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Current events for kids; World news for kids

Current events for kids; World news for kids


State of play: school playgrounds from Kenya to Japan Paso Payita schoolAramasi, Chuquisaca, Bolivia, photographed 9 August 2011 Situated in a remote area on rough terrain 3,000m above sea level, the school has two teachers and 31 students aged from six to 12 years. Many students have to walk several miles to school. A road to the village was built only 15 years ago and there are no cars or buses. Most people are indigenous Quechua peasant farmers. Half of the students go on to secondary school, of whom half again go to university in Santa Cruz.

AAEC - Association of American Editorial Cartoonists Congress clears way to sue Saudis Teachers: Download the lesson and print it out for use in your classroom. (PDF format) Common Core State Standard RL.CSS.2/4 Grades 6-12: Students determine the meaning of political cartoons through the analysis of their literal, symbolic and figurative meanings of the elements the artist used and their effect. Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps When teaching students about current events I have always tried to incorporate maps so that students can make a connection to the places that they are reading about. I do this if the story is about something happening in Africa or something happening twenty miles down the road from our community. Newspaper Map and the Breaking News map are both helpful in showing students the connections between story subjects and their corresponding locations. Newspaper Map is a neat tool for locating and reading newspapers from locations all around the world. Newspaper Map claims to have geolocated 10,000 newspapers.

Teaching strategies Global education covers complex and controversial issues. This is a selection of teaching and learning approaches that develop knowledge and skills to respond to global issues. Freedom fighter or terrorist? Passionate or one-eyed? Passive resistance or civil uprising? 30 Magical Photos Of Children Playing Around The World No matter their cultural background, no matter their economic situation, kids will always find imaginative ways to have fun. Their wild imaginations and magical childhood moments, when captured on camera by talented photographers, can make for truly wonderful photos. These 33 images we collected will prove that childhood can be wonderful no matter where you go.

5 Ways to Inspire Students Through Global Collaboration Culture Teaching Strategies Flickr:rwkvisual The Internet has made the world smaller. Teachers can now collaborate with classrooms around the world to expose different culture to students. Two educators listed just a few of the advantages of investing in a globally connected classroom during a recent webinar hosted by EdWeb. 21 Images of Where Children Sleep Around the World Paints a Powerful Picture of Inequality "As a child, that's your little space within the house," said James Mollison, a Kenyan-born, England-raised, Venice-based photographer whose 2011 photo book, Where Children Sleep draws attention to a child's "material and cultural circumstances" and offers a remarkable view on class, poverty, and the diversity of children around the world. After spending more than three years traveling the world from Senegal to Tokyo, Mollison's series include portraits of children in front of a white background accompanied by a single snapshot of their bedrooms, leaving the later to speak volumes about their the social and cultural circumstances that contribute to their lifestyle. "I hope the book gives a a glimpse into the lives some children are living in very diverse situations around the world; a chance to reflect on the inequality that exists, and realize just how lucky most of us in the developed world are," said Mollison.

East Meets West: An Infographic Portrait by Maria Popova German punctuality, Western ego and how to stand in line like a Chinese. What’s not to love about minimalist infographics — such an elegant way to depict complex concepts with brilliant simplicity. We also have a longtime love affair with social psychology, some of which deals with the fascinating cultural differences between Eastern and Western mentality — from the individualistic tendencies of the West versus the pluralism of Asian societies, to how differently Westerners and Easterners read the emotions of others. Rivers and Stories A book of river stories is, of course, an invitation to think about the relation between rivers and stories. It is also an occasion to think about the condition of the world's rivers, which we need urgently to do at this moment in the history of the human relation to the earth. And a place to begin is with the obvious, with the fact that most of the life on earth depends on fresh water.

A Global View: The Adventure of Kid-Friendly Foreign Films Image credit: iStockphoto For many of us, Oscar week can serve as the annual reminder of how many great grown-up films we have yet to see, and how many kids' movies we've already seen -- over and over and over. Next time you're faced with indoor recess or a snow day, movie night or a free period before a holiday, resist the temptation to pop in Finding Nemo or Shrek (though I love these, too), and use the opportunity to take a journey around the world. Of all the great global learning tools out there, films from diverse countries are among of my very favorites. The Benefits of Active Viewing

Students Put Global Skills to Work This is the second of a two-part series about the Global Student Leaders Summit in Shanghai that brought together several hundred students from the United States and China in March. Developed by EF Educational Tours, the event offers teens an immersive experience in cross-cultural collaboration. Read about the global education themes that emerged at the summit in in my earlier post.

A Model School Focuses on Students Taking Global Action John Stanford International School has been a model for developing global awareness curricula. Now they've expanded their lessons to teach students how to take action to help others. The Green Team (above) is just one of the ways that students at John Stanford International School take action to help address global issues. Credit: Suzie Boss At John Stanford International School (1) (JSIS), a few city blocks away from the university district on the north end of Seattle, the global focus is hard to miss.

Resources and Downloads for Global Competence Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Global Competence Unit Plans Sample global competence unit plans for various grade levels provided by Seattle Public Schools.
