unique symbol is OSC formatted (but not used as OSC yet). examples :/MPK_Mini/1/ctl/1 would be control 1 on channel 1 of my Akai MPK Mini. OSCKAR can also generate new data, re-use them in virtual devices, and share them over the network with other OSCKARs. 2 – Great ! Then, OSCKAR provide an virtual device builder, this allows you to aggregate data from different controllers to build your own virtual device.

Note : you can’t use twice the same control in a virtual device, but you can use the same control in different virtual devices, with different scale and smooth settings. 3 – OK, I have built my virtual device, how do i use it ? No problemo ! B16-Sioros.pdf. G25-Freed.pdf. CataLib - JoãoMenezes.