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Try to imagine a life without timekeeping

Try to imagine a life without timekeeping
Try to imagine a life without timekeeping More From: Random time fear books mitch albom the time keeper Advertisements Maybe part of loving is learning to let go 22 Quotes from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare © 2016 TheThingsWeSay. Save

The Beauty Of Cinemagraph GIFs Developed in 2011 by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg, cinemagraphs are GIF images that combine still photography and video to produce a stunning effect. Typically, the entire GIF is motionless except for one or two elements, providing a brilliant juxtaposition between the motion and the motionless. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve collected 43 beautiful cinemagraph GIFs: Procrastination Is your procrastination hindering you? Ten things you should know. There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination . Procrastinators sabotage themselves. They put obstacles in their own path. They actually choose paths that hurt their performance.

10 Sages With 10 Inspiring Messages Throughout the ages there have been a few notable luminaries of humanity that have experienced a transformational harmonization initiated by the vectors of human becoming: love, beauty, and truth. We can look up to these sages for inspiration that cultivates courage, will, and determination to experience an inner transformation as well. Although there are quite a few individuals that we can look to for sage-like guidance, 10 will be focused on here, each with a message they streamed into the global mind in their own unique way. Let these words spark a shift within that will change the very way to see Reality. Thich Nhat Hanh When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don’t blame the lettuce.

Stumblers Who Like 50 of the World's Best Breakfasts – Written by Victoria Philpott Not quite had your fill of breakfasts just yet? Check out our beautifully visual list of the 30 best breakfasts from around the world. Plan your next culinary adventure or just get a little adventurous with breakfast at the weekend. Salivating. » Best Procrastination Tip Ever Post written by Leo Babauta. Your first thought as you look at this article will be, “I’ll read this later.” But don’t. Let the urge to switch to a new task pass. Read this now. It’ll take you two minutes. 25 Great Quotes to Inspire and Brighten Your Day Here’s a collection of great quotes by some of the most inspirational men and women that ever walked this earth. Hopefully you’ll find them inspirational in some way. If you do like them and find them helpful, check out our similar posts by visiting the links listed below.

Still Life: Bent Objects UPDATE: The Return of Bent Objects Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. Little polish girl McDonalds as Sculpture Materials Do you really need more time? The single biggest “push back” I get from people when I share about how building practices into their life can unleash new ideas and help them be more productive goes something like this: “Yeah, that’s great, but I really just don’t have the time.” After collecting myself, I reply…Did you at any point in the last week: Watch TV? 31 Quotes That Will Give You Chills I think quotes have a powerful way of conveying an attitude to you which sometimes resonates so much that you feel ‘chills’ inside. Here’s a list of the quotes which have given me the most of these “chills”. Enjoy!

Total Green Goodness Smoothie The following article was written by Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram. Feeling a little tired? Maybe you need a green infusion! The 10 O’Clock Rule This is a nifty one, simple to implement and, in my experience, surprisingly effective. Set your watch to beep every night at 10 o’clock. When your watch goes off, get up that instant and prepare for morning. Whether you’re in the middle of watching a DVD, rushing to meet a work deadline, reading that one last blog entry, etc., get up and get rolling. Nothing is Permanent in this Wicked World A good upbringing means not that you won't spill sauce on the tablecloth, but that you won't notice it when someone else does. ~ A. Chekhov #quote Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. ~ Albert Einstein #quote Don't call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses. ~ Aaron Hill #quote All enchantments die; only cowards die with them. ~ Charles Morgan #quote

6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers If the insane, explosive popularity if superhero movies is any indication, we are fascinated by people who are insanely better than us at any given thing. Probably because, in real life, we're all such a bunch of incompetent boobs that we've been enslaved by blue paint, flashing lights and crying French babies. But it turns out, superpowers are real. Procrastination hack: '(10+2)*5' Following on the idea of the procrastination dash and Jeff’s progressive dash, I’ve been experimenting with a squirelly new system to pound through my procrastinated to-do list. Brace yourself, because it is a bit more byzantine than is Merlin 2005’s newly stripped-down habit. It’s called (10+2)*5, and today it will save your ass. Who it’s for procrastinatorsthe easily distractedcompulsive web-surferspeople with a long list of very short tasks (a/k/a “mosquitos”) people having trouble chipping away at very large tasks What you’ll need
