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This is Britain - School

This is Britain - School

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How can film help you teach or learn English? What can film and video add to the learning experience? Kieran Donaghy Opens in a new tab or window., who won the British Council’s Teaching English blog award Opens in a new tab or window. for his post I want to learn English because… Opens in a new tab or window., explains why film is such a good resource, and recommends some useful websites. Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Learning from films is motivating and enjoyable

Electing US President, year 5-6 – Background These materials have been chosen to suit at least stronger students in year 5-6. Warm-up “I’ll Be the President” (3:06) A fun rap about the process of becoming a presidentWhat do kids want in a president? (1:20) Kids talk about what kind of person they think the next president should be like. Starting secondary school in emojis - CBBC Newsround To enjoy the CBBC Newsround website at its best you will need to have JavaScript turned on. The summer holidays are officially over, and lots of you will be heading back to school again. For some of you, this will mean making the move from primary to secondary school. But what kind of things do you need to know when you change schools, and what should you bring with you?

7 traditional British dishes you need to try Are you looking to try some local cuisine whilst you are studying English in the UK? After all, you need brain food to fuel your learning and you want to experience everything the British culture has to offer, so check out these 7 most loved British meals and what ingredients are in each dish. Warning: These delicious 7 traditional British dishes will make you very hungry. 1. Fish and Chips

S. Connac vidéo Your report has been submitted. There was a problem submitting your report. Please contact Adobe Support. List of videolessons from the English learning series EXTR@ ENGLISH - in Mult... A cool TV series, a funny sitcom, and an English course, all wrapped in one single package to make Extr@, the perfect way of learning natural English having fun.SEE THE OTHER EPISODES HERE !Do extr@ activities hereAnnie and Bridget share a flat. Their next-door neighbour Nick is a disorganized, humorous macho fellow. Bridget's Argentinean penpal, Hector, comes to London to visit her. Ten things I wish someone had told me before I moved to Sweden Sweden, much, much colder than you think. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT British writer Clement Boateng loves his new life in Sweden. He just wishes someone had warned him about these ten things first...

Making the right choices: ‘Lean On Me’ Every word in the song “Lean On Me” by Bill Withers has been written into a grid with some distractors. Starting in the upper left corner, students complete the lyrics choosing one of the words available right next to the last word in any direction and using each square only once. To guide them through the process, the writing worksheet provides students with a few words in each line, including the first ones, which are also capitalised in the grid for easier reference.

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