DAQRI Developer DAQRI offers multiple content development solutions for DAQRI Smart Helmet® and DAQRI Smart Glasses™: Vos™ Extension for Unity: With DAQRI’s extension to the popular Unity 3D software you can create content from scratch, or port existing projects to the DAQRI platform. Download the Vos™ Extension for Unity to get started.Tutorials: There is an extensive collection of tutorials to familiarize yourself with Vos™ Extension for Unity and get acquainted with AR development best practices. See TutorialsSoftware Stack: To learn more about the organization of the DAQRI AR Platform, we've created a diagram of our software stack. See Software Stack For more information visit the Develop section.
Jeux sérieux Sélection de ressources et d’informations pour exploiter les jeux sérieux en classe. Récemment à l’honneur du JT de TF1, les jeux sérieux sont de plus en plus plébiscités par les enseignants pour leurs qualités pédagogiques. Que sont les jeux sérieux ou serious games, et comment les utiliser en classe ? Le site Enseignons.be propose cette définition du serious game : « Un jeu vidéo faisant appel aux mêmes approches de design et de savoir-faire que le jeu classique, c’est-à-dire interactivité, 3D, simulation, mise en scène, etc. Mais pas question de n’être qu’un jeu de divertissement, le serious game est aussi un véritable outil de sensibilisation, de formation ou de promotion. Un outil que peuvent utiliser les professionnels en général et ceux de l’éducation en particulier. »
Star Walk - Sky View: Explore the Stars - Apps on Google Play Mother's Day Promo! 60% OFF!Star Walk is an app for astronomy stargazing and finding planets, constellations and stars in real time on the sky map. Explore the stars with Star Walk! Use your device and point in any direction to discover the location and information about celestial bodies. Seis herramientas para crear mapas conceptuales Los mapas conceptuales son un recurso indispensable en los estudios. Permiten a los estudiantes relacionar ideas y tener una visión de conjunto de los conocimientos que han de asimilar; y también analizar y sintetizar la información si son ellos mismos los que los elaboran. Gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, hoy existen numerosas herramientas para crearlos de una manera limpia y sencilla.
Anatomy 4D - Apps en Google Play How to Use Anatomy 4D: To get started, print any of the images from the “Target Library” inside the app, accessible from the Main Menu. Once printed, place the image on any flat surface, scan the image with your device and watch your 4D Experience come to life. Through this free app and a simple printed image, Anatomy 4D transports students, teachers, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to learn about the body into an interactive 4D experience of human anatomy. Visually stunning and completely interactive, Anatomy 4D uses augmented reality and other cutting edge technologies to create the perfect vehicle for 21st century education. Animer un grand groupe : quels outils Les grands groupes nous contraignent-ils nécessairement à une approche "magistrale" et à une technique pédagogique basée sur les exposés et les diaporamas ? Cet article présente quelques techniques et des ressources qui montrent que des alternatives existent. Basées ou non sur des solutions numériques, elles créent d'autres formes d'interactions que celles qui prévalent dans les petits groupes et permettent un véritable apprentissage.
John Payne Managing Director Andrew Gold Director Oje Ihonvbere Lead Designer Bring your lessons to life with Expeditions The Google for Education team is committed to supporting teaching and learning from anywhere, at any time, on any device. For the past 5 years, we've been proud to enable immersive VR and AR learning experiences for millions of students around the world with Google Expeditions and Tour Creator. As schools around the world reimagine education from the ground up for a hybrid world, we've also been thinking deeply about how to adjust our tools to meet the moment and simultaneously build for the future. We've heard and recognize that immersive experiences with VR headsets are not always accessible to all learners and even more so this year, as the transition to hybrid learning has presented challenges for schools to effectively use Expeditions. To make Expeditions VR tours available to everyone, we're migrating the majority of them to Google Arts & Culture's free site and application. For additional information, please see the Expeditions Help Center.
Putting AR into Art - Tech Trends A Viennese start-up is the first company from Austria to be accepted to Berkeley SkyDeck accelerator. Artivive recently beat over 600 competing entries to become the first Austrian start-up to join the Berkeley SkyDeck program (considered one of the top ten accelerator programs in the world). The latest six-month cycle begins in January and also includes a six-digit investment amount. Artivive supply a flexible tool for museums and artists which essentially allows them to integrate Augmented Reality into their existing content with minimal fuss. The aim, explains CEO Codin Popescu, was to give artists a quick and frictionless way to combine analogue and digital art.
25 Best Augmented Reality Apps (Some games like Pokemon Go) Augmented reality apps for kids and adults are a great way to connect your digital and real life. These apps vary from educational apps to games and even a digital advertising app created to make your outing more informational. For younger kids, augmented reality apps are more coloring based. Bringing their colored characters to life. As they grow older, the apps are more based on games like Pokemon Go, showing them monsters in the real world that they can interact with. There are also educational based apps for all ages, that allow users to see and learn more about the human body or the solar system, and an app that allows you to digitally trace sketches on paper.
Real Uses of Virtual Reality in Education: How Schools are Using VR I'm attending UB Tech 2017 as I write this. Over the last few days, I've been enjoying lot of great breakout sessions, some good keynotes, learning about new and evolving offerings from vendors, and of course, meeting new colleagues and networking. Yesterday I attending a session titled, “Real Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education”, delivered by Ben Fineman.