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Free Online Courses, College Classes and Video Lessons - Education Portal Academy

Free Online Courses, College Classes and Video Lessons - Education Portal Academy
Education Portal Instructors Education Portal's 53 instructors bring a diverse array of experience and expertise to each course. From teaching philosophy in Athens, Greece, to exploring the mystery of genetics, each instructor is uniquely qualified to bring students the best online learning experience possible. Meet them now! Jessica Bayliss, M.S. Jessica is our Director of Education and leads the development of Education Portal's free courses.

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Cryaotic What time do you stream? We stream as a group every Saturday at 11pm EST, the schedule for what we stream is posted on my channel under the name Livestream Tonight roughly a few hours before the stream. Here's the countdown for the Late Night stream. I (Cry) stream alone at random with no real schedule. Do that follow thing if you want email alerts for when that happens. Khan Academy Founder Proposes a New Type of College - Wired Campus Salman Khan’s dream college looks very different from the typical four-year institution. The founder of Khan Academy, a popular site that offers free online video lectures about a variety of subjects, lays out his thoughts on the future of education in his book, The One World School House: Education Reimagined, released last month. Though most of the work describes Mr. Khan’s experiences with Khan Academy and his suggestions for changing elementary- and secondary-school systems, he does devote a few chapters to higher education.

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88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages.

Sixty Years Of Memories For my dad's 60th birthday last week, I wanted to do something really fun. My dad and I talk a lot about the past---nostalgia runs in our blood, I think---and we both love to reminisce. Inspired by Jordan Ferney's Postcard Birthday Poster, I started batting around an idea: what if I could get everyone from my dad's past to contribute a memory they had of him? What if I had all those people send their memories to me, and then I put each one into an envelope---sixty total, of course---and had him open them, one by one, on his birthday? That would be a lot of memories, right? Rebecca Black Donating 'Friday' Proceeds to Japan YouTube singing star Rebecca Black is using her overnight fame for a good cause. The 13-year-old singer, who touched off a nerve with her budget hit, "Friday," told Us magazine she will donate the profits of her iTunes song to emergency relief efforts in Japan as well as to her school. "I am donating money to my school and Japan," she recently revealed. The Anaheim, Calif., teen's song, which has been dubbed by many as "the worst song ever" for its monotonous lyrics and heavy use of auto-tune, has attracted more than 40 million views on YouTube. "My school, El Rancho Charter, is really where I started focusing on singing," she said. "I feel bad.

Encyclopaedia Britannica vs Wikipedia: A Battle Already Lost? (INFOGRAPHIC) Photo: Ángel Franco/The New York Times During the week, Charlie Hilton wrote about the shift from Print to Digital for the Encyclopædia Britannica after the company officially announced that the 2012 print Edition would be the last ever. I have never bought or owned the print encyclopedia, and yet the seemingly innocuous news was saddening. It’s because the Britannica holds a warm, nostalgic seat in my memory; I always felt in awe of those gorgeously bound complete sets that were displayed at the libraries of my school and university. They symbolised this great and historic tradition of enlightened learning, and while this symbolism can technically live on through digital media, there is something undeniably more tangible to the symbolism of a physical copy. And yet, this news has long been a foregone conclusion, given the absurdity of owning a hardcover 32-volume library costing around $1,400, and that information becomes ever more outdated from the date its published and bought.

Educational Financial Videos - Investopedia Videos Ad will close in 15 seconds. Sign in Register Videos What's a T Bond? What's a Prospectus? 100 Awesome Ivy League Video Lectures By Christina Laun Even if you can’t attend an Ivy League college, you can still take advantage of the intellectual and professional resources that many have to offer through the colleges’ websites. Here, we’ve put together a list of 100 great video lectures you can watch to learn from some of the leading experts in fields as diverse as astronomy and economics. Science Back to School-Lunch Box Survival Tips on In the next few weeks there is a whirl wind of activity for parents and kids. Even if you do not have children you might be sucked into the vortex of Back to School. Everywhere you go might seem a little more busy and frantic as parents and kids scramble for school suppliesand the perfect Lunch Box. I am a huge advocate of packing homemade, healthy & delicious foods for “to-go” meals. I support Jaimie Oliver’s initiative to get our kids eating healthy whole foods in and out of the home.

Very good that they have video, transcript, and exam tabs built in to each lesson - good linkages. by pag101 Jan 29

First impression - a gear in the diploma mill? They offer free course content and you pay other companies to take competency based exams. This is marketing for the other companies, but looks like a boon for students. by pag101 Jan 29

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