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L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen - Launch -

L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen - Launch -
Solid discussions of this piece on, Hacker News, Slashdot and Reddit. Rob Tercek has a follow up to this piece here. by Jason Calacanis and the LAUNCH team A month ago I heard folks talking online about a virtual currency called bitcoin that is untraceable and un-hackable. Folks were using it to buy and sell drugs online, support content they liked and worst of all -- gasp! -- play poker. Bitcoin is a P2P currency that could topple governments, destabilize economies and create uncontrollable global bazaars for contraband. I sent the 30 or so producers of my show This Week in Startups out to research the top players, and we did a show on Bitcoin on May 10. After month of research and discovery, we’ve learned the following: 1. What Are Bitcoins? 1. Each owner transfers the coin to the next by digitally signing a hash of the previous transaction and the public key of the next owner and adding these to the end of the coin. The benefits of a currency like this:

The Monetary Future Comparison of mining pools Reward types & explanation: CPPSRB - Capped Pay Per Share with Recent Backpay. [1] DGM - Double Geometric Method. A hybrid between PPLNS and Geometric reward types that enables to operator to absorb some of the variance risk. Operator receives portion of payout on short rounds and returns it on longer rounds to normalize payments. [2] ESMPPS - Equalized Shared Maximum Pay Per Share. Like SMPPS, but equalizes payments fairly among all those who are owed. [3] POT - Pay On Target. A statistically valid analysis of some pools and their payout methods: Bitcoin network and pool analysis SPV Mining / Old Bitcoin Core The following pools are known or strongly suspected to be mining on top of blocks before fully validating them with Bitcoin Core 0.9.5 or later. BTC Nuggets F2Pool[5] AntPool[5] The following pools are believed to be currently fully validating blocks with Bitcoin Core 0.9.5 or later (0.10.2 or later recommended due to DoS vulnerabilities): References See also

Franz Hoermann – “The death of money – electronic money” (This is a long, unbroken excerpt from “The End of Money”, about as long as I dare go in one unbroken stretch, out of politeness, and despite the author's generous permission, but this is a passage I personally found very helpful. It covers a lot of important ground quickly and clearly, and links with many other aspects of our money predicament. I hope you get as much out of it as I have. Now over to the Professor...) “In 1993, Joel Kurtzman, former editor of The Harvard Business Review, authored “The Death of Money: How the Electronic Economy Has Destabilized the World's Markets and Created Financial Chaos”. In this work he points out how investment bank business practices themselves have changed in the electronic age. But do moral considerations impinge on us when we trade anonymously? To what end do we still need banks when our accounts could also be managed from the server room of the post office or a Telecom company?

Upgrade - Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Package Wave 1 — "Inspiration" features intimate interviews with wildly successful social entrepreneurs — modern day heroes and innovators who have catalyzed profound positive changes on a massive scale. Wave 2 — "Empowerment" includes interviews and seminars with leading conscious business experts who will show you the key entrepreneurial mindset shifts and tangible skills that can skyrocket your positive social impact and your profit. Wave 2 is only available via our upgrade package... Upgrade to our Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Package to take full advantage of this program at the time and location of your convenience. Scroll Down to the "Wave 1" Section Below and You'll Find Replay Buttons If you're in a hurry and you want to download the MP3s and over $1,000 worth of bonuses, just click here: Dear Changemaker, When your bigger vision feels like a distant goal, it can get very discouraging. This is what most people go through as they lead their lives. But here's where you're different.

How Return On Equity Can Help You Find Profitable Stocks It pays to invest in companies that generate profits more efficiently than their rivals. Return on equity (ROE) can help investors distinguish between companies that are profit creators and those that are profit burners. On the other hand, ROE might not necessarily tell the whole story about a company, and therefore must be used carefully. What Is ROE?By measuring how much earnings a company can generate from assets, ROE offers a gauge of profit-generating efficiency. ROE helps investors determine whether a company is a lean, mean profit machine or an inefficient clunker. To find companies with a competitive advantage, investors can use five-year averages of the ROEs of companies within the same industry. ROE CalculationA company's ROE ratio is calculated by dividing the company's net income by its shareholder equity, or book value. You can find net income on the income statement, but you can also take the sum of the last four quarters worth of earnings.

Peer-to-peer currency takes banks out of the picture - Springwise Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.

