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10 Websites to Create Your Very Own Avatar

10 Websites to Create Your Very Own Avatar
Having problems with a profile picture that has been reused one too many times? With so many social networking profiles to manage, and running out of ideas on how to customize them for every single platform, it’s time you start looking for external help. We’ve compiled for you 10 websites that you can use to create your very own Avatar. Recommended Reading: 25 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos Montagraph Montagraph is a social platform that gives you an easy way to make and share your photo montages. FunnyWow Turn yourself into a superstar with FunnyWow’s special photo effect templates. Loogix Loogix allows you to create animate avatar as big as 400px (width) easily online. Makeup Photo Just upload a photo and you can immediately apply various effects or even remove imperfections in the photo. BeFunky We’ve previously mentioned BeFunky, but the updated site comes with even more fun. Messdudes Create and customize your own buddy icon from head to toe. Build Your Wild Self MadMen Yourself Related:  EAM

Créations numériques,Portfolio, generateur avatar en ligne gratuit Pour créer directement et facilement votre avatar personnel. Petit 'jeu' en flash ... Vous pouvez jouer sur toutes les options proposées, sauvegarder ou non, revenir sur une option précise, tout est possible pour créer votre avatar personnel. Cliquez ensuite sur l'icone de la disquette. Vous avez ainsi votre avatar personnel et vous pourrez le placer où vous le voulez, dans un forum, sur site, dans un mail ... bon amusement ! Vous pouvez trouver également plus d'une vingtaine de liens, illustrés,vers d'autres générateurs d'Avatar gratuits en ligne sur le blog, en cliquant directement sur cette vignette : votez : suivre sur les médias sociaux : apprendre à se servir de google

Canva: il tool che aiuta a creare contenuti grafici d'impatto perfetti per i social media | Social Margarita Una strategia di Social Media Marketing che si rispetti non può più prescindere dall’utilizzo ricorrente di contenuti visual coinvolgenti e di qualità. Tanti sono i motivi su cui si basa questa affermazione. Alcuni sono legati ovviamente alla natura stessa delle immagini: come la loro capacità di essere facilmente recepite dal nostro cervello e di generare partecipazione immediata e maggiore condivisione, come è dettagliatamente illustrato in questo articolo. Altri, invece, sono collegati al successo delle piattaforme di condivisione d’immagini (Instagram al primo posto) o alle recenti direzioni che hanno intrapreso la maggior parte dei Social Media (da ultimo Twitter che ha aggiornato il proprio “look” dedicando sempre maggior spazio e importanza alle immagini sia nei profili sia nei Tweet). Prendendo quindi questa affermazione come “assioma del social media marketing“, ora, la domanda è: come creare delle belle grafiche adatte ad essere condivise sui diversi social media? Commenti

Massive open online course Education service on the web Poster, entitled "MOOC, every letter is negotiable", exploring the meaning of the words "massive open online course" A massive open online course (MOOC ) or an open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the Web.[1] In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs), as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a widely researched development in distance education,[2] first introduced in 2008,[3] that emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012, a year called the "Year of the MOOC".[4][5][6] History[edit] What is a MOOC? Precursors[edit] Early approaches[edit] cMOOCs and xMOOCs[edit] MOOCs and open-education timeline (updated 2015 version)[13][30] Students served[edit]

Sites to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself If you are not comfortable using real photos to represent yourself in any online profiles and avatars, why not create a cartoon characters of yourself? It’ll definitely be fun and unique to others when you are representing yourself in a cartoonized way in your online profiles. Thanks to many free web services, you don’t have to pay an artist for your cartoon illustrations. Read Also: 10 Websites to Create Your Very Own Avatar This awesome site can not only turn your landscape photo into a watercolor drawing, but also make your face morph. WeeWorld Create an cartoon character to represent yourself in WeeWorld games. Pick a Face Pick a Face is one of my favorite websites, because it has really modern design and cool features. Meez This is a social entertainment website that allows users to create their own animated avatars, or “3D I.D.” graphics, for the Web. Build Your Wild Self Moron Face It’s not a website to cartoonize your face but more like exaggerate fetures of a face. Custom Anime

Séquence pédagogique twitter / Webjournalisme par Isabelle kesler • Exemples de pratiques pédagogiques utilisant les réseaux sociaux Isabelle Kesler, professeur documentaliste au lycée Simone Signoret, raconte une expérience de Webjournalisme avec des élèves de seconde, en séances d’accompagnement personnalisé, pour former à l’usage raisonné de la presse en ligne : les élèves suivent un évènement d’actualité, en l’occurrence les JO de Sotchi, pour observer et analyser la posture des journalistes. Objectifs Découvrir la pluralité de la presse en ligne (Panorama) Droits et devoirs du journaliste Journalistes et réseaux sociaux

Herramientas fáciles de diseño para Community Managers Conoce las herramientas que necesitas para mejorar visualmente tu contenido sin contratar a nadie ni hacerte un master de diseño. ¿Sabías que las imágenes en Facebook generan un 53% más likes que los posts normales? Como Community seguro que te interesa, pero pensarás que no tienes los conocimientos suficientes de diseño como para crear un contenido más visual, ni medios para contratar a un diseñador. ¡No te preocupes! Aquí te recopilamos un montón de herramientas gratuitas y sencillísimas para crear contenido multimedia y conseguir un porrón más de likes. “Las imágenes en Facebook generan un 53% más likes que los posts normales”. Dicen que una imagen vale más que mil palabras. Notegraphy Introduce una frase, elige un estilo, y ¡olé! Canva Imagina Canva como un Photoshop online optimizado para ser tan fácil de usar como arrastrar y soltar. Una parte importante del trabajo del Community es crear informes periódicos para sus clientes. Socialico IconFinder ¡Nunca más un avatar pixelado! Slidus

Blawb Iconset (72 icons) | Arrioch Iconset Rating Stats Views: 341982Downloads: 26137Posted: May 18, 2011 Categories Application Icons Download file(s) Donate to artist Advertisement Artist:Arrioch (Milos Mirkovic) (Available for custom work)Iconset Homepage: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivate 3.0Commercial usage: Not allowedReadme file:readme.txt Icons contained in set (72 icons) Portrait chinois croisé - L'étranger Un morceau de musique Un tableau "Le Cri " de Van Gogh Un acteur Kevin Spacey Une citation célèbre "JE M'EN LAVE LES MAINS " Ponce Pilate Un aliment - un yaourt qui a mal tourné et qu'on met à la poubelle - une bouteille de lait caillé qu'on vide dans l'évier - un plât de pâtes réchauffé qui a brulé et noirci le fond de la casserole Un homme politique Georges W.
