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WIX. Páginas Web Gratis

WIX. Páginas Web Gratis

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Morse Code Translator Text to Morse Just type letters, numbers and punctuation into the top box and the Morse code will appear in the bottom box with a "#" if the character cannot be translated. If you want to translate prosigns, enter them as for instance and tick the "Use prosigns" checkbox in the advanced controls. This is not a great tool for learning Morse code as looking at the dots and dashes does not help. Instead, try the CWOps Morse Trainer. Gimkit: Live Quiz Learning Game What is Gimkit? Gimkit is a quiz app that has many unique features. Like Quizizz, students work independently on their own screens, but like Kahoot, they are racing against time or competing for “money.” Students can earn money by answering questions. If their answer is wrong, they will lose money.

Amazing Educational Resources Category/Subject Computer ServicesGrade/Age Group ALLSpecializing in the programming of custom systems, programs and applications.Free Service Offered Web Services 12 Museum Virtual Tours Google Arts & Culture teamed up with over 500 museums/galleries around the world to bring everyone virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world.Free Service Offered Free virtual tours of 12 famous museums Essays for Kids Archives Essay on Postman The postman is a very integral part of our daily life. Though this the age of computes and all that goes with it, the postman still delivers letters, books, magazines, parcels and money orders which cannot b done by computers. The postman, being a government servant has to be identified as such, so he dons a khaki uniform, a matching cap and carries a bag on his shoulder in which he packs all the post that needs to be delivered.

How to Set Up a Zoom Meeting Zoom is one of the top video conferencing applications currently on the market. If you’re working from home or need to have a meeting with a remote client, you’ll need to know how to set up a Zoom meeting. Let’s get started. How to Download Zoom If you’re just joining a Zoom meeting, you don’t need to have Zoom installed on your computer. However, if you’re the host, you’ll need to download and install the software package. Country Codes List - ISO ALPHA-2, ISO ALPHA-3 and Numerical Country Codes The ISO country code are internationally recognized codes that designates for each country and most of the dependent areas a two letter combination or a three letter combination, its like an acronym, that stands for a country. This code is used for example for the two-letter suffixes such as .us (United States), .fr (France) or .de (Germany) in top-level domains (for countries) in the Internet. The three letter code is also often used at events with international participants from various countries like sports meetings or song contests, where you can see abbreviations like CAN (for Canada), DNK (for Denmark), AUS (for Australia).

30 activities inspired by game shows Game shows and TV quizzes are a great source of inspiration for classroom activities. Believe it or not, I keep a notepad on the coffee table so I can jot down any teaching ideas I get from watching TV! It’s always good to have a range of different games up your sleeve to mix things up a bit. Here are some activities that appear in shows on the telly. I bet you already use a fair few of them, but you might find something new!

Essay on Television: Adverse Effects Among Children Aged Below 12 Scholars have documented the adverse effects of exposure to television among children. Basically, the findings of various studies on the viewing of television associated with the increased emotional and behavioral problems among children. On the other hand, TV programs were a useful tool to develop learning and cognitive skills. Furthermore, television can be used to improve the state of children’s development of receptive and productive linguistic skills. In this essay on television, the current state of TV programs create the negative influence on the education of children, creating the distorted vision of the world, despite the fact that the proper use of television as a tool to develop the learning, cognitive, receptive, and productive linguistic skills has benefits for young persons in their socialization and its settings.

A Short Love Story This EFL lesson is based on a beautiful animation called A Short Love Story by Carlos Lascano, and the theme of dreams. It also encourages students to write narratives using a fantastic storytelling site called Storybird. The lesson is probably best suited to young learners, but could also be used with older learners. Language level: Elementary (A1) – Pre-intermediate (A2) Learner type: All ages Time: 90 minutes WhatsApp Messenger - Apps on Google Play WhatsApp from Facebook WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for Android and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family.

Buy Cheap Microsoft Office 2016 Product Key Online: How to Change the Office 2016 Product Key 1.Product Key Card. The product key card may also include a bar code and other subtitles. The product key is 25 digits in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX 2. The product key purchased from the supplier, you need to activate immediately after receipt, if you can not use, you need to contact the supplier to replace the key. Fun ESL Classroom Games The games can be used to introduce new vocabulary, reinforce a language point, practice words or language structures, teach or practice grammar and improve core skills. You can also use these games to warm up the class when the lesson begins, during the lesson to re-energize the class or at the end of class to finish on a positive note and round off the lesson. Using games and fun activities in class is an important part of teaching ESL. Playing games is a fun way to help students make connections between words and grammar. These connections quicken the process of building language skills. These ESL games can help both native and foreign speakers of English improve their language ability.

Developing Independent Learners Are we doing too much for our learners? This question has plagued me a lot recently. I’ve seen hundreds of fabulous resources that take the hard work out of learning for our students. That remove the responsibility from students to teacher. That take the independence from the learning process.

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