Generate Bitcoin - Bitcoin Plus It looks like you don't have Java installed. Please install java at You must have Java installed to use the bitcoin generator. If your browser asks you to run the applet, or to install Java, say yes. Waiting for Java applet to load... Step 1: Click "Start Generating"Step 2: Wait while your computer works (leave this page open)Step 3: Earn bitcoin It's that easy. New: The bitcoin miner for websites is available. You are not logged in. Can I use multiple computers to generate bitcoin Absolutely. What does the speed mean? The speed is how many times per second you are trying to generate a payout. Will this slow down my computer? No. Do I need to keep this page open to generate bitcoin? Yes. I generated a payout in 5 minutes but it says it takes 2.5 hours. Payouts are essentially random. Why does the payout change? The bitcoin network adjusts the difficulty of the puzzle approximately every 2 weeks. I'm close to generating a payout, will I lose my progress if I turn off my computer? No.

Meet the System That Will Collapse the U.S. Dollar (Part 1) Over the last few articles, I have explained the reality of peak oil. However, this is just one factor of America’s looming energy crisis. Another major component that is vital to understand is something known as the breakdown of the Petrodollar system. Today, I will begin explaining exactly what this system and why you should understand it. In the early 1970’s, the international gold standard had collapsed, and America was beginning to live far beyond its means. But what exactly is the petrodollar system? A petrodollar is a U.S. dollar that is received by an oil producer in exchange for selling oil. Despite the seeming simplicity of this arrangement of “dollars for oil,” the petrodollar system is actually highly complex and one with many moving parts. The petrodollar system originated in the early 1970’s in the wake of the Bretton Woods collapse. Today, virtually all oil transactions are made in U.S. dollars. The petrodollar system has proven very beneficial to the U.S. economy.

Minden éjjel egy újabb válságról álmodom A szürke eminenciás, akit eltitkoltak a horvát ügyészek elől A magyar energetika nemzetközi szaktekintélye, de nevét alig ismerik, pedig évtizedek óta milliárdok folynak át kezei között. Tóth József volt a Mol-elnök főtanácsadója a Sanader-ügy idején is, és közben tulajdonos abban a cégben, amely titokban 1,5 milliárdot utalt Horvátországba. Személye összekapcsolja az olaj- és a gázbiznisz nagy történeteit. 2014. április 10. csütörtök 05:36 Börtön az ilyen munkahely Pusztába vezet az újraiparosítás. 2014. április 8. kedd 18:54 De miből lesz itt felzárkózás? Sikereket is hozott az elmúlt négy év: az ország stabilabb lett. 2014. április 4. péntek 09:57 Vége a plázáknak Mutatjuk a képeket az USA szürreálisan kihalt, hatalmas épületeiről. 2014. április 11. péntek 18:54 Vége a pálinka-szabadságharcnak Az előző kormány mindenkinek megengedte, hogy jó sok pálinkát főzzön otthon. 2014. április 10. csütörtök 08:38 Magyar süteményeket tiltottak be 2014. április 10. csütörtök 16:56 Megint csökken a benzinár

15 Things I Look at Before Trading a Stock I recently shared my stock trading analysis template along with my recent moves on the stock market. Today, I’ll be sharing my list of 15 things I look at before trading stocks. Numbers are obviously a big part of it. 15 Things To Look at Before Trading #1 Dividend Yield Since I want to build a dividend portfolio, I look at the dividend yield as one of my first criteria. #2 Dividend Payout Ratio A high dividend yield is good. #3 Dividend Growth This is definitely the key behind dividend investing: holding the stock long enough to see the dividend grow to a ridiculously high yield. #4 Sales Growth Another interesting factor is to look at how the company is growing. #5 Earnings Growth Same here; climbing sales is good, making more money is obviously better. #6 P/E Ratio This data really depends on the industry you are looking at. #7 Trend While this won’t be the deciding factor in my analysis, I love to match the stock trend with its 200 days moving average. #8 Company’s Industry Google+

Getting Started with Bitcoin - We Use Coins Getting Started With Bitcoin Step 1 ---> How to get a Bitcoin wallet Setting up your first Bitcoin wallet is simple with several quality mobile apps available. A great path would be (1) a mobile wallet like Airbitz (iPhone, Android), Breadwallet (iPhone) or Mycelium (Android), (2) acquire bitcoins from a friend, as payment for a good or service or buy bitcoins from Circle and then (3) if you decide to store large amounts of bitcoins and want to know they are absolutely safe then use Armory. Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallets iPhone and Android apps are available with popular choices including: Airbitz (Android and iPhone)Breadwallet (iPhone)CoPay (Everything - Awesome mobile HD multi-sig wallet!) Best Bitcoin Software Wallets Bitcoin software wallets are downloaded to your computer, give you more control and do not depend on third-party services. Best Hybrid Bitcoin Wallets Hybrid Bitcoin allow you to both control the private keys and have the easy of use of a web wallet. Best Bitcoin Web Wallets Amazon
