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5 Strategies to Demystify the Learning Process for Struggling Students. Oakley recognizes that “many educators are not at all comfortable with or trained in neuroscience,” so she breaks down a few key principles that teachers can use in the classroom and share with students to help them demystify the learning process. 1. The Hiker Brain vs. The Race Car Brain Start by teaching students the difference between focused and diffused thinking, says Oakley.

When the brain is in focused mode, you can get started on the task at hand. ReachOut Schools. Stress is natural.

ReachOut Schools

It's the body's way of sharpening focus, and of increasing stamina and alertness, so that you can rise to challenges and face tough situations. This type of stress is productive stress. On the other hand, unproductive stress can cause health issues and other problems. It’s important to be able to relieve or manage unproductive stress. The key to managing stress is finding the sweet spot between the two types. Overcoming Test Anxiety in High School. A rapid heartbeat. Sweaty palms. Clouded thoughts. ReachOut Schools. Some Good Apps for Creating Digital Flashcards. How to Write an SAT Essay, Step by Step. SAT Essay writing requires a very specific set of skills.

How to Write an SAT Essay, Step by Step

It's a little daunting to think that you only have 50 minutes to read a passage, analyze it, and then write an essay. But don't worry—getting a top SAT essay score is within everyone's reach! The most reliable way to score high is to follow our SAT essay template for every essay and to prepare well beforehand. In this article, we'll show you how to write a great SAT essay. We'll take you through all the steps you need to follow when writing the SAT essay to show you how you can put together a killer essay yourself. If you haven't already, read our article on 15 tips for improving your SAT essay. Overview: Before You Start Writing We'll plan and write an essay in response to the sample SAT essay prompt below, using the tips we've shared. Let's start by reading and understanding the prompt: Write an essay in which you explain how Peter S.

Why You Should Read That Whole Text Book Right Now. The 7 bad study habits… and how to combat them! Brain-Based Strategies to Reduce Test Stress. We live in a stressful world, and the stress is heightened for students and educators when it’s time to prepare for high-stakes tests.

Brain-Based Strategies to Reduce Test Stress

When test scores are tied to school funding, teacher evaluations, and students’ future placement, the consequences of these stressors can be far-reaching. From a neurological perspective, high stress disrupts the brain’s learning circuits and diminishes memory construction, storage, and retrieval. Neuroimaging research shows us that, when stresses are high, brains do not work optimally, resulting in decreased understanding and memory.

In addition, stress reduces efficient retrieval of knowledge from the memory storage networks, so when under pressure students find it harder to access information previously studied and learned. Students (and their parents) often interpret suboptimal standardized test scores as a measure of the students’ limitations in intelligence and potential. Deeper Learning Is the Best Test Prep Build Students’ Positive Mindset. The UKEd Podcast - Episode 01 - Getting ready for exams - Breaking a Vicious Cycle That Undermines Student Success. Students who struggle with their work at the high school level are quickly identified by parents and teachers because producing work—such as term papers, essays, quizzes, homework, and projects—is the way that learning is assessed.

Breaking a Vicious Cycle That Undermines Student Success

It’s hard for a teacher to know what or if a student is learning when there is no tangible product coming in to be reviewed or graded. Working as a school psychologist in a high school setting for the past several years has given me the opportunity to notice something about many of the students who don’t turn in assignments: They are often stuck in a cycle that involves a pernicious interaction of three overlapping cognitive processes: sustained attention, working memory, and anxiety or stress. 7 Graphic Organizers for Critical Thinking. Free Referencing Generator - Harvard, APA, MLA... Home. OneNote for Students – Getting the most out of OneNote [Interactive Tutorial] - Microsoft UK Schools blog. Cognition Enhancer Extended Version For Studying - Isochronic Tones. Research Project Calculator. Training: The Assignment Calculator. Assignment Calculator.

Instant Grammar Check - Plagiarism Checker - Online Proofreader. Recap Resource. Lord of the Flies by William Golding Brown Girl Dreaming I Can't Write This Essay!

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60second Recap® Classic literature, books for teens, and more. Recap Resource Literary Analysis 101: Dictionary of Terms. Internet History Sourcebooks. Free Study Skills and How to Study Articles. Crash Course!’s slideshows on SlideShare. How to Read Literature Critically - Information, Facts, and Links. Introduction Even if you’re taking your very first literature class, it’s easy to read critically if you follow our 6-step method.

How to Read Literature Critically - Information, Facts, and Links

But before you get started, always keep this in mind: reading critically doesn’t mean tearing a work of literature apart. Instead, it means understanding what the author has written and evaluating the success of the work as a whole. 1) Figurative language. As you are reading, make note of expressive language such as similes, metaphors, and personification. Simile. Free university lectures - computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Whether your goal is to earn a promotion, graduate at the top of your class, or just accelerate your life, lectures can help get you there.

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