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The Third Era (highlight booklet) A Point of View: Does anybody ever 'think the unthinkable'? 29 November 2014Last updated at 20:02 ET.

A Point of View: Does anybody ever 'think the unthinkable'?

Home - Government 2020. End of nations: Is there an alternative to countries? - life - 03 September 2014. End of nations: Is there an alternative to countries? - life - 03 September 2014. The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy. Robert David Steele, former Marine, CIA case officer, and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity, is a man on a mission.

The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy

But it's a mission that frightens the US intelligence establishment to its core.With 18 years experience working across the US intelligence community, followed by 20 more years in commercial intelligence and training, Steele's exemplary career has spanned almost all areas of both the clandestine world. Steele started off as a Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer. After four years on active duty, he joined the CIA for about a decade before co-founding the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, where he was deputy director. Download Greenhouse - Expose Political Corruption.

Futurist Ethics of Immanence. The CIA has joined Twitter with the best first tweet possible. The US government loves Twitter.

The CIA has joined Twitter with the best first tweet possible

ReConstitutional Convention » Reimagine Governance. Occupy movement inspires crowd decision-making app. Benjamin Knight helped run the Occupy camp in Wellington, New Zealand.

Occupy movement inspires crowd decision-making app

It was 2011, when the globe was dotted with camps inspired by Occupy Wall Street, that iconic protest against economic and social inequality. As part of Occupy Wellington, Knight didn't just camp out on the street. The End of the Nation-State? 10 Reasons Why Everyone Is Protesting - Steve LeVine. From Egypt to Bulgaria to Brazil to Turkey, growing middle classes are pushing for greater accountability and improved services.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Is Protesting - Steve LeVine

A protester holds up signs during a demonstration in front of a government building in central Sofia on June 21, 2013. (Stoyan Nenov/Reuters) A national leader rarely faces a doubly threatened ouster--both by public pressure and a military coup--but that is the situation confronting Egyptian President Mohamad Morsi. The opposition has given him a day to step down or face a civil disobedience campaign, and the military has signaled a coup if Morsi cannot turn around his problems within 48 hours.

Watch: Hackers Experiment With White House "We The People" API. In 2011, the White House launched its online petition tool, We The People, which allows users to create and collect signatures for petitions within a wide range of topic areas.

Watch: Hackers Experiment With White House "We The People" API

If a petition gains enough signatures, the White House will pledge an official response. Since its launch, 200,000 petitions have been created, racking up 13 million signatures. In February, the White House opened the tool's Read API, allowing independent developers to create applications using petition data. The Conspiracy Theory Flowchart. I've Seen the Worst Memes of My Generation Destroyed by Madness. Annalee,

I've Seen the Worst Memes of My Generation Destroyed by Madness

Civilian drones to fill the skies after law shake-up - tech - 03 February 2012. Law changes mean uncrewed aerial vehicles aren't just for the military any more – civilian uses are taking off, too Editorial: "High time to welcome the friendly drones" THE hobbyist was testing the camera on board his small uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), when he spotted it: a creek in Dallas, Texas, running red with blood.

Civilian drones to fill the skies after law shake-up - tech - 03 February 2012

He'd captured a picture of a stream of animal blood flowing north away from the Columbia Packing Company's meat-processing facility. Acting on the visual evidence, investigators monitored the plant before raiding it last month. The company may now face criminal charges from local, state and federal authorities for polluting city waterways with a gory mix of pig's blood and toxic chemicals. Letter to a future Republican strategist regarding white people. To whom it may concern regarding the United States federal elections of 2014, 2016 and beyond: Allow me to introduce myself to you, the existing (or aspiring!)

Letter to a future Republican strategist regarding white people

Strategist for the Republican Party. My name is Eric Arnold Garland and I am a White Man. Do as I Do, Not as I Say. Stanford, Calif.

Do as I Do, Not as I Say

IT’S election season, and once again Democrats are flummoxed by evangelical voters. They think that “those people” vote against their own self-interest. Hollande is start of progressive insurrection. Your next mayor: A computer. A Quantum Theory of Mitt Romney. Why Nations Fail. Resilient communities with smaller homes can rescue the economy. Susan Law Cain/iStockphoto. On March 23, Future Tense—a partnership of Slate, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University that explores emerging technologies, policy, and society—will hold a live event in Washington, D.C., on the concept of resilience. Academics, policymakers, and other experts will discuss resilience in the environment, business, national security, even the Constitution. Slate’s Matt Yglesias and Emily Bazelon will be there, too.

To learn more and to RSVP, click here. Recently, Japan and Korea have begun to express deep concerns about the “ability of the United States to address profound problems in its political and economic system.” How might we design an accessible election experience for everyone? - Refinement. China the next generation. Watch Your Language! (In China, They Really Do) HONG KONG — Scaling the wall. Buying soy sauce.


I Paid a Bribe and Similar Corruption-Exposing Sites Spread. Non-Alignment 2.0 need of the hour - Analysis. The three national security advisors of Independent India gathered on one platform this week to release Non-Alignment 2.0, a document brought out by a group of analysts and policy makers. The three national security advisors of Independent India gathered on one platform this week to release Non-Alignment 2.0, a document brought out by a group of analysts and policy makers. 'Nonalignment 2.0': Thinking asymmetrically about China. For long, India has seen itself as an equal to China. Delhi's sense of strategic parity with Beijing has been boosted by the recent international chatter about the rise of China and India in the same breath. Sections of India's strategic community in India, however, have been deeply conscious of the rapidly widening hard power gap in China's favour.

While Indian economy has done rather well in recent years, the Chinese economy has performed a lot better. While China and India were perhaps roughly equal in economic size a few decades ago, the Chinese economy today ($7.3 trillion in 2011) is nearly four times as large as that of India ($1.8trillion). Uld Ecuador be the most radical and exciting place on Earth?